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<br /> �I TppgTHER WITH all thc improvcmcnts now on c�rcaftcr crcctcd on thc property,end ca.cemcnts,appuctcnanccs.aed
<br /> 'r '��P Cuctures now or he[ealtcr a pact of thc property.AU rcplecemcnis and addidons shall also be wvr,red by thie Security InstAUmenG —
<br /> " Atl of the forcgaing is referreA tn in thia Sccuriry Instniment a9 thc"Ptoperty: � -
<br /> BORROWER COVBNANTS that Bortowcr is lawfully seised of the cslato hcrcby convcycd and hay thc right to grant and
<br /> �� convey tho Pcopaty and that the Property is unencumbered,except for encumbranr,cs of record. Borrawer warrants end wW
<br />-:�� defend generally ihe dUe to the Property age3nst all claims and demands,sub�xt to any encumbrances o1f record.
<br /> �- THIS SECURTTY 1NSTRUIV�NT combines uniform wvenants for nadonal use and non-uniform co�enants with Iimital
<br /> �..:��^. veriadons by juriscUcdon to consdartc a uniform srcurity Insuument covcring ma!properry.
<br /> � UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lendcr covcnant and agrce as foAows: -
<br /> ';_�••:`'' 1.Payment of Principal and Iaterest;Prepaym�nt and Late C6�rges. Bomowcr shaU promptly pay when due the
<br /> �' ' � rinci of and initre+si a�n the debt evidenced by th¢Note and any prepayment aad late charges due under the Nate.
<br />�a��s: � P P�
<br /> --` ''' 2.Funds tur Tu�c�s and Insurance. Subjext to applicable law or to a wriuen waiver by Lender, Borrower shall puy►o
<br />'•�'''��'• � cnts are due undec thc Note,untll the Not,e l9 paid ln full,a sum("Funds")for:(a)yearly roxes
<br />:;:;;,�,; , I.cndu on tha dey monthly paym
<br />,•-.4�: .,„ ty earl Ieaschold a meats
<br />•,;.�,��; ancl assossmenu which may aaa�n prlority over this Securl Instiument as a Hen on the Property;(b)Y Y A Y
<br />"�:;.s';:i;�:` or graund rents on thc Property,if anY;(c)Yearly hazard or pcopecty insurance pnmit�ms�(d)Yearly flood insurance premiw�ns,if
<br />'';�,�'�:" �r(e)Y��Y mur�gage i�surance premiuma,if any, and (�any sums payeble by Borrowu to Lendcr,in accocdance with Ihe _
<br /> �.,�•�:b'
<br />';;—r�,�� provisians of paregraph 8, in licu of the paymeat o.f mortgage insurance premiums.'llicse iums are celi�:d '�Escrow Items.
<br /> 'i{�;=� i.endu ms►y,at any time.coUect and hold Funds in an amount not to eac,aed the maximum amouat a lender for a federally reiated
<br />�-•����+ mortgaga b�n may require for BorrowePs escrow account undr.r the federal Re,al�state SeWement Procedures Act of 1974�s
<br />:v=,���, anxndod fmm dme to time.l2 U.S.G 5eciion 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"),unlcss another law tbat applies to the Funds scts a lesser
<br />`.=-'�'�'°�� amount 1i so, Lender may,at any cime,collect and hold Fands in an amount not to exceed Ihe lesser amounG L.ender may
<br /> ,;;� estimata d�s nmount of Fhnds due on the basis of current data and reasonabk estimates of expenditures of future Escrow Items or
<br /> - othuwise in ac.sordance with applicable law.
<br />-�%� The Funds shall be held in en insdt►3don whose dcposits are insused by a federel ugency,instrumentality,or endty(includiag
<br /> ";;�;�� Lender,if Lendu is such en insutudon)or in any Federal Home Loan Sank.Lender shall a�ly the Funds w pay the Fscrow
<br />—=m-- Items.I.ender may not charge Borrowar for holding end applying the Funds,annually sinalyzing t�e escrow acco�nt,or verifying
<br />��."'`° iha�w Iicsm�,tttil�L�ttdet t�3ys g4sn"wPr inte�r_ct on the Funds and appliceble law pem�it9 L.Cnder W�te suCh S chetge.
<br /> °'�''a� Howevcr,Lendu may requlre Borrower to pay a one-timc charge for an independent real estat�e tax repat�n8 service used bY
<br /> --_= Lender in connecdoa with ihis loan,unkss appllcable law provides aherwise•Unless an agreement is made or applica�l�l�w
<br /> - rcq�ir�interest co be paid.Lender shall not be rcquiced co pay Honrowcr eny interesc or�gs on tha Funds.Boaower oad
<br /> I.ender may agrx in writiu8,however,chat interest shall be paid on the Funds.I.ender shall give to Hocrower.without chargo,an
<br /> - --- annnal sccoundng of the Fwyds,showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each dsbit to the Funds was
<br /> - mede.The Funds are p]eQged as edditional socurity for eU sums saured by lhis Secw�ity Instrum�nG
<br /> If the Fluids held by Lender eaceec3 the amountv permitted to be he]d by applicabla law,Lender shell account w Boaower for
<br /> the exce.cs Funds in accordance witt►Q►e requirements of applicable law.If the amount of the Funds held by Lendu at eny t�u is
<br /> � not sufficient w pay tlie Escrow Items when due,Lender may so notlfy Bonower in writing,and,in such case Baroau shall p�y
<br /> to Lender the amount necessacy to malce up the deficlency. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in no moc�e tha�n twelve
<br /> monlWy paymeaus�at Yxaidac's sole discredon.
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument,Lender sheii prompdy refund to Horrower eny Fundn
<br /> held by Lender.If,undet paragr'aph 21,Lender sball acquire or seU the Property,Let►der,pdor to the acquisldor►or sale of the
<br /> • propecty�shall epply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquLsidon or sale as a credit agttinst the sums secuced by this
<br /> 5ecurlty InstrumenG
<br /> 3.Applic:atbn ot P�yments. Unless applicable l�w provides otherwise,all payments received by I�nder under para�aphs
<br /> --- 1 und 2 shall be applie�: P�rst,to any prepaymeiu char8es due nnder the Note;second,to amounts payable undet pacagraah 2�
<br /> third,to intemst due;foiuth,to p�due;and Lut,w any late charges due under the Note.
<br /> 4.Charga;Lku. Borrower shall pay all taxes.assessments. charges, fines and imposidons surlbutable to ttro F7caperty
<br /> which may attain pci�ity over tt►is Security Insaument,and leasehold paymenu or ground rents,if any.Borrower shall paY these
<br /> obligadons in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay them on dme direcdy w the
<br /> person owed payment Bomowcr shall promptly furnish to Lender nll nodces of amounts to be paid under this pacagraph• 1f
<br /> --° Borrowu makes these paymer►ts duecQy.Borrower shell prompdy furnish to L,ender receipts evidencing the paymeats.
<br /> -- —� Barower shall prompdy discharge az►y lien wt+ich haq priodty over t4us Security Insttument tu�less Borrower.(a)agrees in
<br /> _�-:�n�s writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a macuier accepteble to I.ender;(b)contests in goad faith the tien
<br /> ��� by, or defends against enforcement of the lien in. legal procecdings which in the Lender's opinion operate w prevent the -
<br /> �''��;:;� enfoccement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the 13en an agrcxment satisfacmry w Lender subordinating the Gen to -
<br />-':*��::=.�.' this Sec�uity InstrumcnG If Lender determines thac any pact o£tho Property is subject to a lien which may auain pdoriry over tivs
<br /> :_�,•,+.�,`,:^'�;; . gecurity Instsument,Lcnder may givc Borrowcr a notice identifying Ihe lien.Borrower shall satisfy thc Gcn or rokc one ar moee _
<br /> '-"': - �' •� ' of the xbons set forth abovc within 10 days of thc giving of nodcc.
<br /> '_".:.,;*"+�f" Form 9028 O/90
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