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<br /> •wsn9i:
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<br /> I vEED OF TRUST Pe�e 2 ��� `,�*����.
<br /> OS-�?-1997 ... 1n�a�1 , � ';:r��;��.,�:�,M...�
<br /> �7 (Continued) .,;,� .
<br /> --����^--^-�.'�"
<br /> NrwnN Prop�Ay. Th1 word�'P�nonal Prop�rty'rrwm �N equlpment,fixtures, �nd oIM► �Aklr� of Deraonil propMy now a h�n�ft�r • .,,•
<br /> owmd by Trusla,�nd now a MmMr aH�ch�d a aMx�d to lM RNI P�oputy: topNMr w►lh�M �cc�ss�om,P��ri� �nd add�MOM Io,eN .
<br /> npt�c�m�nh o},tnd �I�uO�IHu11or►�Ior, �ny of wch prpp�rty, �nd Iop�lMr wilh�N proce�ds(inctudlny wllt�oul Nmit�lion �N Insur�nco . , ``;�.—
<br /> prpcqci��nd rNund�ol pr�mlum�)kom�ny aN a othM dltpotiHon o11M Prop�rty.
<br /> prpptAy. TtK wad"PropMty'm�ans coll�cNvNy tM RNI Prop�rty and lh�P�nonal PropeAy ., �}.p�r�,'�
<br /> Roi1 Pra�tty. Tho�vor03'ftC�t Property'meen ihe property,IniMeste�nd righis d�sCrb�d�bov�In th�'Convsy�ncs�ntl OranP ssetlon.
<br /> RN�A�d Do�unftnls. 'RN wada'fiN�l�d Docurtwnls'mWn and Include wllhout Nmitidon tN promissory nota, cr�dtt ayre�mtnts, Ian •;y�;��_F`,�;..'.±W.,;;,
<br /> aprMrtwnfs,�nvfronrtwnUl aqrtamanb,fluar�ntles,eaeurlly epr�emants,mo�tpipes,deeds of trust,and��other Instrumenb,apnem�nts and . .r,� .,��,�
<br /> � dxum�nts,whNh�r nowa henatter existiny,sxecuted In connection wlth th�Indebtednes7. •LL��,��« �:: �.
<br /> ..,.,.,.�' _:, Y ��� J:�'-
<br /> �� R�n t�. T M w o r d'F l�n b'm e�n s a l l p r s s�n t a n d t u t u n nn b,rovenues,Income,issues,royattles,proflb,tnd othe►beneAb dedved hom the , ��y�,�;�
<br /> Prop�rty. ,; -_—
<br /> �`._
<br /> Tru�tN. TM wad"T�wleo"means FIRST STATE BANK tnd any subsUtuts a successor hustees• ,;i"lk_ `___"'
<br /> :-:.,�:;s�_._�_-
<br /> TNttot. TM wad'Tnmtor'means�nY and tll P�rsons�nd�ntttks auecutin0 thls Oeed of Trust,Inctudlnp without Amilation all Trustors named �,�.�,,,.-----
<br /> abov0. "�-
<br /> OM TF�FOLLOWINQ 7'ERI�S: �s'-'
<br /> �T�����nd s��y Qnd�jn��;ngly mrdnner pertorm all of Tiustors oadl0a�onstunder 1he Nots,this DeeCuof T usthand the ,�_�-
<br /> t.^, _
<br /> Rekted Oxurn�nb. ?=°°
<br /> p098E8S10N AND MAIMTENANCE OF T!E PROPERTY. Trusta ayrees that Trustor's possess�on and use of th�Prope►ly shall be povsrned by -___
<br /> th�tollowirp provlstons: `��"'�'�
<br /> r ppqe»!pn�nd Uss. Until lhe occurtence of an Event of Default,Trustor may (a)remaln In possesslon�nd conhol of the Prqpertyr, (b)use, _�,°�
<br /> operale or manape the Property,snd (c)coMect any Ranis hom the Property. `�:s.—;
<br /> •�. -�;te-5•
<br /> Outy to IiAdntMn. Truslor shall maintaln the Propsrty In tenantabie condltlon and prompUy perform sll repelrs,replacemants,and malntenance --
<br /> neceasery to proserve ib vaiue. •,,�
<br /> Hverdous Substancea.The terms"hamrdous waste;fiezardous substance;"disposa�;"�clease:and lhreatened release,"as used In th�s _
<br /> Deed of Trust,ah�p haw the same meanlnys as set lorih In the Comprehensive Envlronmental Response.CompensaHon,and Liabfllry Act of -___=�
<br /> ` 1990,aa amended.�t2 U.S.C.Sectlon 9601,et seq.("CHRCLA"�,the Supertund AmendmenLS end ReaNhoriraUOn Act ot 1888,Pub.L.No.
<br /> �� g9.4gg('SARI1�,the Hezardoua Materia�s Transportation Act,49 U.S.C.Section 18�1,et seq.,ihe Resourca Conservatlon and Recovery Act, :
<br /> 42 U.S.C.Secdon 690L et seq.,or othx appHcabb state or Federnl laws,rutes,or regule8om�dopted pursuant to any ot ths taegdny. Tha ����,
<br /> �,_ �` {«„p;,�,r�iuw wa�k':rd•h�w%w�'�x'�•sp,'��g�g���r�i�Aw,wlthout NmltallOff.aetroleum and petrolaum by-products a any hacUon �,',��
<br /> g, tAOreot and asbestos. Vusia represenb and weRanb to Lender thah (a)Durinq the pedod of Trustare owr»rohip ot tne rreparry,ihere ha, _
<br /> �k Dsen no uss,peneratioh m�nutacture,storeps,treatment,disposal,retense or threatened retease oi any herardous waste or substance by eny -
<br /> '�. paaon on,undar,a�od or hom the Properqr, (b)Trustor has no knowiedqe of,or reason to betieve that there hss been,except as preWously _
<br /> dtsclosed to and acknowtedyed by Lender In wrtMny, (q any use,qenereUon,manutacture,storepe, treatment,dlspoeal,release,or threatened
<br /> � rN�ase of any hanrdous w�ste or aubstance on,under,about or hom the Property by any prlor ownera a oecupsnts oi the Property a 0�I��Y �, _-
<br /> �atwi a throatenW Gtlp�tlon or ctalms of�ny klnd by any peraon retatlnp to such matlera;and (a)Excspt as provlousry disclosed to and
<br /> ackno�Nydp�d by L�nd�r In wriHnp, (1)ndthsr Trustor nor any tsntnt,contnctor,aflent or olher authaizsd us�t of ths ProPertY shatl uss,
<br /> ' p�n�riq.m�tnuhat�n,�tpn,treat,dispos�ot,a nNas�any harardous wute a substana on,under,�bout or hom ths Proparly and (H)sny
<br /> such actlNry sh�b�conducNd in complimc�wUh�II appNCabls t�denl,stab,and loal laws,n0u�atlons and ordintnas�includinp wllhout
<br /> . �mlFatlon thxe L�rr�. «'OiMeNqro,and ordntnas d�crib�d abow. Trusta�uthoriies I.��Mr md ib pents to�ntK upon th�Propsrty to __
<br /> . m _
<br /> m�k�tuch i�speCtlons tnd bsb.at Trustors�ns��as L�nder nwy dwm aPAmP�'�!o Mte+m�ne rnmpB�ne�01 th�ProP�N with t
<br /> WCyon pf tA�p»d olTrus� Any Insp�ctlons a tasls mtd�by L�nder shtA b�tor Lsndert P�D�0�1'R�shaq not be construsd lo awto -
<br /> any n�pon�ibWly or N�bNtY on tM put of L�ndK to Trusta a to any otM►pNSnn. TM npr�ntallon�end w�rtantMa contoin�d hKMn�n
<br /> q�s�d on Ttusla�s dt�dRlpma In Inwstlp�dnp tM PropKty fa h�nMout wuN and h�t�rdout tubfUnc�s.Tnator MnbY (i)rM�asa and
<br /> • w�ury fiAun dalnr�pdint l�nd�r for InWmnity a conhibutlon In tt»�wnt Tnnta b�cort�s MabN tor eNanup a othK cosb undK my
<br />_: • n
<br /> tuch kwi,and (b)prNt to Indemniy and hold humlpa UndK aydnst any and�I dNm�, loaa, N�bMItNs�dun+Ws.P�M�s�and
<br />�} • . ' � �r�sa whbh L�nbr m�y dk�cUY a Indk�ofly suslaln a suN�►wsutdnp hom a bnach of ihla woNOn of tM DNd of Trust or aa•
<br /> �;r�;• -�[ eon�qu�no�of any us�. qm�ratlon,manuf�ctun,staays,dlspaxl,release or lhreatened reNas�occurtirq Prlor to Trustors ownership or
<br /> � InNnst in tM Prop�Ay�wh�lhe►or not the aame was or should haw b�sn known to Trusta. TM provklons o!thfs s�cUon of the Ossd ot Trust,
<br />. 1 ' indudlrq th�obNpatlon to Ind�mntry,ahall survlvo ths payment ot tM Indebtednssa and tha stNstacNOn Rnd raconwyana of ths Nen of thfs
<br /> . Dwd of Trust and sh�i not b�at(�Cted by Lender's acquisitlon ot any Intersst in the Properly,whNher by loreClosun o►otherwis�.
<br /> M��,W�t�. Trustor shaq not causs,conduct a permlt any nuis�nce na commlt,permit,a auMu tny strlppinp of a wuts on a to the
<br />= . � ' PropeAy a any PortiOn ot the Propsrly. Without NmiHnp tM peneraHry of lM taepdnp,Tntsta w111 not nmovs,o►prant to any othK pury the _ . _
<br />� rfpM to nmow,any tliMSr,minsrals pndudlnp oH nnd yas),soN,pravel or rak products vAthout ths pdor written consent of Lender.
<br /> RtmovM of ImprovemenN. Trustor shap not demoltsh a romovs any Improvsmenfs hom tM RsN Prop�rty without ths pria wririen consent
<br /> ���� of Und�r. b a eonAtlon to th�nmovd of any ImprowrMnts.Und�r may r�quin Trusta to rtub unnp�ments satishataY to L�nder to _.
<br />'. '' npl�a such Improvem�nls with ImprowrrNnb of�t Nast squal va�ue. --
<br /> J�I L.ender'a Rlpht to F_nter. Lender and Hs epenb and representeHves may enter upon the Reei PropMy at all roasonabb Umes to attend to
<br /> - L�ndw�Intsnsts and lo inspect tAe Property fa purposss ot Trustor's compli�ncs w0h tM txms and condi8ons ot thls Dsed ot Trust
<br /> Cpmpllme�wlth doremmentY Requirements. Tnntor shaN promptry comply with aA k►ws,adinances,and repuiatlons,now a heroatter in -_ —.
<br /> �ttset,of eN povernmental tuthorlties applleebk to the use or occupancy o}the Properly Trustor mey eontest in pood fafth any such lew, `���
<br /> prdlruinq,or ropul�don and wilhhdd complinncs durinp�ny prxeedfng,Includinp approp�iate appeab�so long as Tnntor has noHAed Lender -•- �°
<br /> _ �' in wrilinp p�lor to ddnp so�nd do lonp a�,in Lsnder's sols opinion,Lsnder's Interosb tn Ihs Propsrty an not jeopardlzsd. Lsnder mey roqulro ���
<br /> , � Truator lo post adaqud�3ecu�i ry a a aurey bond,reesonnbly aetlsfaclory to Lendor,to protect Lendera Interost. ���.
<br />- Ouly to Prot�ct. Tru�or ayraes nellher to absndon nor laeve unattended the Properly. Trustu shall do nll other acls,in additton to those ects ;���'.
<br /> ' set torth above In thhaecHon,wh�Ch from the charecter nnd use of the P erty ere reasoeabi necessary to protect and preserve the Property. �' `°=� - --_�.-:
<br /> .��•.,:._�
<br /> rop Y c�•--'�K:_.:
<br /> DUE ON 81LLE-CONSENT BY LENQER. Lender may,at Its optlon,dectaro Immediaiery due and pnyabb dl sums secured by thb Deed of Trusl ` ` �T''!"J�1�_
<br /> •:::�.`..-::.�
<br /> uppn ths saN er transfs►,wilhoui tlw Lsnder's pria w�itten consent,ot aN or any paR of the Reet Property,or any IMerest in the Reel Rroperty. A • ,,;; ...,, r.
<br /> 'baN a Mnsiw"means tM Conveyance of Red Property or any dpM,dHs or Intsrost lheroln;wAether bgal,benetbial or equHabk:whether vdunlary -. ...�.
<br /> • or Imroiunta�,wMlhK byout►ipht eaM,doed,Installm�nt eaN contnct land contnet,contratt ta deed,buehdd interost wlth�tKm preater than ' _°'1`�;:': .
<br /> thrN(3)ysue,Ieas�opUOn coMnct,or by eais.asalpnmeM,or tramlx of a�Y bsneffckl interost In o►to tny Innd hust hddfrtq tltle to the Real ' . ._
<br /> propxty,or by any othsr method of convsyana of Reat Prop�rty intsrosl It any Tnntor b a Corpaation,PartnersMP a NmRed Nebility Company,
<br /> --- �---'---
<br /> �_�..y.�....,.�.�.,,..t,..,..��..���m�w�ti�n��n1w11w e�rt�nt!?b!6)of the votlnC StOCk,Partr�ahip InteraLs a Nmited Nebility
<br /> __ __ "_ asna�w��w nn..ww�..�...�..�...�...._._...r_...._.__'_"'.._.
<br /> Company Interesta,as the cnse mey be,W Trustor. However,thb optlon shnN nofbe ezercised by Lender R auch exen�se�s pronroltea Dy reoern� - - - -- -
<br /> law or by Nebnska Iaw.
<br />- TAXES AND LIENB. 1'he Idlowirp provlslons relaUnp to tM texes end Ilens on the Property ero a part of this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Payment. Trustor slWl pny when due(nnd In all evenb prior to dellnquency)a11 texes,speciel taxes,nssessments,cherges pnciudinp weter
<br /> and aewer).Anes and impositlons IeNed agalnst a on account ot the Property,end shnll pay when due aH clalms tor work done on or for
<br /> - eeMces ronderod a materinl fumtshed to 1M Property. Trustor shatl malntaln the Property tree of all uens hnNng prlority over or equal to the i �
<br /> interest W Lendor undat thls Deed of Trusl,axcepf fa the Ilan ot taxes and assessmenb not due and oxcept as otherwlse provlded In ihis Deetl
<br /> °- Ot Trust.
<br /> � Rlyht TO Contest. Tmstor may wilhhold payment of any teuc,assessmant,a claim in connecllon wilh�qood faith dispute over the obliqatlon
<br /> � to pay,so lonp es Lender's interest In the Property fs not Jeopardlzed. If a Ilen arlses a Is filed as a result of nonpayment,Trustor shall within
<br /> fiftesn(16)daya atter ths Hen arises or,It a Iien IS flied,wllhin flfteen(t b)days atter Trustor has nottce ot the filing,seeure the dlscharge of the
<br /> Iien,or If reques4ed Dy Lender,deposit with Lender cash or a suHiclent corporate surety bond or other securlty saBstactory to Lender fn an
<br /> � amount suMdent to Ascherye the Hen plus any cosb and ettorneys'fees or other charpes thnt could accrue es a resutt of a foredosure or sale
<br /> � � ����
<br />