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� �� <br />201205371 <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />EXHIBIT A <br />Part of Lots One (i), Two (�) and 7firee {3), in �lock "IH", Mac Coll & Leflang's Second Addi�ton to <br />Wood River, Hall Coanty, Nebraska and more pa�rticularty descrbied as follovYS: <br />Commeneing at the Northwest coxner of Lot One (1) and xnnning Sonthexly along the West boundary <br />line af Lofas One (1), 7.tvo {2) and Three (3), a distance o� One HuA�red Twenty Feet (120'}; the�n�ce <br />r�mning East�erly and parallel to the South itoondaiy rine of Lot Three (3), a tlistance of E3gh�y Feet <br />(80�, tl�emce xanning Northerly and parallet to tlie East boundary �rne oF Lots One {1), Twa (2) and <br />Three (3), a distance o£ One Hnndred Twenty Feet (120'), thence Westerly along tbe North bonndary <br />line of �t Uae (1), a�istance of �ghty Feet (80� to the place af beginning and that part of vacabed alley <br />as showa in Ordinance No. 36"!, ffied Jane 13, 1994 in the Register of Dee�s O�ce as Docnment No. <br />94•1QSU48. <br />