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<br /> Recording Requeated BY��r
<br /> MerrimecY. Mortgnge Company, '-��ria.
<br /> 18 Pondview Piaae
<br /> Tyngsbozo, MA 01879 �r .
<br /> (508)649-5110 • �'�� 'j��s
<br /> 1188IQlDfYlIT 0! IIOA`PGlltis
<br /> whoraas, oxi Auguet 1, 198a, 5ecurity Faderal Suvinge and Loan AASOaiation of Yndiaa A-
<br /> River County, Vero Beaah, Flarida merged with Firet Federal saviuge and Loaa Aeaoaiation, `►�
<br /> Melbourne, Florids under the name and cha�rter of Firet Hederal 8aviage and Loan Aaeoaiation,
<br /> Melbourne, Florida� and
<br /> Whereae, on October 11, 1984, Firet Federal Savings and Loan Aeeociation, Melbourrae,
<br /> Florida changed its name to United savinqe of Ame�ica, F.A., Me2bourne, F�oridaj end
<br /> Whereaa, on February 7, 1992, the Reeolution Trust Cor�oration ("RTC") wnB appoiAted
<br /> ae Receiver far United Sav3age of America, F.A., Melbourne, Florida, by the Offiae of ThrilE
<br /> Supervieion (°OTS°) by Order No. 92-28j and
<br /> whereae, tha FDIC, acting in ite capacity as Receiver for United Savinge of America,
<br /> F.A. , Melbourne, Florida, whieh pursuaat to 12 U.B.C. 51441a(m)(1) succeednd the RTC in 3.te
<br /> capacity ae Receiver for thaited 9avings of America, F.A., Melbourne, Florida euccaednd to all
<br /> right, title, and intareat in and to the aseets, with fu11 powe•r to tranefer and aonvey eame.
<br /> For Va1ue Received the undereigned holder of a lltortqsq� (herein "Asaigaor") Whoee
<br /> addrees is 1201 Pieet Peachtree street NE, Suite 1800, Atlenka, Cieorgia 30309-3�415, doee
<br /> hereby grant, sell, aesiga, transfer and convey, without reaoursa, unto It�rriaaak liostQsy�
<br /> Coapany, tue. all benefiafal interest under a certain Mortgage, dated lt�►y 19. 1971 made and
<br /> executed by On�n O. B�nsva aad Nias l�y� B�aaon, Hu�bsad aad Mil� to ead in favor l[idlasad�
<br /> Cbsperation upon the following describe property s3tuated in Haii CouaEy►. etat� o! l��bsa�l�at
<br /> T.o! aighL (ef, in Bioak Thirky (SO) ia P�ak�r usd Sarr�• Baaond 1►ddit�.on to th� City o! Graad
<br /> i�land, lf�bra�k� auid given to secure payme�nt of $14,350.00 which Mortgage ie of rncord in
<br /> Book 154, at page 268, in the Office of the County �ecorder of Hall County, State of
<br /> Nebraeka, together with the aote(e) aad obliga�ione therain deacribed, the money due auid ta
<br /> become due thereon with intereat, and all righta accrued or to acarue under auch Mortgaget
<br /> and
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO tIOLD, the eame unto Assignee, ita succeesor and aesigne, fornvQr,
<br /> subj act only to the terme and condi�ions of the above-deacribed Mortgage.
<br /> iN WTTN535 R80F, the underaigaed Aeeignor hae executed this Assignment of Mertgage
<br /> on �_ of _„�, 1997.
<br /> The Fedaral posit Snsurance Cozporatioa ae
<br /> Recei r r ited Sav ga nf America, F.A. ,
<br /> ` Melb F o
<br /> �d�2i� BY•
<br /> Wi ee� harles H , Attorney- n-Fact for the
<br /> Federal Depoeit inaurance Corporation pureuant
<br /> to that cez�ain Power of Attorney to be recorded
<br /> ienom�diRt�ig► pxior to the recordation of thie
<br /> ' document.
<br /> ' i es
<br /> COAUNTY OF '�w/���s }
<br /> Tha underaigned, a notary public 3.n and for abova-asid Couaty and 3tate, doea her�by
<br /> acknowledge that Charies Hoel, Attornoy-in-Fact for Che Federal bepoeit ineuraace
<br /> - Corporution, aa Receiver for United Savinga of America, x.A., Melbourne, Florida, oereonally
<br /> appeared beEore tne thia day, and beiitg by me duly sworn, eays that he, be�.ng informed of the
<br /> contents, voJ.untarily execuCed the foYegoing and anneaced instrument for and on behal£ o£ such
<br /> enti ty.
<br /> eS my hand d ficia geal, thie �� day of Julv, 1997.
<br /> - � f�My Commission Expires: ���"g!
<br /> Publ C �
<br /> Prepared by: Alice Conklin
<br /> 'rhe Mortgage Professionals, Inc.
<br /> - P. O. Box 56248 "� aA1�V�,�,w
<br />� Atlanta, aA 30343 �,ry��
<br /> ..,#K .l�y 11�iDi�
<br /> �
<br /> I _
<br />