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<br /> the power end p►ocedure provlded for by law for the wb�titutlon nf a Trustee or Trusteea In the piace of the Truatee --
<br /> or 7ru�teo nemsd he�eln.
<br /> �7, Forb�aec� by B�nsfldery or TrurtN Not �W�Iv�r. A fo�benrence by Bsneficl�ry o►Truetee In exerclslnp
<br /> eny rlqht or ramedy hereunder, or otherwtse sfforded by eppllaable Iew shell not be e welver at nr preclude the
<br /> exarcl�s ot eny rtght or remedy hereunder. Likewlse,the welvsr by Beneficlary or Truitem of eny default of Trwtor
<br /> undsr th��Deed of Trust�hell not be deemed ta ba e walver of any other or NmIIAr def�ult��ub�equently occurrinp. _
<br /> 18. 'fr�estor Not R�I�e��d. Extenalon of tha time for peyment or modificatlon or ernortizatlon of tha�umi secured
<br /> by the De�d of Tru�t eranted by Boneficiary to eny�uccesaor In Jnterost of�'r�istnr sl�all not oper�►te to roloa.o, In eny � -
<br /> manner, the Ilebiliry of the originel Trustor end Trustor'a eucceaeor In inter��t. Beneflalary ahtli nat be requirod to
<br /> ........N.noa nrar.wadinaa aaeinst euch succeasor or retuae to oxtend time for peyment or otherwise rnodify emortizetlon
<br /> —J T� • •��
<br /> of the sum� aecured by the Deed of Trust by reason ot eny aemend meae dy tne originai iru.i�� a��.. , ::==. _ -
<br /> succeasore in Interest.
<br /> 79. Opdon to Foncios�. Upon ihe occurrenco of eny default hereunder, Beneflclary sheil heve tho optlon to
<br /> foroclose thia Deed of Trust In the menner provided by taw for the forectosure of mortgagea on reel proparty.
<br /> 20. Trustor's RI�hU,Absent D�fwlt. Unttl pny defeult in ths paymsnt ot Indebtadnes�he�eby secured, ot until
<br /> the breach of eny covenent herein conteined the Trustor, its successore And essig��, shail posaess and snJoy the
<br /> property end receive the rents end profits therefrom. Upon payment of ell aumi seaured by thia Deed of Trust,
<br /> Beneficiaiy ahell requeat T�ustee to reconvey the property end sheil surrender thia Deed of Trust end elt notea end Loan
<br /> Agreements evidencing indebtednea� secured by tha Deed of Trust to Trustee. Trustee shelt reconvey the propsrty
<br /> witfiout warronty end witt+out cherfle to the persons legally entitled thersto. The Grantee in any rsconveyence m+�y
<br /> be dascribed es 'the person or peraons entitled thereto", and the recitets therein of eny matters or tecta shall be
<br />- conclus�ive proof of the truthfulness thereof. Such person or persons shall pey all caste of recording,if eny.
<br /> 21. Transter ot th� Prop�rty; Assumption. 1f all or eny part of the Property ar e� intereat Yherein is sold or
<br /> transfe��ed without Beneficiery's prlor written co�aent, except As otherwtse provided by le�w, Benef�ciery may, et
<br /> �eneficiery`s option, declere all tha sums secured by thia Daed of Trust to be immedfately due and peyeble.
<br /> Beneflciery shell hnve waived suah option to accelerate if, prior to the aale or t�en�fer,Beneficlery end the pAraon to
<br />- whom the Properry is to be eold or transferred reaah agreement in writing thet the credit of auch person Is setisfectary
<br /> to Beneficiary �nd thet the interest payable on the sums secured by the Deed of Trust, shell be e�such rete e�s
<br /> Beneficiary ahr�ll request. If Beneficiary haa waive the option to accele�ate provided in this Prragreph 21, end if
<br /> Trustor's succeasor in Intoreat has exeauted e written asaumptlon egreement eccepted in writfng by Beneficfery,
<br /> ¢��gfl���ry R►��1 release Trustor from ell obligetions under thie Deed of Trust and the Loan Agreement. I�6eneficiary
<br />— exerclsea such aptton to accelerate, Beneficiary may Invoke any romediea permitted by the oeed oT irusc.
<br /> 22. R�qu�st for Notic�. The Trustor request that a copy of eny notice of default end of any notice of sale
<br /> hereunder be mailed to T�ustor et the addreas hereinbefore set forth.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Trustor has executed this Deed of Trust the day and year first above written.
<br /> ��:�-�'Z9 9� ���R��
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<br /> Betore me, e Notery Public qualified for said County, peraonaily came MI��L D KU88 Af7D LINDA R XtlB6, s[oser►rm
<br /> I1tTD MZJ�
<br /> known to me to be the identicel person(s) who signed the foregofng instrument and acknowledged xhe executfon -
<br /> thereof to be hia/her/thei�voluntary ect and deeri.
<br /> Witneas my hend and Notarfal Seal this 29TR dey of AU(3UST , 199'7 •
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