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<br /> �.��.� If the amount of thc Funds hcld by Lender,togcthcr with the futurc montbly installments of Punds payable prior
<br /> ro the due dates of�exes, assessmcnts, tnsurnnca premiurna And ground ronte,shaU cxcecd the amount required to pay �.
<br /> said taxes, assessments, imurancc prcmiums and gmund rents as they f�ll dua such excess ahall be. at Borrower's _
<br /> ,� option, either�romptly repaid to Borrower or creditM to Bormwer on monthly ins[allments of Funds. If the amount �
<br /> of thc Funds hcld by Lender shall not bc suffictcnt to pay tnxes,usscsaments. insurnnce premiums and g�ound rents
<br /> . ac they fdl due. Bortowcr sh�lf pay co l.cnder any araowu necessary co make up the dcficiency in one or more �
<br /> prymerts as Lender m�y requlro.
<br /> � �' �° Upon payment in fuU of all sums securad by[his Decd of Tnut,l.en.dcr shall promptly refund ro Borrower any
<br />-��-�':... ::;; Funds htld by Leader. lf urtder paragraph 17 hercof the Properry is sold or the Praperty is otherwise acqulred by
<br /> � `�;� i.ender, L,ender ahall apply.ao later than immcdiately prior to the sale of the Property or its acquisltton by Le�der,
<br />_�,;+...� o>
<br />-.��., ;�:, any Funds held by Lendet at the time of applicxtion as a credit against the sunas secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br /> ;';,:<:, ,��,
<br /> 3. Agpllc�tlon ot PsymmU.Ualas applicable law provides otderwise. all paymcnu raxival by Les�der un er
<br /> °'' •�"4 tLe Note and paragraphs 1 and 2 bereof shall be�pplied by Lender firat in payment of tunounts payabie to Letxlee by
<br />;�'% '�':' Borrower under puagrapd 2 hercaf.then to iatecest payable on the Note.and thea to tha principal of the Note.
<br /> � 4. Prior Mort�wses and Aeeds ot 'IYust; Clwrgcs; Ltens. Bocrower shall perform all of Borrower's
<br /> _�;�,.�fi��� obllgations under any mortgage, dad of tn►st or other securlty agc+eacnent with a lten which hai priorlry over thia -,
<br /> Deed of Trust. includtng Borrower's covenants to make payments when due. Borrower shail pay or cause[o be paid
<br /> - .;,; ,:' all taxes, assessments and other chazges. fines and impositions attdbutable to the Property which may attain a
<br /> n_�;��_. priority over this Deed of Tcust.and leasehold payments or ground nnts.if any.
<br /> ".�„ , S.Harard Insurwnce.Bormwer sh�ll keep the improvements aow eaisting or hercafter emted on the Property
<br />.�"•���;�'.�� insured against loss by fire.hazuds included wlthln the term"extended coverage."and such odtez 6azards as I.ender
<br />-�"'- ''::��� may require and in such amaunts and for such periods as l.ender may require.
<br />-�:_'.,;
<br /> =�;�;;,. The insurxnce carrier providing the insurance shall be chosea by Borrower subject to approval by Leader;
<br /> -^,':;�;-1 provided. that such approval shali uot be uac�a3iniably u%tittheld.Rll iiiouiaitLY j::sllCtt°SAtl itilteY215!htrMf ehall be
<br /> -,=w�� In a form aooeptable ro Leacler and shall include a standard mortgage clause in favor of and in a form acceptable to
<br />=;�-,�,i� L,ender.i.ender shall have the dght to hold che poiic3es and renewnis thareof.aubjxt to the terms of any mortgage,
<br /> �;-�� dad of aust or otber security agreemeat wtth a lien which has priorlty over this Dad of Trust.
<br /> �- In the event of loss,Borrower shall give prompt no.iaa to the insurance catrier and I,ender. Lender may malce
<br /> -Y:?��� proof of loss if not made promptly by Bomower.
<br /> '��`°"'�� If the Property ia abandonod by Borrower,or if Borrower fails to respoad to I.ender wltdiu 30 days from the
<br /> - date srstice is m�ltd�y Ltn�!er to R+►**+nw�r that the insurance carti:r offets to settle a claim for insnrurce ben�fits,
<br /> -v r�a�� Len�kr is authorized to collect and apply the insurance proceods at Lender's opcion either to restoratioa or rep�ir ai
<br /> ----s�.,�, thc Property or to the sums secured by this Deod of Trust.
<br /> �°-�"� 6.�v�tion�►nd Maintenance o[Property; Les�eholds: Condomtatwns; Pl�nned Unit Devebpments.
<br /> --- Borrowcr sh�ll kecp the Pcoperty ia good repair and shall aot commit waste or permlt impairiaent or deterloration of
<br /> the property and shall comply with the provtsions of any lease if this Dad of Trusc is un a leasehold.If this Dad of
<br /> Trust is on a unit in a conclominium or a plauned unu developmeat, Borrower shall perform all of Borrower'a
<br /> -�-- obligations under the dxlaratioa or covenants creat3ng or governing tbe condominium or plannod unh development,
<br /> -- — • the by-laws and regulations of the candominiwn or plaaned un(t davelopment.and constituent docutnents.
<br /> - 7.Peotecdion of Lender's Secur[ty.If Borrower fails to perForm the covoaants and agreemenes contaiaed in this
<br /> .��;Y� Dad of Trust, or if aay xtton or pmcading is comnxnced which matedally affects Lender's interest f.n tte
<br /> - Property, then Lender, at L.ender's opdon, upoa noace ta Borrower. may make such appearances. disburae such
<br /> -----� sums. including reasonable attoraeys' fees. and take such action as is neassary to protxt Lender's interest. If
<br /> —___-�_ . I.ender required mortgage insurance as a oondition of making thc loan srcured by this Doed of Tmst,Borcower sh�ll
<br /> ;:���� psrm'ma es�ac�cord�ance�witth�Horrowerss and Len�der s wrltten agreemen orapplicable law��t for such insurana
<br /> ------"-� Any amounu disbursed by L.ender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interat thereon, at the Notc rate. shaU
<br /> __:-�r:,� become additional indebtodness of Banowsr secured by this Deai of Trust.Unless Bonov►�er and Lender agree to
<br /> �_�p 4�a� other terms of payment. such amounts shall be payable upon notice fcom Leader to Borrower requesting payment
<br /> -=���� thereof. Nothin g contained in this paragraph 7 shall require L.eader to iacur any cxpense or take any action
<br /> =�=�z�> henunder.
<br /> -�Y�� �"��' 8.Inspoction.I.ender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property.
<br /> �';':�>';:�.
<br /> ;=J,•�'";�� • pmvided that I.ender shall give Borrower notice prtor to any such inspeetion specifying masonable cause therefor
<br /> related to I.ender's interest in the Property. Fonn 3621
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