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<br /> --•.-- -- � gng DFR�x nxnnuatt r► DBKOK A7•r 4(t�!7!1!'1 ZOiZ51 0�/0�/1997 [°_:�:°
<br /> .r..�vvrV E.i:=:-
<br /> UNIPOitM COVENANTS. Borravuer�nd Leader cavciunt and agreets followrs: -'�'���
<br /> 1. Payma�t ot l+rincip�l and Inta�at. Bormwer sh�ll Pro�Y WY �en duc the prInciptl u�d interest �f=Y
<br /> indebtedness evicleaced hy the NAte u�d lxte charges as pmvided fn the Note.
<br /> S.btind�for Tuca and In�un�noe. Subject ta tppllc+�ble l�w or x wrttten wtiver by l.ender. Bormw�r slull pay to
<br /> Ixader on the day m�onthly piymaate of principal wd lnterest an paya6lc under the Note. undl the Note 1s pald in tbll,a •
<br /> sum f�reia 'Funds') e4ua1 to nne-twelfth af the yes�rly t�xes�nd assessmcnts(lncluding coadomtaium�tad plumed unit
<br /> ' developmont assessm�nts, if�ny)which may Rttaia prlodty over thls Deed of Tnut,and Qround rente on the Property,if
<br /> anY,Plus one-twelRh of yeuly pnmium InsuUments for hanrd laLVrmce�Plus on-twelRh of yauly premium installinenta
<br /> ° n
<br /> for mortgAge instumce, if�ny. aq u reasonibly esdmated inidaUy sad from dme to dme by I.ender on the b�sls of
<br /> . .� aseesfnxnts and bU1s and n�on�ble esdm�tes thereof. Boreower st�il mt be obllQUed to maice such payments of Fu�s
<br /> „o„� to Lendar to tbo exteat thit Borrower m�lces such p�ymeata ro the holdei of s pdor mort��e or dad of tivst if such holder '=.
<br /> � �:.
<br /> w,M..�•�• is�n insdtudoa�l lendet.
<br />-'� -- Ti aru^T.'3r..:. ��� Fu*±��r� T.encler. the Funds shill be held In an insttwdon the A';�rHi�o. wrrnunnt nf wLich ue
<br /> insurod or guusntad by s►Fedenl or suu�gency(includlag I.ender if Lender is such an iasdtudon). L.endea shtll apply
<br /> . the Funds to pay s�td taxes.assessmenre.intivrAnce premiums and growod rents.Leader may not char�e for so 1wldinQ tnd
<br /> � �pplyla� the Fnnds, anily� s�id Account or verifying md compUanY said�ssessments and bills, unles� Lender prys �. ,
<br /> f Bormvv�r interest oa tbe Fwids u�d applic�tble law permits l.ea�der to m�te suclt a chuge.Borrower And Leader mty agrx ��-
<br /> in wridng at the dme of e�cecuttoa of this Decd of Trust thu interest on th�Funds sl�ll be paid to Botrnwor.and unless ��_
<br /> � sucb a�reement is made or ipplicable lsw requins such interest to be pud, Lender shall not be requiral to psry Bormwsr
<br /> �uy interest or eatniqgs oa the Fw�ds. Lender shail give to Bor�ower, without cbuge.ui aunwd Accoundng of the Funds
<br /> �� s6owIn�credits and debtts ta the Fwids a�d the purpose for which exh debit w the Fuads wu aotcle.The Funds are R�
<br /> u
<br /> � plodgod is adrlidon�l securlty for the swnv secueed Uy tWs D�d of Tcust.
<br /> � If the amount of the Funds held by I.ender. wgether wlth the futun monthly Wstallments of Fmds ptyable prlor to :'
<br /> the due dates of nxes.�sse.�,s�ents. insur�a�ce gnmiums and ground rents, s�ll excad the amount nxquired w paY sdd `
<br /> � �, taxes. tssessuoents,insivance pnmiw�and grou�l rents�s tLey fill dn�, such excess stnll be. at�uower's o p doa. �_:_
<br /> •`�'!r.; eIther prompdy rep�id w Borrowu or crediud w Borrower oa montWy lastallments of Funds. If the uuouat of tha Funds p;,�_-
<br /> ; held by L.ender s1W1 not be su�cient to pay tues. �«sYnt�, insus�nce pnmiums md grourxi rents �s tbey fall due. ��.;i�.
<br /> Bomnwer sBW p�y to Lendcr aay amount neo�ssxry to ao�ke up the de6cie�y in o�or moir payments�a I.ender mty ��-
<br /> - . . �Upon payment in f�U of aU sums securod by tLis Desd of T�ust,Lender st�ll pmmptly refund w Hormwer my Fun�1s �.
<br /> -� , • � held by Leader. If w�der par�gr�ph 17 hereof the Propecty is�Id or thc Property is othecvvlse acquirod by Leader,Lender
<br /> - shall apply, ao laur tl�n immedlately grIor to the xale of tbe Pmperty or its scquisidon by I.ender,any Funds tuld by
<br />-�- - t,eaGer u toe time oi appiicauon as a cndic�sinsc che sums secuc=d'oy i5is Dau oi Tavsi. :
<br /> ?'�� ' 3.Appikatioa d Payme�a. Ualess�pplic,�ble law pmvIdcs othetwise,�ll piyments recdved by I.ender under the
<br />,f�`, �,=�:. , Note a�i pan�raphc 1 ind 2 Lereaf shW be appl3ed by Lender first ia ptymcnt of�unts piysble w L�e�er by Borrow�er
<br />�' t'�"'�• under ptqqr�ph 2 6ertof.then to interest ptyable on the Note.wd then to tlht pd�ipal of the Note.
<br /> ;y����`...�. 4.�Mor Martjs�es and Deeds of Trmt; Ctur�rs3 Uar. Boaower sball perfnr�on aU of Homower's obltgsdons
<br /> �;�:;;�;N. yndu�ny m�gr, dxd of uust or other security Agramern w5�h a llem which has prIorlty over this Deed of Trust.
<br />�"'�.4•;;i,►. lnclu�Bo�rower'�oovemnts w mtke payments when due. Dorrower shaiU piy or cause to be ptid tll tues.�ssessmente
<br />�'='��.��:?,a ` a�d ot�a chsrgr.s.�s and imposldonv ualbuable to t6e Propecey whlch miy attdn a prlority ovec thie Dad of Tzust.
<br /> '�.=;T'=��^ and ksxhold psymen�s or grotmd rents.if any.
<br />_��'�;.',,.' - �.�sard �aiuriwoe. Hormwer st�ll kcep the improvemonts now e�isdng or hereatter erected on tbe PmpercY
<br />�-a�s=...,
<br />�-.�,�,.• imvre�a�wut lass by Hre.twurds includod withla the tam "exteaded covec�ge".s�l snch odier hui��s I,ender msq
<br /> it1_
<br /> - ::G-=�--•�-� tequire�ad ia suc�amounts�nd for sach pe�iods as Lender msy rtquire.
<br />�'.�Y�� The lnsun�nce cariier providin�the insuruyce shsll be chosen by Borrower subject to�ppmv�l by Lender;Pmvided,
<br />�,-..�'��;�`� . tlut such appmval ah�ll noc be unre�son�bly withheld. All insucance polieies and nuaw�ls thenof stWl be ia a form —
<br />_~��"�� uapp�ble to I.eader srod stWl inclade s snndard mortgage clnuse in fsvor of in�d ia a form acceptable to Lender. I.e�er
<br /> --=„--;- st�U�ve tb�e rtght to hold the pollcies And n�newils thereof, subject to the te�s of any mortgtge.deed of tnut or aher
<br />-...M,+�,�: securlty a�roement with a liea which Las p�iorIty ovar this Dood uf TcusG
<br />=-._�'�:-:.`': In tbe event of loss.Hocr�wer shall give prompt mt{ce to the lnsun�nce curier uid Lender.L.ender may m�proof
<br /> _ �� of loss if r�ot msde pmmptly by Bonower.
<br />-.—.�:�lr=' If tLe Pmgerty is abandn�d by Borrower, or if Horrower fiils to respo�to L�eader wIthia 30 days fmm the dtte
<br />��-� nodce is m�ilod by L,ender to Hon�ower tuat the ia4urA�e carder off�rs to settle a claim for iacuca�e beoefits,Lender is
<br />��._1:_�; �����ll��Apply t6e insiva�e pmceeds at Lendor's option eitLer w ratondan or mpiir of the Property or
<br />_=�s:ti�"i� _
<br /> -__,, ,,.� :, to du sum4 secured hy this Deod of Tiust.
<br /> _ � 6. 1Pre�er�ation u�d Mafntawnoe o[ Propaty; Y.easeholdsi Condamintunst Pf�noed Unk D�dopmedi. v
<br />?_ Bomuwer shall keep tLe Pmperty in good regair and shall aot commit w�ste or po�mit imp�irment or deurtor�don of the Kb--
<br /> Property and stu�ll comply wlth the pmvislons of aay la�se if tWs Deed of T:ust is on A leasehold. If this Dad of T�ust is `° `
<br />�,;;,;�;�;: on a unit in a condominium or a planned unit development,Borrower stull pedorm all of Hornower's oblipdons u�er the ��^
<br /> k decU�radon mr cavenuzns cx+ating or governin�ttie condominium or planrcd uutt development.tha by-I�wa uid n:gultdons ��_�.
<br />?� of t6e condomi�oQU�m a�r pla�nned uait development.und consHtuent documeuts. `•�`.:
<br />�: �;�:�,, 7. Proteadan of I.eussl�ar'e Security. If Bomower faile w pecform ttie covenants nnd agc�ements wntatrod in this
<br /> Dad of Tnut,ar if swy rcdon or pmcesding is commenced which maoerWly affects I.ender's inurest in the Ptopecty.then
<br />= ,.• I.euder. ai I.epder's opdon, upon mdce tr Horrowa. may malce such Appear�ncea. dlsbucse svch a�m�, inc2uding
<br /> .-�°�'�' reasontble auorneys' fees. and take such acdon as is necessary to prntat Lender's interest. If Lender nquiral mortg�ge -
<br /> - ias�nce�s a co�idon of to�lcing tUe lotw securod by tLis Dad of Tcust.Borrower sbaU pay the p�miums required w
<br />-- --_.= mainain sach iasurancx in et�'ect until such tima ys the requirement for such iutivrarce tecsninates in accoru�ce wicin =
<br /> - Botcower's wd Lender's wtitten agrament or applicable law.
<br /> " Any Amounts disbursed by l.ender pursvant to this paragraph 7. with interest thereon.at the Note rtte. shAll become
<br /> acWition�l indebtedness of Borrower securod by this Dced of Tn�st.Unless Borrower w�d Lender agree w other urmg of
<br /> paYwent. such amownls st�ll be p�yable upon nodce fm�a Lender to Aocrower requesdn8 WYmeni thereof. Noehing
<br /> contn�ned ia this puagr�ph 7 shall require Lendu to i�ur my expense or take�ny icdaa hereu�er.
<br />- 8. Iaspectlon. Le�er may make or cause to be m�de re�soaable enMes npon and inspecdons of the Pmperty.
<br /> provided that Lender s�ll gtve Borrower nodce prior to any such inspecdon specifytng reasonable cause therefor related m
<br /> Lendar's inumst In the Propeny.
<br /> — Neen�ti 26876-3 7i9t OriQiaal(R�aordad) CopylBraaeh) Copy(Cu�taa�r) PaQe 2 oi 3
<br /> , � - -
<br />