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<br /> Bormwer shaQ prompUy giva I..cnder written i�odce uf any invcstigatiim, clalm. denwnd. luwsuit or athcr action by any
<br /> govemmental or regulatnry age�xy or privatc purty involving thc Praperty a��f uny Hazardc►ua Substs►�xe�r�nvlronmcntal La+w
<br /> af which Borrower I�us ac:tual knowledgc. If Borrawer leams, ar l5 rx�tifial by any governmentd c�r rcgulatary�uthority, tluU
<br /> nny renx�vul or rnhcr rcnuYiiutiun of uny H;uardouti Subst:uicc uffcctiog thc Prapcny is ncicssary,Rurrowcr shallprmnp�ly tukc
<br /> ull necessury. remcdiul uctiuus in uccardancc with Envirumncutul l..uw. �
<br /> As usccl in this paragruph 2Q, "Hu�.urdous Substwnces" ure thaw substanccs definecl us tuxic ur hu�.�miuu��:ubstunccs by
<br /> Enviranmental I.uw u�x1 the folluwing substwxes: gau�line, kero.r•ene, ollicr ili�mmablc or tmic petroteuni praxlucts, toxic 1
<br /> pesticiJe�and herbicides,valatile salvents, material�;contaiuing utibestos or tomwldehyde. uixl rudiuuclive ivaterialx.A�usecl fn
<br /> this purugruph Z0. "Environmental i,uw" mcuns fcJcral luws und luws nf thc juduiicNun whcre tlic Pniperty Iti lixutcd thut �
<br /> relate to he�lth,sufcty or envirunmentul protec►ion.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COV�NANTS. Barrowtr and Lsndcr furthcr covcnunt und usrec u�follows:
<br /> 21.Aeerlen►tlon;Remedie.v. Lender siwll qive nud�ti tu�urrowe�pa�iu►to utecicratlun�allo�vinR licno�s�cr'��breach •
<br /> at�ny covensnt or pgreement [n this Secu�ity Instrumrnt (but nd prinr to Wccelenti�sn under {wmpnph !7 unle�
<br /> applic�ble Iww provtdes otl�erwise).The nutice�sludl specitys (e)the de!'�ulti @3 the AcNon rryulred to curc Ihe de��ull;
<br /> (d1 thatttallure'to cur�e the defwul� t�before the�date�e�pec(iled in the natice mpylr�suU neocceler�tion ot tlie i�u„s Q
<br /> secured by t1Ais Security Inst�vment mnd sAle of the 1'mpercy. The notice FhAll t�unher iniorm Barruwer oP the right to
<br /> reir�state After s�cceleratian and the right to br[ng a caurt actian ta as.�ert the non-existence of a detwult e�r wny aYher
<br /> de[ense of Borrower to accelerntion und ra�le. I[the de[ault 4w not cured on or before the date specitfed in We notice.
<br /> Lander, pt[ts option, may require immedis►te payment in tUll ot all hums secured by this Secur[ty lnstrui�ient wtthout
<br /> further demw�d and may[nvoke the power af s�le aod any other remedtea permltted by app►[c�able law_I.ender shall be
<br /> eatitled to coilect a��expeaees incurnd in pursuin�the remedles provided(n tdts par�grrph 7l,�ncJodlnB,but not limited
<br /> t�o�re�on�We�ttorneys'teas�nd cnsts ot title evidence.
<br /> It tbe puwer oi sale Is favoked� Trueta shpll record a notkx ot detault in each couety in whkb ay part o�t6e
<br /> propaty ia located�nd shall mafl rnpies o[such notke[n the mannd' prescdbed by ippNabk Itw to Borrower uid to
<br /> the other gersons prescribed by applicAbk Iaw.Atter the tin+e reyuired by Appllcable bw, Tn�stee sl�Il gire pYWk iatioe
<br /> oi sale lo the perso�And(n the manner prescribed by applk�ble law. Trnstee, witiwut elein���d oi�Borrower� sl�ll selt
<br /> the Property At publk suction to the hig6est blddcr at the t[me And place ond under ttie terms des(gnated In ibe notice ot
<br /> sale in or�e or mane parcels and in any order Tru.uee determines.Tmsta mAy postpone s�Je ot all or aoy prrcel ot the
<br /> Property by public aniwuncemmt at the ttme and place o!uny prertously scheduled s+t1e,L.cnder or iq desi�nee muy
<br /> purclw.ae the rrope�ty At any sale.
<br /> ! Upon reoeipt of ppymmt of the prke btd, Tnutee shaU deliver to the purclwser Tnistee's deed conveytag the _
<br /> property. The recitals In the Tnutee's deed stw�ll be priinA iwcie evidence ot the t�vth of.the statcmenG rn�de theretn.
<br /> T►xstee si�all r�pply t6t pnx�uf the sale in tFie following order:(a)to all oosts and expcnses ot exercisfu� t6e wet ot
<br /> sale,�nd tbe snle,induding the payment oi the Trustee's fees achwlly incurnd, nM to exceed the greats r o� gb
<br /> s50.00, f 1 2
<br /> of the princiMl amount ot the note at the time af the declA�xtion oi detault,and reasonabk sitorneye �aa peimttted
<br /> by law;(b)to all swms secured by thts Security Listrument;and(c) eny excess to the person or persons leMlly entttkd to
<br /> 4�:
<br /> 22. Raconvey�ce. Upon payment of all sums secured by thts socurity Insuvmenc, kada a•'nait ca�uesi i sustcc tv
<br /> recomey the Property and shall sumnder this Security Instrument and all notes evidenetng debt secured by thts Secarity
<br /> Instnunent to Tnistet.Trustee shall reconvey tho Property without warrnnty ansi without charge io the petson a persons legally
<br /> ent�tled ro it. Such person or persons shall pay any recordatian costs.
<br /> 23, Substitute Tru,gtee. I.cnder. at its option,may from timc ro time remov�Truytee and appolnt a suaessor uustne to
<br /> any Trusta appointed hereunder by nn instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Instiument is txordal.Without
<br /> oomeyancs of the Pmpeny.the successor trustee shall succeed to all the title. power and duties conf�rred upon Tcusta herejn
<br /> and by applicable law.
<br /> ?A. Request[or Notkes.Borrower requests that copies of the nodces of default suid sale be sent ta Harower's acldress
<br /> which[s tlx Propecty Address.
<br /> Z5,RidKa to tWe Security Ittstntmmt.If one or more ridcrs are exauted by Borrower end rernrded togcther wIth this
<br /> Security Instn►ment,the covena��ts and agraments of each such rider shdl be incorporatad iato and ahall amendand supplement
<br /> the covenants end a&raments of this Securiry Instrument as if the rider(s)were'a part of this Security Instrnment.
<br /> _ [Check applicable box(es)I
<br /> i
<br /> ' . []AJjustable Rate Ridcr ❑Condomin[um Rider �1.-4 Family Ridtr
<br /> 0 Graduated Payment Rlder �Plannai Unit Development Rider Biweekly PaymentRider
<br /> ❑Bdloon Rider �Rate Impmvement Rider �Saond Home Rid�r
<br /> ❑V.A.Rider �Other(s)[spacify]
<br /> BY S[ONING BELOW.Borrower accepts and agrces to tkie terms end covenants conteined in this Securiry Instevment and
<br /> in any rider(s)exxutal by Borrower and recorded with it.
<br /> = Wimcss�s:
<br /> -Borrower
<br /> " S :� (Seel)
<br /> � Charles Wetzel •eorrowcr
<br /> + � � �,► � �l.. � lY��L,.P ��� a.,
<br /> �j v?� /1LG4t c�.._.e
<br /> -Horrowcr J ephiTl F. Wetzel -Borrower �
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, Coanty ss: Hall
<br /> The foregoing instrutnent was acknowledgod beforc me this 29th dny of August , 1997 ,
<br /> bY Charles Wetzel and Josephine F. Wetzel •
<br /> Witness my hand a�xl nutnrial seal at C�a�1 '�s��v,d in sald County,ihe date afomsaid.
<br /> My Commission Expires: ��,p-U. �, 20("�Ca �"''"• ��/T�'—`�-,�
<br /> Notnry Public
<br /> ��l MO1M1�St�NNM�tnb
<br /> UWRA L NORYELL pp�4 01♦ F«m 3028 9/90
<br /> MyCw.F.�p Nw.1.2000
<br />