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2�12052�� <br />5. MODIFICATION OF FIltST MORTGAGE LOAN DOCUMENTS. The Lender consents to any <br />agreement or atrangement in which Senior Lien Holder waives, postpones, extends, reduces or <br />modifies any provisions of the First Mortgage Loan Documents, including any provisions requiring <br />the payment of money. <br />STATE OF Nebraska <br />COUNTY OF gall <br />) <br />) ss. <br />) <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this 2gth �y of June , <br />2012 , by Jayme D Ecklund, a single person <br />Public �vin J Reed <br />My Commission Expires: 12/17/2014 <br />��pp�. �e ut N� <br />�� �. �2014 <br />12857.CV (7/I1) 907163 3 GOTO(OOlfcb29) <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Borrower has executed this Mortgage. <br />