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201205�95 <br />14. Governing Law. This Second Deed of Tnut shall be govemed by and consh�uued in accordance with the laws <br />of the Stabe of Nebraska. In the event that any provision or clause of any of the Loen Instruments conflicts with applicable laws, <br />such conflict shall not affect other provisions of such Loen .Inst�vments which can be given effect without the conflicfing <br />provision, and to this end the provisions of the Loaa Instruments are declared to be severable. This instrument cannot be waived, <br />chaaged, discharged or terminated orally, but only by an instrument in writing signed by the party against whom enforcemeat of <br />any waiver, change, discharge or termination is sought <br />15. ' Recomeyance by Trustea Upon writtsn raquast of Beaeficiary stating that all simms sactued hereby have <br />been paid and upon surrender of this Second Deed of Tn�st and any note to Trustee for cancellation aad rete�ion and upon <br />payment by Tnistnr of Trustee's fees, Trnstee shall recomey to Tn�stor, or the person or persons legally entitled thereto, without <br />wazranty, any portion of the Trust Estate then held heteunder. The recitaLs in such recoaveyance of any matters or facffi shall be <br />conclusive proof of the huthfulness thereof. The grantee in any ceconveyance may be descn'bed as "the person or persons legally <br />entifled thereto." <br />16. Noticec. Whenever Beneficiary, Trustor or Tn�stee shall desira to give or serve any notica, demand, mquest <br />or other communication with respect to this SecAnd Deed of Trust, each such notice, demand, request or other commvaicaiion <br />shall be in writing end shall be effective only if the same is delivered by pgrsonal service or ma7ed by certifled mail, postega <br />prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed to the addrass set forth at the beginning of this Second Deed of Trust Aqy party may <br />at azry time change its address for such notices by delivering or mailing to the other parties hereto, as afotesaid, a notice of such <br />ohange. . <br />17. Acceptance by Truslee Tn�stee accepts this Trnst when this Secand Deed of Tnist, duly executed and <br />aclmowledged, is made a public record as provided by law. , <br />IN WTfNESS WF�REOF, Trustoz has executed this Second Deed of Tnut as of the day and year first above vvritten. <br />� <br />�Tn�storBorrower <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />} ss. <br />COUNTY OF HALL ) <br />The foiegoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 2 9 day <br />Taylor, husbaad of�Chel.sea Taylor. <br />GENERAL PJOTARY State oT vebraska <br />My Cammission Expires: <br />/ 5��� My Comm. Exp. Jan. 5, 2013 <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />) ss. <br />COUNTY OF HAI,I, ) <br />Tha foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 29daY � <br />Taylor, wife of Aathony Taylor. <br />My Comm�issionExpires l r��a��� <br />GENERAL NQTARY <br />III .. ASHLEY �an. 5, 2013 <br />MY Comm. ExP• 5 <br />NIEA HBA Advantage Loan/Form H <br />(03/2012) <br />asz�-sz�9-ss�iz <br />
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