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<br /> --="`�" «prc►r�teds")In connectbn wllh condnmmQon or olher t�kinp oi fhe Property or pert lhoreof,or fa conveyence In Ileu ai rAndemrntlon•
<br />_=_-�.�� Lende�ehell be en1111ed al Ib optlon to commence,sppesr In snd prosecute In It�own name any actb+�or proceedinga,And�h�nN tlso _
<br /> • ���t� tr�entlpe�l tn m�ke nny compram�se cx�enbment in connection witii e�ucl�tAking or damage.In lhu r,vnni any�w►iic��oP t7ip Rra�Ay:a _
<br /> � "` eo taken or d�maQed l.ender rhall have the opUon In Its sote and absotute discretlan, ro apply �all s�lch proceeds, enflr aaca►�►!�
<br /> ��u� ,� lheretrom ell coats And expenees Incurred by It in connecNon wlth euch Procaeds,upon eny Indebtednesa secured hereby and in euch -
<br />, =J� order es Lender may determine,or to appty all 4uch Prnceeda,etter such deductlona,to the restwetlon of the Property upon auch aarr
<br /> �'' ditlans e9 Lender may detertnlne.Any appllcetlon o1 Proceeda to Indebtedness shall not extend or postpone the due date ai any pay-
<br /> ��=<=. menta under the Note,or cure eny default thereundAr or hereunder.Any unapplfed tunds shall be pald to Trustor.
<br />����'���� 8.P�tfwmanc�by L�nd�r.Upon the occurrence ot an Event of Detault hereunder,or if eny act Is teken or legal proceeding
<br />=r. '�- conimenced vrhlch matarlally uffects Londers int9reat In the Proporty,Lendor mey In ita own discretion, but without obllgation tv do so,
<br /> _,�_� and without noUce to or demand upon Trustor and without releasing Trustor irom any obligelion,do eny act wh�h Tntstor has agre�d
<br /> ,_�� but failed to do end may etso do any other ect It deems necessary to protect the security hereof.Trustor ahall,immedlatefy upon
<br /> demand there(or by Lender,pay to Lender all costs end expen�es Incurred end sums axpended by Lender in connecUon wfth thp exa�-
<br /> -, �•�%:�s clse bV Lender oi the foraooina nahtu.te9npthAr Wcth ln►nrAe►n,Anx,n ar thn defautt rete provided in the Note,which sht�ll ba aAded to
<br /> ��� �� the Indebtedness secured hereby.Lender shall not Incur any Uabillty beceuse of anything It may do aomit W do hamunQat.
<br /> :^.;
<br /> �-'� 9. Hp+,sardous Mah�ials. Trustor shail keep the Property in compltance with all epplicable laws,ordinanoes and reaulatlons
<br /> ,,F*Y.
<br />.:.�;,�Y- reladng to Industriai hygfena or envtronmentai protLcUon(collectivoly roferrod to herein as'Envlronmental Laws').Trustor ahail kee�p
<br /> -=��_:,..,� the Property free from all substanoes deemed to be hezeMous or toxic under any Ernironmentel l.awa(coilecdvoly refemtd to herein
<br />.�nK,�� as'Hazardous Matertals').Trustor hereby warrants and represents to Lender that there are�o Harardous Materiais on or under the
<br />-�;�= Pro e Trustor hereb a roes to Indemni and hoid hartnless Lender,(ts directors,officers, empbyees and agents,and any suaes-
<br /> ���� sars t�Lendeds interest,from and agains eny and all clalms,damages,losses and IlabiliGes arising in oonnaction with the prasence,
<br /> ------= use,disposal or transport af any Hazardous Materials on,under,irom or about the Property. THE PQREGOIN4 WARRANTIESAND
<br /> ••°:v�;� 10.Assl�nm�nt oi Rmts.TNStor hereby assigns to Lender,end grents Lender e security Interest in,all presant,luture and
<br /> - — after arising rents,issues and proflts of the Properly:provided that Tnrstor shall,unUl the occurrence ot an Event of Default,her+ewder,
<br />�=�� have the right to collect end retain such rents,tssuas and proflts as they become due and payable. Upon the oocurrence of an Event of
<br /> = Qefault,[.ender may,either In pe�son or by agent,with or without bringing any actbn or proceeding,or by e receiver appolnted by e
<br /> __�� court and without regard to the adequacy of its secu�ity,enter upon end teke passession of the PropeRy►.or any part thereof,In ite own
<br /> ==
<br />