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<br />�'' . . .,� . . —
<br /> s. ' �. �7� ��a�s �
<br /> '"� O�tDINANCE I�IO. 8317 (Cont) �f
<br />�Y� F.
<br />� �. .
<br /> SECTION Z. The boundaries of such sanitary sewer disuict sh�ll be as follows: �
<br />� `_
<br /> - e�
<br />`,-:��:•. ;��� Beginninq at the northwest ooroer of Lot Four (4)� Chief Industries Subdivision, _
<br />-` ���'"�w�� said point also being the intersection of the south line of Fteuting Road and the east
<br /> y�.;-�i- -�..- .
<br />-j;`r� .'��- line of North Road; thence west o9 a prolongation of the south line of Reuting -
<br />�'� �",�` -'; Road for a distance of Seventy 'Ihrce(73.0)feet;theace north on a line Seventy °
<br />�"`+''�"�'t Three(73.0)f�et west of and parallel w the east line of aorth road for a distance -
<br /> si,?'�.d'::.-'t. -
<br /> f;-�`��-`.•;�:, of Siaty(60.0)feet;thena�ast on a proIongation of Wa uorth llne of Reuting Road -
<br />��µ����•��
<br />_�;.,.,+,�.:.. to the southwest coraer of Lot One(1), N&J Subdivision; thence north on e
<br /> ' w�t line of Lot One(1),N&J Subdivlsion fa a distance of Thirty Fiye and Eight
<br /> ---�-�-r�`�` J� Hundredths (35.08) feet to the northwesterly wrner of Lot One (1), N & J
<br /> :w�-, . •.
<br />���'`° `,- � Subdiv�sion; thence northeasterly on an arc with a radius of 2,789.79 feet to the
<br /> '''' northeast oorner of Lot One (1), N &J Subdivision; thence south on the east line
<br /> r: ,``I .
<br /> ��i...
<br /> ���f;�`�:�•:.� ' of Lot One(1), N 8t J Subdivision;thence east on the north line of Lot One(1),
<br /> $`'�'' ` � � N & J Subdivisian anci the north line of Reudng's 'I'hird Subdivision to the
<br /> c.,�,
<br /> �.vb��.�.
<br />��''��'""i northeast corner of Lot One(1),Iteuting's'Ihird Subdivision; thence south oa a
<br /> ._�:
<br /> -�```='�-'.� lu,c wt�n L:,R��:wzg's':5'sr�Sstxlz�s�iQU a���..ti's'�s�! c»h�iivision w the
<br />-�--��;��'��� southwest corner af Lot Two (2), Bick's TWrd Subdivision; thence east on the
<br />�a.;,i�p,:..
<br /> ��:s'� north llne of Lot One{1),Bick's Third Subdivision for a distancc af Thirty(30.0)
<br /> — feet; thence north on the west llne of Lot One (1), Bick's Third Subdivision, a
<br /> �=j''�, distancx of Ninety One and Tbirty Four Hundrodths(91.34)feet; thence east ou the
<br /> north line of Lot Oue (1), Bi�k's Third SubdivisIon for a d�atance of Three
<br /> --" Hundrod Forty One and'Thirry Two Hundredths (341.32)feet;thence south on the
<br />_---=—= east lIne of Lot One (1), Bick's 'l�ird Subdivision for a distance of Two Hundred
<br /> -�-_- - Sav�euty Pour and Twenty Eight Hundredths(274.28) fe�t;thence southwesterly on
<br /> � � the south line of Lot One (1), Bick's Third Subdivision for a dlstance of Two
<br /> gundred Forty One and Eighry Pive Hundredths (241.85)feet;thence southerly on
<br /> the east line of Lot One (1), Bick's Third Subdivision for a distance af 'I�vo
<br /> � Hundred Ninety(290.0)feet to the north line of Old U.S. Highway 30; thence
<br /> southwasterly on the south�rly line of Hick's Third Subdiv�sion aad Reuting's
<br /> �TA!A,� Seoond Subdivision,said lin�e also bcing ths north liae of Old U.S. Highway 30 to
<br /> �-�•�°_— the southwest wrner of Lot Pour (4), Reuting's Secand Subd.ivision; thence
<br /> � northwesterly on the west line of Lat Four(4),Rwdng's Second Subdivision to the
<br /> -��-_ � northwest corner of I.ot Four(4), Reuting's Second Subdivision;thence north on
<br /> = the west line of Lots Forty Ta+o (42),Forty Ona(41),Forty(40),Thirty Nine(39).
<br />— ``� 'ILitty Eight(38),and lfiirty Sevea(3'n,Reuting's SecAnd Subdivision to a point
<br /> �-�:� • ��here the prolongadon of the south line of Lot Fifty (50), Reuting's Second
<br /> __:.:�_:�L='��' Subdivision intersects the west line of Lot Thirty Seven(3'n, Reuting's Second
<br /> �-���;F�;,,p;i� Subdivision; thence west on We south line of Lot Flfty (50), Reuting's 5econd
<br /> ==::-;��:���;:� Subdivision and a prolongauon thereof to the southwest corner of Lot Fifty (50).
<br /> -...,� .'.
<br />- , Reuting's Second Sut�division;thence north on the west line of Lot Fifly (50),
<br /> '"��
<br /> _ �,i; �. ,.. �ae�w�e,��o r«� •
<br /> �oa r�,i� • crr�e�om.r
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