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<br /> = DHED OF TRU8T � t�rt v► -a o
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<br /> �ii6'i'• � #� PART1�8s Thio Oad of Trutt�s made on„�Y?a 1997 .nnu�ry ii�o�i�..iv�. """�� �^ -
<br /> ' °� gu�,.re N A►�m�,�r+npum �►m wt*g 1"Borrower'1,� —
<br /> ,::�.;... ; . 8� -- — -- c
<br /> AAx'1�R] R AAA '�� ?!'!"*A NF:Y
<br />_ :; .4,;, whoas re�idenas addrass 1� s+n AnY �qp, �r,��w TwLnd� u,�, Counry, Nsbrnka 1'Trutta'1,�nd th�Banefiaiary, ` Q,`
<br /> °•:'d`t(y ' _.a.n�a.F�l]A_ �T °*vT�T^c•,_" TL1Ap Alqg[1f'rnTTflN _- .a COIpOfYLIOfl OfQiIlI28d \
<br />-`.-;?f�;:, and exlstinp undsr the I�wi of isEg na whote�ddre:s�s �^+ �n,.nv T.A/R7aT Q�rxET,
<br /> ,. -. ' ::�." y�*�en re*.�.n+ �.c�nnnepn tiaan�-�nno _. 1"Lsndsr9.
<br />_�,.-�?,�;r,�y�,�, CONYEYANCE:for wlus ncNved,Borrower irrevoeaWy prant�and convey�to Trusue,in Vust,with pnwer of cde,the roal proparty,af whlch
<br /> =--.:t:�,;r, Bor►ow�r is law(uly �dud, d�scriMd bebw and all buildinps,flxtun�, an,i eaictinp and futuro improwmente iMreon snd ail riphu�of-w�y,
<br /> -:=�.;y�� e�amsrn�, rsnt�, issu��, profiU, inaom�, tenemsnu, h�►Wk�rrtb Rrivilspa end �ny appurten�ncet thareunto bdonpinp (+11 c�ikd tM
<br />=tYt��rx""'• 'DroP�►h�'1•
<br /> PROPERTY ADDRES&. ���6 x sTt� CT , atzn*m TST.nN11 ,Nebnsks 6qq01
<br />`-;',r�- y+ IStrNi! (Clryl �PC�')
<br /> : d'.:.- :�, LEQAL DESCRIPTIOHs
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<br /> tooeted(n c��n�Tg�un� HAT,G County,Nab►a�k�.
<br /> ---- — TITLE�Bortow�r covsnurts and wanants tltls to the propsrty,exapt fa
<br /> � SECUIIED DE�T:Thi�deed of tru:t secures to Lender repayment oi ths tecured debt and the psrtam�nce of the covenants and�pn�m�nt�
<br /> contatned in this deed of trust�nd in sny other documsnt incorpor�ted honln.Secured d�bt,as usad in tNa dnd of trust,Inciudu�ny�mounts
<br /> Bortow�r owes to L�nder und�r this dNd of trust or undor�ny Instrument secured by thit de�d of trust end all rroodiflcatbns,�xtsmbns md
<br /> --�s ranowal�th�nof.
<br /> � TM s�cund d�bt is wldenc�d by(Llst a0 tnsuums�u end�proun�nu secwsd by thts dead of uuat md tM dates tMrwf.l:
<br /> � :. MKI._s^ .-L�^ ^:,c�mrmv a �F�u�rr na�Zn Trnx 2a, ,00� — ^
<br /> �Wtun Adv�c��c Th� abovs �maunt Is sscurod wen thoup!� ail or part of h m�y not ynt b�advanc�d. Futun adv�nc��r�
<br />= contsmpl�t�d and wlll b�secur�d to tM sams extmt ii if m�de o�She date this deed of trust le sxecuted.
<br /> ' ❑ Revolvinp Iine of credit ayreement dated ,w3M initial annwl tntsreat nt�of % .
<br /> Ail amounts owsd undsr thls�greoment ars eecur�d even tfaueh ail amounf�m�y not yet be �dvancsd.Futun advanee�und�r
<br /> the aq�e�ment�re contemplat�d�nd wiN be secured to the�ime extent aa if inede on the dtt�thit deed of tru�t ts exscutW.
<br /> —�•�� Ths�bovs oblipation is due nnd psyable on F�A�,ii ARV 17, 7 nnd if rrot pNd earNsr.
<br /> Th�toUl unpaid bafance�acursd by this d�sd oi trust�t any one time ehell not exeeed�m�xtmum principat�mount of
<br /> -- �����ne.,.,�. .r�r,o .,r,unna�_� anvrr.0 vro »/tnn Doll�rs(4 19,42� � � 1,plut fntere�t,
<br /> - -_— plus my amounts dfsbuned under ths terma ot thfs deed of trust to protect the security ot this deed of trust or to pe►torm any of the
<br /> --� cown�ntf contained in this deed of trust,with Intereat on tuch dlcbasemente.
<br /> ---
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