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<br /> we.Donsld M.H�rrison and Kim Harrison Husband a�d Wife _ d
<br /> ,('Tntstor')
<br /> under the tallowing Deed of Trust to be entered into�mong Trustors,Annd R B�ck� Attorn�y at L.aw P•O• Box
<br /> 79� arand IIIfand NE 6g�i12 r. --- ,�•Trustee'). --
<br /> a�d'TfN Ov�rlsnd Nation�l Bank of Cirsnd Island
<br /> ("9ertefciary")covering the property described below hereby acknowledge that il Is understood that(e) the Deed of Trt�st to be
<br /> executed by Trustar ts a trust deed and not a martgage and(b) the power of sale provlded ior in the Deed of Trust provides
<br /> suDstantially different rights and obligaUons to tho Tvustor than a mottgage in Ihe event of default or breach ot obitgetlon.
<br /> 7�vstor acknowiedges that this Acknowledgment was made pdor to lhe execution ot the Qenc3 of Trust.
<br /> F�cecuted end deYvered th(s 6th day ot Ssptetl'lber .199 �
<br /> .
<br /> T�,«� TruStor aneld . �r son
<br /> .
<br /> . �/ .L. �,�
<br /> r.u,:,, 7r�K t17 Harr son �
<br /> DEEd OF TRUST
<br /> THIS DEED OF TAUST("Securtty InatrumenY)Is made on S•otemb�t Bth . 1997
<br /> The tn,stor is Dona�d M H�rrison and Kim Harrison Husband�nd Wii� �•g�owsr').
<br /> Tho trustee Is/1►�nd R.Ba�ck Attorn� at I.aw P.O. 9ox 790 Orand I:I�nd NE`,6'88�2 The benenr,t.ry Is
<br /> Ths �rl*nd N�tlon 1 Bank of rand Isl�nd whkh is org.nlzed�nd existinq
<br /> under the kws o1 TM Unit�d Stat�s of Am�►Ic� ,�nd whose�ddress is 304 W�st 3rd Str`�d�.)
<br /> ' �rsn Islsnd NE 88B 1
<br /> goROwer owes lender the prhidpal aum ot n� undr�d Tvr�ntv Stx Thousand On� Hundred Fifh► and
<br /> �p��pp Dollars (U.S.S 126 150.00 1. TMe debt Is evidenced by Bortower'a note
<br /> dated tha same date as this Security Instrument ('Note'),which provides tor monlhy payments, wRh ihe tuH debt, H not pald
<br /> earWer,due�nd payeble on M�rCh 6 1998 __ •
<br /> Triis Securtty instn�ment eecures to Lender: (a) repayment of the debt evidenced by the Note, wflh interest, end aA renewals,
<br /> oxtonsiona and madiflcatbns of the Note; (b) the paymmt ot aN other sums, with interest, advanced under parngraph 7 to
<br /> protecl the securily oi thls Securiry Instrument: and (o) the patortnance oi Bortower'a covenants end agreements. For thla
<br /> pumose, Borrower irrevocably grents and eonveys to Trustee, in trust, with power of saie, the following described property
<br /> tocated in HlII County, Nebreskn:
<br /> Lot Thirtyt-S�v�n (37). Jeffrey Oaks Third Subdivlsion, in the Ctty ot Orand Isla�d, Hall County�
<br /> N�braska.
<br /> s which has tne address ot 4040 Norseman Avenue. _ . Grand Island.
<br /> SSrcrl �'�Y
<br /> = Net�reske 68803 ('Property Address'): ��/����
<br /> — ip :tlr �
<br /> FCtnt 372d 9/90 NEBRASN/1 Singlr Famiiy FNMA/FHLMC UNIFORIA iNStRUMENP39� 1 c�5 A
<br /> "� F13'I6.Lh1(i(1�9n M
<br />—�
<br /> 97tJ9
<br />