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<br />Part of �,ots One (1) and Two (2), in Blocic E�ght (8), Qriginal Town of �airo, Iiall Ca�nty,
<br />Nebraska, described as Beginnyng at a point 30 feet North of the Southwest corner of said Lot 1, Blo�k 8,
<br />on the Weste�ly line of said lot, thence Southerty along the westerly line of said I,ots 1 and 2 of said Block
<br />8, a clistance of 70 feet, thence easterly, parallel to the Sootherly 13ne of said Lot 2, Block 8, a distance of
<br />140 fect to the �asterly line of said Lot 2, Block 8, to a point 10 feet ritorth of the Soatbeast cor�ner of said
<br />Lot Z, Block 8, thence Northerly along and upon the Easterly line of said Lots 2 and 1, Block 8, a distance
<br />of S2.Q8 feet to the Southerly right of linc of Highway #2, thence Northwesterly along the Southerly right
<br />af way line of said Highway �2, to a point which is 30 feet Northerly from the Southerly line of said Uot l,
<br />Blocl� 8, thencc continuing VVesterly, 30 feet from thc Soatherly line of said Lot 1, Block 8, to the point of
<br />beginning AN D
<br />All of Lot Eighteen (18), the Nortt�erly Forty Feet (N40') of Lot Seventeen (1� and part of I�ot Nineteen.
<br />(19), described as follo�vs: Beginnir�g at a pqint 62.27 feet North of the Southwest corner af Lot 19, rn
<br />Block 8, qr�iginal Town of Cairo, Nebraska, thence Southerly along and opon the Westerly line of said
<br />Lot 19, Block 8, a distance of 62.Z7 feet to the Southwest corner of said iot, the point of beginniag, thence
<br />Easterly along and upon thc Southerly line of said Lot 19, in said Block 8, a distance of 140 feet to the
<br />Soatheast corner of sa3d lot, thence Northcrly along and upon the �asterly line of said �ot 19, Block 8, a
<br />distance of IS.45 feet to the intersection w3th tt�e Southerly line of IIigh�aay #2, thence Northwesterly
<br />along said Southerly line of said Highway #2 to a point where said highway intersects the Westerly line of
<br />said Lot l9, Block 8, thence Southerly on the Vlresterly line of said Lot 19, Block 8, to the Southwest
<br />corner of said lot, and being thc point of beginaing, all being in Blocli Eight (8), Village of Cairo, Hall
<br />County�, Nebraska
<br />NOTE: 203 & 2Q5 W. 1�lwy 2, Cairo, NE
<br />