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<br /> � � 97� 1��'
<br /> ORDINANCL�NO. 8317 (Cont) —
<br /> SECTION 2. The boundarles of such water main eonnecHon district shall be as
<br /> follows:
<br /> Begirming at thc southwest corner of Lot Sevcxa (n Black Fourteen(14)Meth's
<br />� Additlon,a subdivtsion in the City of C�az►d Islanca,Nebra.ska; thence easterly along
<br /> the southerly line of said Lot Scven(1►�a dist�oe of one hundc�cd twenty-five(125.0)
<br /> feet to tlie southeast comer of said Lot Soven(7)also being a goint on the westerly
<br /> right-of-way line of Paplar 51ro� th�ace southGrly along t}�e westerly rlght-o�way ._.
<br /> line of said Poplar Street,and its ext�nsion,a distance of one hundncd tweuty-one
<br /> (121.0)fcet to a point on the sontherly linc of said Meth's Addition; thence easterly
<br /> aloag tho southerly lin�af said MetE�'s Addition a dlstance of Sixty-stx(66.0)fat;
<br /> thence northerly along s:� easterlY riBbt-of-way line oY seid Poplar Street,and its
<br /> extension,a distence oFca;�hundred sixtY-six(1G6.0)fcet to the southwest corner of
<br /> Lot ThirGoen(13)Bloek Fii�oen(1�)said Meth's Addition;thence easterly slong the v
<br /> southaly liae of said Lot Fifteen(1�p a distence of one hundred twenty-five(125.0) __
<br /> feet to the southeast corner of said Lot Thirteen (13); thence northerly along the
<br /> aesterly lin�of said I,ot Thitteen(13)and Lot Fawntoen(lh)Block Fifteen(15)said
<br /> Meth's Addihon,and u�eir�xcensioa a��ox o����a:E,�ty-�x(1 SS.i!)fxt ,.
<br /> to the aortherly ripht-of-way line of Fiftoen Strat; them�e westerly along the
<br /> noctherly right-of-way line of said Fiftcen Street a dIstanee�ff¢�u+ee huudced sixtari
<br /> (316.0)feet; thenco suutl�erly alottg the westerly lIne of Lot Fiva(5),i�mt Six(�. .
<br /> ���ren('n all of Block Fourfeea said Meth's Addidan,and their extension,
<br /> a distanco of two hundred oaa(201.0)fat w t�e said point Af beginning,a11 as
<br /> sbowa on tlie plat dated August 19,1997, attechod hereto and incorporated herein
<br /> by reference.
<br /> = SECTTON 3. Said improvement shall be made u► accordanc� wit�► plans and
<br /> ' , ypocific�io�s gnpered by the Engineer for the City,who shall estimate the cost ttieroof and submit
<br /> the same to the City Couacil,and,upon epproval of the same,bid.s for the construction of said water
<br /> ,
<br /> main shall be taken and contracts enteted into ia the manner prnvided by law.
<br /> SECTION 4. 'Ihe cost of construction of such improvements shsll be assessed
<br /> e8�t�P�P�3'within such disaict abutting upon the streets v�ein such water main has�een
<br /> App�o�ed n a Fam • �
<br /> Arrt�t 17.1997 • Cit!ANee�ef
<br /> Z
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