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<br /> -i-� GWINNETI:COUNTY.GA. �.
<br /> -- 199t JUL ,3 AN 9:07 � �,,� �7— �C�'7�it4 ���
<br /> w ca..... ...-d s.�n l�oh„rm m�� -
<br /> � �•iThe Martgags+Professionals, Inc. =-
<br /> � � TOM LAWLER. CLER�t P.o. sox 56248
<br /> , � � Atlanta, GA 30343 c
<br /> �.-,e:.�. .
<br /> •� STAIE OT TEXAS
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<br /> .'_�„�:,�::�; L�TED POWER OF A1T�RNEY `
<br /> � ..:..:;
<br /> ':;:�~•�::;. KNOW ALL PERSONS BY 1I�SB PiiF..S .�it 7'S�tb�t the FEDERAL DL-POSIT
<br /> ' ' � INSURANCE CORPORATION.t Co�poratioa org�ni�xcl s�nd oxist�udder�a Act of --
<br /> ',;..:1,�., Con�ess,bcreiaifter ceUed the"FDIC"�acilnQ in its Itr.�'a3xssahlp Gp�cicY at xMTU� -
<br /> :.. : Corporrte c�pacity or aa Manegu of tbe FSL1C R�sotut�s�`und ba�acquired wd wjU ac4ulre
<br /> '' cettain asscts:or llquidaticn aad d�ce:mined that ie Is uexs.sary w appoint a repKSentedve to aq
<br /> -�°n��'�' ou its betulf'in cocuxcUon with the matatemnce aud Uqai�tioa of satd assat�,herela�fter atled
<br />"'-,�S�.,L. the"Acqutred AsseU."
<br /> _ -�.:�.k, .
<br />- �- 'Ihat Cherles Hoel has baa duly appoineed ie execuu+ad delIver docwnents of
<br /> 1���"t'u��W��� deposttory insdtuNons as the iepraenudve of the FDIC;snd t�at uadec Secttoa C(38)of the
<br />-�`7����Hri� c�•ST�NlC,l� ResoluHoa of FDIC'a Boud of Directoro dated Novembes?>,1996,the underai�ned Bruce E•
<br />-:;ss..�.�'
<br /> -� �•'�.•'��'���Gy Brown,Assistant Uirector,SouWwest Servia Ceaxr,uivision of�cesoIudoas aad
<br /> --"`�.±�`� ��O � �•�� Recetverships.ia empewered to execute Powers of Attomey oa behRlf of FDIC.
<br /> _-___ �'. � � ;4 the p i u p ose of t3�cllIudng the tna�uenance�ad Uquidation of the fore�oiag Acquired Assets in
<br /> ---- _ � �, •. .• � accotdsnce wit�its dghts aad pdvilega,doa henby suthorize and empower C h a r la Noe l,iu
<br /> • Gq� ••••`��'a attomey-in-factio:
<br /> — • 11(!��
<br />—_-�—. � _� (1)Slga,se�l u►d deUver as the act�nd deed of the FDIC any instrurtxat a� ,�
<br /> � mO' s m in writica,aad to do evay otlxrthinR aecasary u►d proper for the collecdon utid 8 �
<br /> � �� ��
<br /> p c�<-a�� recovery o f�ay a a d�l l m o n i e s m d p ro p u d a o f e v e ry k j n d a n d a atiue ��
<br /> � ��O G� whitsoever for and oa betulf ofthe FDIC�ad w give proper reoeipts uid �� �
<br /> - n m�� acquituace therefa ia the name�nd on behalf of the FDIC;
<br /> �---� �..� Z—IpAO
<br /> ♦„
<br /> � m�� (2)Re lease.d i s c t u r Qe or ess iga say ut d a l l j n dginen t s.m o rt Q+B a o a r e a l g��'• . .t
<br /> - ----- g 9 m'�� estete or P��.P�'oP�n7'(including tbe nlease and dischacae of the same of �,�� , � r;
<br /> R _� S� �j �c� record in the o}Fice of m y Protdono t a ry or R e g i s ter of Deeds wha�ever l o c a t e d � � r
<br /> . S` z�x� where pzyauats on account of the seme ia redemptIoa or othcnvIse may l�svo €
<br /> . �
<br /> - - - � �n' becn made by the E�bmr(s)J,and to endorse recetpt of such psyment upon tix M
<br /> ro r���
<br /> m .��:i -� records in aay appropdau pubUc office; + � �;,
<br /> � �� �?;� (3)Receive.collect�d�[ve dt pmper acquittaoce fot wy otLa sum�of � . �� ��a,.Y
<br /> - � ��j� money owing to the FDIC for uiy Acquired Aa�et which the attomeyin fict may � -: �'
<br />__^:---- �� i!'�� sell or di se ot; � E ..
<br /> �, � r.,c�n �° FlLED Ah10 RECORDED TQ�
<br /> ��.— � � _;=�� �DAYOF�q�.19.E-�
<br /> -'s � xvi�.'.�,n AT�� •�.M.
<br /> _ �?�i„�3� � r Q,f�� Ltm(ted Power OfAttomey
<br /> _,�.::��` �� Yqel
<br />-�{��, '; .`::; CLERKOFSUPERIORCOURT
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