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2012049�0 <br />200�072�� <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />Part of Lots T�ro Hundred Sixty-Fiva (26S) and Two Hnndred Sigty-S�x (26C} in� V�'est <br />LavPn, �ln the Cfty of Gr�.nd Isiand, Hall County, Nebraska, �ore particnlarly deacribed as <br />follows: Beginning at the Sonfiheast corner of said Lot 256, �nd runming tbence West along <br />the South line of said Lot � distance of 68.0 feet; thence turning and running Nortii parallel <br />with the East line of said Lot, a distance of 144.47 feet; thence tnrning and running East <br />parallel with tUie South line af said x.ot, a distanco of 68.0 Zeet; and thence fiarnfng and <br />rttnning South, along the East line of said Lots, a distance of 105.� feet to the poiunt of <br />Ucginning <br />GENERAI NOTARY - State of Nebraska <br />I� AMY S SORENSON • <br />My Comm. Exp. Dec. 22, 2013 <br />