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.� <br />2 0120497� <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />A tract of lan.d comprising a part of Lots On� {I) and Twa (2) Island and gart of <br />the Iand between the meander lines of the Ndrth Channel of tbe Platte River, aII <br />being in Section Thirty Two (32), Township �leven (11} North, Raage Nine (9) <br />West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, �Iebraska; and more particularly descrihed as <br />fallows: Beginning at the point of intersectidn of the South right of way line of <br />U.S. Highway No. 34 with the East Iine of safd Lot One (1) Island, said paint <br />being Farty (40.0} feet South of the Northeast Comer of said Lot 4ne (I) Island; <br />thence S41°37`06"E (assumed bearizxg) along and upon t11e East li.n.e of sai.d Lot <br />One (1} Island, a distance of Twa Hundred T�venty and Ninety Three Hundredths <br />(220.93) feet; thence N87°45'15"W, a distance of Eight Hundred Eighty S� and <br />Sixteen Hundredths (886.16) feet; thence S 11°46'03"W, a distance of Two <br />Hundred Sixty and Twenty Seven Hundredtlti$ (260.27) feet; thence S46°53'S9"W, <br />a distance af Three Hundred Fifty Seven and �ighty Four Hundredths (3 57.84) <br />feet; thence S52°40'46", a distance of One Hr�ndred Thirty and Twelve <br />Hundredths (130.12) feet; thence S23°58'08"�, a distance af Two �Iundred <br />Fifteen and Six Hundredths (Z15.0� feet; thence S51°08'17"W, along and upon <br />the Northerly Iine of the Replat of Lot Eleven (11}, Meadotvlark Estates <br />Subdivision, a distance of Seventy Nine and Pifly Nine Hundredths (79.59) feet; <br />thence S86°51'45"W, along and upon the Northerly line of said Replat, a distance <br />of One Hundred Ten and Fifly Six Hundredth� (110.56) feet; thence <br />N73°07'O1 "W, along and upon tlle Northerly Ihne of said Replat, a distance af <br />Eigl�.ty Two and One Tenth {82.14} feet; thence S87°24'59"W, aiong and upon the <br />Northerly Iine of said Replat, a distance of Seventy Seven and Twenty Seven <br />Hundredths (77.27) feet; thence S43°53'19"W, along a.n.d upon fhe Northerly line <br />of said Replat, a distance of One Hundred Tw�nty and Eighty Five Hun.dredtl�s <br />(I2fl.85) feet; thence SO 1°Q7'27"E, along and upon the Westerly line of said <br />Replat, a dista.nce of One Hundred Fifly T11ree and Forty Eight Hundredths <br />(153.48) feet ta the Narth�est Corner of Lot Eleven (11) Meadawlark Estates <br />Subdivision, which is also a point on the South line of said Lot Two (2} Island; <br />thence S9Q°00'00"W, along and upon the South line of said Lot T�vo (2} Island., a <br />distance of Four Hundred Fifly Five and Four 'Tenths {455.40) feet; thence <br />N36° 13'28 "E, a distance of One Thousand Fiv� Hundred Eighty Two and Seventy <br />Eight Hundredths (I,582.78} feet to the point af iutersection of the prolongation af <br />the North iine of said Lot On.e (Ij Island, with the centerline of the Nflrt}� ehannel <br />of the Platte River and a.Iso being a point on th� South right of way line of U.S. <br />High.way No. 34; thence S87°59' IZ"E, along ap.d upon said Highway right of way <br />, a distance of One Thousand One Hundredi Forty and Thirty Two Hundredths <br />(1,140.32) feet to the point of beginning EXCE'PT t1 gortion deeded to the State <br />of Nebraska Degarnnent of Roads, recorded as Instrum.ent #2012d080d. <br />