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<br /> � � COVENANT9 97- 14'�3�4 l=�=-
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<br /> 1, p�ym�nb. Barrower �preoo to m�ke uY payment� on the eecured debt when duo. Unless 8orrowei end Lender �prae otherwlse, sny .�,1--�ri�y.[_
<br /> psymentt Lender reaeivee irom Borrower or tor Rorrower'� henefit witl be epplied lirst to any amount� Borrower owa�on the secursJ debt �.
<br /> txclusfv�of Inte�yt or principsl,acond to Inlsr�tt, and thon to principel.if p�rtlel propayment of tho aecured debt occurs lot any rneeon,it wlil .',c�T'.•,` ,>••:-
<br /> not rsduc�or�xcus�any scheduled p�yment u�t�the tecured d�bt Is p�id In!uN• , : .
<br /> q,Gaim�A�t TitN.6orrow�r will p�y au taxn, a�a��tm�nts,and other chupst attri6ut�bis to th�prop�rty wMn du��nd wlll d�}�nd titl� , ; L'; ,�,:
<br /> to tM prop�rtv W��mt�ny cl�im�wt�ioh v�rould Impalr th�Il�n of thl�d��d of truat.Lende may nquir�Borrow�r to�uipn mY rlphtn,cis�m�or "'.\,,`-_�l.
<br /> d�t�nu�whlch 8orrowar m�y h�vs ap�inst PrrtNi who supply I�bor or m�teriN�to Improw or malntafn ths propsrty. .: �:';,�.
<br /> 8, Insw�ne�. 8orrow�r wlll kup th�{xopety intund und�r te+ms�cc�pt�bN tn L�ndn at Bwrow�r't�xpm�� �nd tor L�nd�r's ben�fit. All �µ.`��;,�;;�:�
<br /> Insurnrtee policlee eh�ll Includ��at�ndsrd mort�+o�pcl�ua In favor of lend�r.Lender wi11 be namad as low pay��or as tFn Insw�d on any tuch ., ,. , ,,;
<br /> � l oe to tM�icurid dibt�If lin�de eiUquk��mat�aW IniiNinc�t Borrow T,�Narto miintalo such inanna for as lonp+n Undar,nQui�res.��pe� �,'.a,t.•��,�
<br /> L._Y._�g�a�_--:
<br /> ����,,,p�. I 4,prop�rty.Borrower wlll keep th�propertYln Qood conditlon aM mal�e aN rap�ka reesomWy neceua►Y. {-��,F,� -
<br /> _ .�'_� B,Exp�mp,Borrow�r ayn�s to pay�It Lend�r'�sx nsn,Inciudiny r�a�onaW�attan�ys'tNa,it Borrowsr breaks any covenmts in thl�dud �'•y��;;'
<br /> �V..s�.« Miv'iic!'�:^.Co:•en.n1 O pi fNR Mad O} -
<br /> wu_"'"-__ r b N�t��� ��ivwo� �Mii{{��r IIMt�rfI1PU111�IU LtlIMltll wi � •
<br /> - - I ui trwt u� i��.�iy 6�ny.uo��....CS:�....� .. � ••• Cr��wvs�=--_
<br /> i trust. _
<br /> . I R•Pria 6�cwky tM�nsts.Unleas BorroK+a f�rst obt�ins LendeYa written consent,Borrower wili not m�ke a permit any chenpes to�ny prlor `__ ---
<br /> • J InciudlrtyipiF3o►ow�r't�ove�n a'to mak paymeMi�when�dus.blip�tiont under eny prior mort9+�e, dead of ttust or other eecurity �greemant,
<br /> 'J 7.A t of R�na�nd Profita.Borrower auipns to Ler►der tn�ront�and proflts of the property.Unl�as Bortower�od Lendet h�vs�pr�+d
<br /> otMrw s� In xrritir7, Borrower m�y cotleat and rst�in tM rsnts�s lonp ia 8orrower is not in def�ult.If Borrower d�fault�, Undn.d.erWar'c
<br /> �y�nt,or�court appointed recei�rr may t�ke posaesslon and menaye the property and collect the rnnts.Any rents Lender colfacta aR�tl b�
<br /> applied firet to tha costa of m�naptny tha property, Includinp court ao�to ne menta on the eecurod debt aa provtded in Coveni t t��y otMr
<br /> nec�ss�ryr nl�ted�xpsnsss.TM rema�ninQ unount of rente will then�pp y P Y
<br /> , 8.I.�as�hol�r Condomintueas:Pl�d UnitO�wbPm�nt�.Borrower a rees to comalY with the pr��i�?H������mf al�oT d8orrovr�r'e dutNs
<br /> � ■I��s�hold. I�this dw9 oi tru�t{�oo a u�dt in s eondominlum or�p��nn�d unit d�wtopm�nt� � ._
<br /> �; W under ths cownanu,by-hws,or nputatbM of ths condominium o►plmned udt d�vobpmsnt. —
<br /> 9.Autl�oritY of L«�to��Aam for 6ortowM.If BarovuK i�i�s to psdorm�ny of BorrowK'a dutks ur�r thfs ds�d of tru�t. C«�der may —
<br /> ptrform ttw duties or c�us�th�m to M p�rformed.L�nd�r m�y siqn Borcower's mme or piy eny�mount it^ec�ssary ta p�lonnx�c�.If+ny
<br /> s�eu�,N I�rrtinit in tM�o�pertyaTh/i may bic�ud�e c�mpl�tirp tM coniducNonm�nner,Lender m�y do what�var la necesaW to protect Land�t's ..
<br /> "� Lenda's taiiun to peAorm will not prsclud�Lender ftom exsrcitirp any ot its othar righa under ths law or this de�d of t►ua. _
<br /> Any amounta psid by Under to proteet Lendsr'�securitlr iM�ra�t wlll b�secund by thto d�ed of trust.Such amaunts wiN W du+o�d�mand �
<br /> �nd will beu Int�nst irom th�date of the WYrnent until paid in fuli�t the incen�t nt�in sHect on the seeund debt.
<br /> 10, p�(�t nd /►ceaM��do�. It Borroww tait�to mske any payment wh�n due o+ bn�b��Y�'ro^�nts under thi:dsed of truit a �ny _
<br /> oblly�tbn sseund 6y thit d�ed of trutt a��y P��r������f �• ��^d°r may ace�Nnt�ths maturity of the ncund d�bt and
<br /> --� I d�mend tmm�diat�paYm�nt�nd m�Y involu the powsr of saN and sny othsr nmedhs pstmftt�d by�pplicabls law.
<br /> J 11. RWwst for Notk�ot Mfwlt.It is henby r�quasted that copbs of the notiees of detau8�nd s�b be ssnt to mach person w!a is�p�rty
<br /> . -_ —�� hsrsto.at tM aOtlr�ss ot�ach auch pwsvia a:zi tcRtt h,�"..f�.
<br /> 1T. Pown of SW.If ths Lender Invokes th� power of aia,the Trunse thall fMa record fn th�offlce of ths nqisia of deedt of ach oountY
<br /> : I whereln ths trust propsrty or�ome part a parcal thareof ic cltu�ted�noNcs of d�f�ult contalMnp tM�lnaw�mtoiop���wb����'r�saT�by
<br /> shsll aleo m�N coplss of the notice of dafxdt to ths Borrow�r,to aach p�rton who is a party hsr � not In any
<br /> appliubl� law. Not I�ss than one month�fier th�T�uae�ncords tM notkt of dsfauR. a two months if ttN trust aop�rcY ut
<br /> incorponted Nty a vfllap��nd Is us�d in frminp operoUona carri�d on by tM vustor,tM Trusts��hall piw pu�Mc a�adc�of uN to th�puaorM
<br /> a�tlfismquked�by the�Fidm Nomsstead Pro eation�Act,Trus�t,e shill oHe�r Uie piop eer,shn two�sepa►a�t�i i�shi=esursVul��d��Pf��b��t
<br />-" '�` TrustN m�Y postpons s�b of�II a any prcel of the prop�rty bY Publia m�wunc�ment at tM tim�md plaos of any pravlously scMMiMd sal�.
<br /> . ;;;,: :,.� L�ncNr or Its d�sipr�may purcha�s th� popeny at my wl�.
<br />- �'y�` Upon rocslpt of p�Ym�nt of tM prlcs bld,Trust�e sh�ll deltwr to the purch�se TrustN's d��d convoYlnO ths ProPorty.Th�r�dWls cont�k�d fn
<br /> TNSSN's de�d shall b�prima f�cte svtdiencs ot tha Vuth of the statemsntc contsinsd theratn.Trustee chall+pply c3w praaMds ef tM uM�^th�
<br /> ' tolbw(np ords►: (�) to �11 expens�s of th� als. Includlnp, but not Iknitsd to, rea�onsbN Truste�'a fN�. res�on�bN atOorrNVt tNS �nd
<br /> relnstat�ment t�et;(b)to sll tums sscured by thls desd of trust,and(c)t�s bNanc�,if any,to the pKSOns Ip�lh OrrtFd�d ro nc�iw k.
<br />-•,� ,;;• : , 13.Fa�clowr•.At Lsndsr's optian,this deed of uust m�y be foreclos�d in ths mrnnsr p►ovlde by�pplicabfs:aw for foncbtuts at martgepa
<br />-. -�.:�-��r�:r, on roeI property.
<br /> '_,i';T,��.,., �4, Lsndx miy enter the propertY to in:ps�t It ff Lendor plvsc Borrows►notics betorohend.Ths notice muK state the reisonabts
<br />� C',;.�,.,,_ cause Lsnder'�inspsctlon.
<br />�7:�•�..':��°;' � 15,�t1o�.Borrower�ssiyns to Lwider t1�e proc�sds ot�ny awxd a clslm fw dsmap��s conMCtbd with a condemnatbn or otMr t�klrp
<br />=y<<- :- of all a my Dart of ths prop�rty.5uch proas�ds wlll be eppllad as provldsd In Covenant 1.7hli aulynmant ts subject to ths t�rm�of my priw
<br />_: "H�: tscurity aprament.
<br />�_��;,,;. � tg,W�ivM.By�xxclslnp any remedY avalable to Lender,Lender does not qlvs up any rlphu to leter use�ny ottHr rem�dy.By rat�x�rcltMp
<br /> _,. �ny romedy upon Borrowsr's detault,Lend�r doea not waive any�tpht to later comlder tM eva�t�Qefault if k n�Rpans ap�i�•
<br /> �� i"=�••� 17. JokK�nd StwrM LI�bWtw. Cn-�IOr�ns Suecnson and AaNP►s Sound. All duttss u�der thia dssd of vust�r�bint Ntd awrN. Any
<br /> �+`�„+•°;;� gorroywr who coatlpns thi� d�ed of vun but does rat co•sloo the u�^�i dsbt Instrum�nt(s) dws w only to pr�M�nd conwy tMt
<br />�.,_�. . Borrowsr's IMero�t In the property to th�Tru�tee unde►ths tsrma of tN�d o trust.In�ddhlon,such�Bortower a{�rws that th�LMW�r�nd
<br /> --r��,�,,, . any other Borrower unde►thls deed of W�t may extend,modlfy�a m�ks any othsr ch�npss in the t�rms of tl�is deed ot vutt or tM s�cund
<br /> _,. • d�bt wlthoucth�t Borrower's conferrt andwittaut rolautng th�t eorcower from the tams of this deed of Vust.
<br />--. ..`..*,..'.
<br /> -�-t Ths dutiss+nd b�nsfits of thfs deed of truK ah�ll bind and b�nefrt tho succesia�and atst�ns of Ls�der�nd Borrowa.
<br />-' �. . 18.Notic�.Unteta ntherwlss roqutred by I�w,my notice to Borrower shUl b�piv�n by deliverinp R or by mailinp it by cerdtied mail�ddr�ssad to =
<br /> Borrowe►at th�pro sddre�s or any othx address that Borrower h�s Ivsn to Lender.Borrowsr w�R p'n�aroy notia to Undu by artHNd
<br /> , � �� be i�sM to�Lender'..aa ss es st tsd on�Wpe�1 of thls deed of uustt�����s Whlch Lendsr hen de:lprtateQ.aA�y other notics to Lend�r shall _ — �
<br /> � � Any ratice thall be deemed to have been plven to Bonower or Lender whsn qlven In the mannx stated above. �•,�H
<br /> ' i 19.Tnnrfu of tM P�op�rtY a�s�fldY h�tK�tt tn tlw Bortowe. It�U or any part of tM prop� or any Interest in it is sold or v�nct�tt�d ;'.',c;.�� a
<br /> t payrt�ient if the Boprower is not e�naninl pe eon andde beefieia lnteroesp�nrcthet Dorrowesr�is oW ob transtderred.How ve4 Len�der a�not ._
<br /> � �������==--
<br /> d�m�nd paYm�nt in tM�bove aituatlons M It Is prohlblted by fedenl Iaw ss of tho dnte ot thlc deed of vust. _.. ____
<br /> _ . . .'.,:�::,.
<br /> 20.R�canwy�ne�•When ths oNlpation eeeured 6y thls deed of truat hes been pafd,end Lendor hss no furtMr obliy�tion ta m�fce �dvancss --
<br /> - � � under tM imtrurtwnts or aprosmsnts secured by this dsed ot tn►s4 the Truitee shsll,upon wrttten raquast by H»Lende+,roanmrsy th�uutt ; •= 'w=�,
<br /> property.The Ler�er aheH dellver to the Borrower,or to Borrower's suscesaor in Interest,thn trust deed and ths nots or czher evidence of the ....,.. ,
<br /> _ , oblip�tlon ao satitfied.Borrower shall payany rocordetton costs. �
<br /> �� 21. Succ�sfer Truft�. Lender, et Lender'e option, may remove Tructee and eppolnt a successor trusteo tiY ms4 maiiinp a�py v�uR - _-'-
<br /> subttitutlon of trustee aa required by eppYcable low,and then,by fili��ths substitutlon of trustee for record tn the oNice of tM repltter of Ee�ds
<br /> aucce d toual�Ae power tdutioss euthor ty end title of the Trustee named in the deed of trust erMsof eny�ucce sor Vuatee.�t ti►s property,thall
<br /> .. IPaQ►?o/?J
<br /> � OANRENS SYSTEMS.INC-.ST CLOUO.MN 68�01 11d00-0l7•1�l{1�OitN�OC�MT6NE E�18/91 _____ _
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