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� �..{FG� . .1� 3���� �'ar-.�.j:�y1r t -. __,... . .r�...�_. <br /> ��,�. - - i��� ��S S _ . • —� <br /> ii. , �'�i J iJ4�/.��4 �ri 1.�- � ~� lt�r���uR__�� 5 <br /> �' - � '.� .. „1.i.! .w�-.:_..i iyl .L�l�{'°^1i• t.'L-�'L'ry`� '!.'� � r:.`1.._—�. <br /> " ""_ 1' lii)-w'J' �.:��r. ', � . . . . _ . . . . _ ....._... _ �'_— <br />.. . '.. ._'_"'"_:. 1. .• .. <br /> Any �mounts dleburoed by Lender under 4his I'araqreph ahall become an ndJNonel debt ot Borrower and be secured by <br /> thle Securfty Inatrumont. Theae�mounts ehell heer intereat irom the date ol dlaburoement st ihe Note rete,and�t the option ol <br /> Lender,ehail be Immedlately due and payable. <br /> Bortower ah�ll promptly dlschupe �ny Ilen which hee prlo�ity over thls Secu�ly Inatrumenl unlesa Borrower. (a) aprees In <br /> w�linp to the p�yment o1 the abllgitbn aecured by the Ilen in a manner acceptebte lo Lender; (b)ca�stests In good fetth the Ilen <br /> by, or detenda �gtinat entorcanent o} lhe Ilen In, legtl procaedln4a whlah In the Lender'a apinion operste to prevent the <br /> enforcement o1 the Ilen; or (o)aocures irom the hotder of the Ilen an sgreemonl aiqstactory to Lender aubordhieting the Ilen to <br /> thia Securfty Inatrument. II Lendnr detemdnes th�t any peR ot the Properry Is eubJed to�Ilen whlch mey nttain priority over thls <br /> Senuity Instnimmt, Lender mey give Bortower e notice Idenlirying the Ilen. Bortower shau satlsty thcr Ilen or take one or more of� <br /> the acUons set torth�bove withln 10 duya of the gNing ol notice. ' <br /> 8. F���.Lender mny coNect lees�nd charges authorized by the Secretary. <br /> 9. Orounds tor AccNorMlon nf O�bt. 1� <br /> (a) DYfilitt. Lender may, except as pmRed by regulatlons Isaued by the Seuetary in the case of payment detaufts, �fj <br /> require Imr.,edate payment In fuN o}all oums secured by 1hls Secudry Instrummt Ih � <br /> (I) 8orrower defaults by failing to psy In full eny monlhty payment roquked by thl�Security Instrument prlor to or on � <br /> the due date of the nezt monthiy payment, or <br /> (il) Berrower dafauRs by lailing, tor a perlod of thltty days,to per(orm sny other obligations containad in thts 3ecu�iry w <br /> Instrumant. <br /> (b) Sda Witho�t Cr�dit Appraval. Lender aholl, if permttted by epplicable law (InGluding sectlon 341(d) of the <br /> Oam-St Qertnain Deposftory Institutions Aot oi 1882. 12 U.3.C. 17otj�3(d))and with the prior appraval of the Secretary. <br /> require hnmadkte payment in fuN of aN ihe sums secured by thls Security Inslrumsnt H: <br /> m NI or pad of the Properry, or a beneflclnl Inte►est In a trust awning all or part ot the Properry, Is soid or - <br /> otherwise tansterted (other than by devise or descent),and <br /> (II)The Property Is not occupled by the purchaser or grantee a�his or her principai residence, or the purcha�er or <br /> grantee does so occupy the Property, but his or her credit has not been approved In accordance with the <br /> requlrements of the Secretary. <br /> (C) No Walv�r. If c!ramstences occur that wauld pertnit Lender to roquire immedlate payment In full, but Lender <br /> does not requke such payments,Lender does not walve Its�Ights with respect to subaequent events. <br /> (d) Re�gulatlons of HUD Sscretiry. In meny circumstances repulatlons Issued hy the Secretary wNl IImR <br /> Lender'a rights, in the case of payment detaufts, to requlre immedlate p�yment In full and foreclose I} not pald. This <br /> 3ecurily Instrument does not autharize acceleratlon or forecloaure it not permltted by regulations oi the Secretary. <br /> (o) Mortg�gs Not Imund. Borrower agreea that If this Security Instrument and ihe Noto ere not determined to <br /> be eNgible tor inau►ance under the MaUonH Housing Act wnhm$u oava irom ine daie h�rnuf, L��u�; <br /> may,at fts optlon requira knmedlate payment In tull of ail sums secured by ihis 9ecurfty instrume�t. A wrftten statement <br /> of eny authoiized agent of the Secretary dated aubsequent to 90 da�, from the date hereaf, decllning <br /> to Insure thia Securfly Instntmmt and the Note, shall be deemed concluslve proof ot Suah Inellgiblilty. Notwithstanding <br /> the foregoing, thia op�on may not be exercised by Lander when the unavdlabNily ot insurence Is solety due to Lender's <br /> faNure to remk�mortgsge Insunnce premlum to the Secretary. <br /> 10. Rolnstatem�nt.Borrower hes a right to be relnstated ff Lender has requlred Immediate payment In tull becausa ot <br /> BaROwx's taGure to pay an arnount due under the Note or thls Security Instrument This right appNes even efter toreclosure <br /> proceedk�ga are InsUtuted. To relnstate the Securtty Instrument, Borrower shall tmder In a lump eum ell amounts required to <br /> bring Borrower'a account cuRent Induding, to the extent they are obligations of Bonower under this Security Instrument, <br /> toroclosure costs and reasonabb and customary atlomey's fees end expens» properiy associeted with the foreclosure <br /> proceed'+np. Upon rdnatetement by Bortower,thls Securfly Instrument and the obligotlons that it secures shall remaln In eNect as <br /> I}Lender had not required immediate peyment in tull. However. Lender Is not requ4ed to permit reinstatement(f: (I) Lmder hns <br /> nccepted reinstatement atter the commencement ot toreolasure proceedings within two yeers Immedlately preceding the <br /> commencement of a wrtent toredosure proceeding, (I�retnatstement will preclude loreatosure on ditterent grounds in the tuture, <br /> or(if�rekistatement wfll adveraely aBect the priorfly ot the Ilen creeted by this Secufly Instrument. <br /> 11. Borrow�r Nat Rslas�d; Rorb�arsmcv By Lsnd�r Not a Walvar.Extenslon of the tfine of poyment or <br /> modiAcatlon ot amort�zadon of the aums s�cured by thl� 3ecurity Instrummt granted by Lender to eny auccessor In Interest ot <br /> Borrewer shaN not operete to reiase the IlabNity of the originel BoROwer or Borrower's suacessor tn Interest. Lender shaU not be <br /> required to commence proceedings sgefnst any successor in interest or refuse to extmd tlme tor payment or otherwlse modify <br /> amortiz.�Uon of the aums secured by thla 3ecurfty Instrument by reason of any demand made by the origlnal Borrower or <br /> Bortower's successors In Interest. Any forbearance by Lender In exercising any right or remedy shatl not be a walver of or <br /> preclude the exeroise ot any dght or remedy. <br /> 12. Suecessors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several U�billty; Co-signera. The covenancs end <br /> agreementa of thla Security Instrument shafl bind nnd henefit the successors and nsslgns of Lender end Borrower.3ubJect to the <br /> provislons of Paragrsph 9(b).go�rower's covenants end agreements shall be Jolnt end several. Any Bortower who co•signs this <br /> Security Instrument but does not executo tho Note: (a)Is co•slgning thls 8ecurfty hsUument only to mottgage, grant and convey <br /> - that Borrowers Inte►est tn the Property under the tertns of thia Security Instrurnent; �b) Is not personally obllgnted to pay the <br /> sums secured by this Securily Instniment; and (a) agroes thflt Lender and eny other Borrower may agree to extend, modity. <br /> = torbear or make any accommodatlons with regard to the term of this Security Instrumant or tho Note without thet Bortower's <br /> - consmt. <br /> = 13. Notic�a.My not�e to Bortower provided for In this Security Instrument shall be glven by delivedng it or by mailing it <br /> by first cieas mail unless appucaoie taw reqwres use ot anotner metnod.i ne nouce snen oe direcied io ine rroperiy Hddress vr <br /> - any other address Borrower deslgnates by �atice to Lender. My notico to Lendtt shall be given by tirst class mall to Lender's <br /> address stated herein o► eny eddress Lender designates by notice to Borcower. Any notice provided tor In thls Securiry <br /> InaUument sheil be deemed to hare been given to Bortower or Londer when given as provided In this paragraph. <br /> � 14. �ove�ning LBw; SBValdbility. This Secudty Instrument shall be govemed by Federai law and the law of the � <br />,-�1 JurisdlcUon In which the Properry Is located. In the erent that any provis�on ot clause ot this Secudty Instrument or tho Note <br /> i <br /> .� <br /> a <br />-__.��� f5013.LMQ(9/961 V:���c 3 0l 5 <br />._r <br />._� <br /> 97t09 <br /> �. . _ .. ._ .. ... . y,y�...�.. , �- � ---'- :___�_.._..__-'-..__. .. <br /> . �.. ��-.. -.t�� <br /> �a�"".. .. � --- -- <br />