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��1�05271 <br />24. Substitute Trastee. Lender, at its option, may from tima to time remove Trustee and appoint a <br />successor trustee to any 1'rustee appointed hereunder by an inshnunent recorded iva tha county in which tlus <br />Security Instcwnent is recorded. Without conveyance of the Property, the successor hvstee shall succeed to all. <br />the title, power and duties conferred upon Tnast� herein and by Applicable Law. <br />25. Request for Notices. Borrowez requests that copies of tha notica of defautt and sale be sent to <br />Boaower's address which is the Property Address. <br />BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to tha terms and covenants contained in this <br />Secnrity Instrument and in any Rider executed by Borrower and recorded with it <br />Witnesses: <br />( <br />Borrower <br />Borrower <br />(Seal) <br />[Space Below This Line Ror Acl�owledgment] <br />STATE OF Nebraska <br />COUNTY OF g$Il <br />} <br />) ss: <br />? <br />�, Robin L. Hansen a Notary Public sn and for said county and state, do <br />b�e�y �j, �Jason D Smith and Angeia R Smith, as husband and wife <br />personally appeared before me and is (are) l�own to me to be the person(s) who, being informed of the conteats <br />of the foregoing instrumen� have executed same, and aclmowladged said 'mstrument to ba the�r , free and <br />(hi� her, their) <br />voluntary act and deed tlnat �eY executed said instrument for the gurposes and uses iherein set forth. <br />(�►e, she, theY) <br />Wimess my I�and and offcial seal this 22nd day of June 2012 <br />My Commission Expires: �-� -� � <br />GENERAL NOTARY - State of Nebraska c <br />ROBIRI L. HANSEN ,1_C. ($� <br />My Cnmm. Eup. �larch 29, 2014 Robin L. Aan <br />Tliis instrument was prepared by: <br />NEBRASKA—Single Famly—Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRiIMENT (MERS) Form 34281/Ol (page 9 qf 9Pagesl <br />12439.CV (9l11) 4300182695 CraHve TWnktng, Inc. <br />GOTO(003bed28) <br />� �1 <br />1 _.��i�JV l <br />(Seal) <br />Boaower pnger�R Smith <br />