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�i <br />20120501� <br />MARGIN ABOVE RESERVED FOR RECORDINO INFORMATION <br />SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED <br />DATE Thursday, June 07, 2012 <br />GRANTOR Fannie Mae, a/k/a Federal National Mortgage Association <br />GRANTEE Erica L. Contreras and Maria R. Contreras, a single persot�as joint tenants <br />with rights of survivorship <br />Fannie Mae, a/k/a Federal National Mortgage Association, the Grantor, in consideration <br />of the sum of One Dollar and other valuable consideration to it paid by the Grantee (whether one <br />or more), the receipt of which is acknowledged, does by these presents, Grant, Bargain and Sell, <br />Convey and Confirm unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns, the lots, tracts or parcels of <br />land, described below: <br />Lot One Hundred Nlnety-Nine (199), in West Lawn, an Addition to the City of <br />Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />commonly known as 1419 N Huston Ave, Grand Island, Nebraska, 68803 (the <br />"Property"). <br />Subject to all prior easements, restrictions, reservations and covenants now of record, if <br />any. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises with all and singular, the rights, privileges, <br />appurtenances and immunities belonging or in anywise appertaining unto the Grantee and unto <br />its successors and assigns forever. Grantor covenanting that the premises are free and clear <br />from any encumbrance done or suffered by it; and that it will warrant and defend the title to the <br />premises unto the Grantee and unto its successors and assigns forever, against the lawful claims <br />and demands of all persons claiming under it. <br />South File No. <br />