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.�lo; <br /> Wwar ... ' .:i: , . . . � . <br /> arM. - . - ' _ . . ---. , <br /> ,,',-, . . . . . - . __ <br /> , � .. , , � . . ��r.i•e...�tiutJi��. .... <br /> ..;. , :{. ... , . ._ � .. <br /> - �M1w�✓..w ,...:;x�,%1. Yl�1'.�. . ' ' '.. . . � . <br /> �..�.....,,,_n��•.:: <br /> ' , TONY R.LOP82. AI,ICS T LOPBB y/r+ 1n���'�'� 101�79 09/03/1997 L,.._ .:<:��a� - <br /> � 9.Coadnn+natlon.'The pmcads of any�wanl ar cl�i�u for dwages, dire.^.t or consequentlal. in connecdon wlth any •�;7��;;"�==��`° - <br /> co�tvSrmnition or other talci� af the Property. or psut thenof� or for conveya�e in lieu of candemnxtion, Are hereby . �-,.�.�`+;s=' <br /> ,;��,�T:-._ <br /> � � asslgued And ahsU be paId w Lender.subject to the term9 of any mottgAge, dad of�ust or othee securit�a�rcement with a .. . : . <br /> lIen whIch t�ts pdurlty over this Dced of Trust. ^�� <br /> � 10. Horrowa P�Tot Rele�edi Forbear�nce By La�der Not a Wui�a. Bxtension of thc dme for payment or � �• l%_ <br /> modificadon of amort�don of the sums secured by this Dad of Trust granted by I.ender to Any successor In intenst of <br /> Borrower shtU not opernte to nlsase. in any mAnner.the liability of the ori�InalBonower�nd Barrower's succes�cors in .:�: 't-�-:: <br /> incerest. Lender stWl not be required to commenco proceedin8s ag�iast such successor or nfuse w exteud time for psyment ::,,.,�„=7•, <br /> � � or otherwlse modify amordmdon of the sunos socured by this Dud of Tcust by re�son of any demand m�de by the orIgiu�l :�'>t�� <br /> ' Borrower a�d IIortowet's successors iin lnterest. Any forbearan�e by Lender in gxercislag any right or remedy hertunder, ••- -• <br /> ��,.�:�r�Y=. <br /> � � or otherwlse�'orQed bY apPlicabte law,ahAU not be a waiver af or preclude tke exercise of aay such r��ht or remedy. ; :�r.�,��.-- <br /> :'"'• `.•r 11.Sucaesore and,Aagf�Boundi Jotnt and Serc�l UtthiUty;Co-sipnere. The covenants nnd agreements henin • c�� ^�� <br /> � f ';�-.tir_=== <br /> enntiinHl+chill hir�d.and the riohu hereander ahall imtte to.�he rc�ecdve suxessors aod assiaav of Lender xnd Bonrower. I . --�""""°"`" <br /> --- - -, subjxt to the provlsions of paragmph 16 hereof. All covenants and agroements of Bomower shaU be joint And several. `•�;�"'-" -- <br /> :„v;F�R <br /> Any Bo:rower who co-sIgns tbis Dxd of Trust. but does not esecute the Noa,(a)is co-sigaing this Deed of Tn�st oal to �J'`°`�""°'"` <br /> y '�:.�}�=- <br /> grant and convey tLat Barrower's intenst in the Praperty to Trw�tec w�der the teraia of this Deed of Ttust, (b) Is not '"��_= -_ _ <br /> , " � personally liable on the Note or under this Deed of Tcust.and (c)ugnes c6u Lender and any other Bormwer hereunder �:�'�"_ <br /> � may agree to extend,modify,forbear, or noako any other accommodadons v;�h regard to tha teems of this Dad of Ttust or �-�_ <br /> the Nou,witliout thst Borrower's consent and wlthout releastag tUat �osrower or modlfytng this Deed of Tzust�s to tl�t ?•��.=_ <br /> �-�-- <br /> Borrowcr's interest in the Property. �,;=:°°`- <br /> � 12.Notice. Bxcept for any notice required uader applicable law to be given in�nother mamxr. (A) any nodce to F__-- <br /> ° _ Borrower provIded for in this Deed of Trust shaU be given by delivering !t or by mailing such aodce by certified mail `.��;-_ <br /> . . addnssed to Borrower at the Pmpeny Address or at such ather addnss as Bocro�ver may designate by�dce to Lender as �'�`--_ <br /> provid�henin. xnd(b)wY nodce to I.enrlet st�all be Siven by cetdHed maU to I.endei's address sq�ted herein or to such `' � <br /> ' othcr address as Lender may designau by nodce to Borrower as provided hercin.Any nodce pmvlded for in thia Deod of <br /> .,���. <br /> � Trust shaU be dcemed to l�ave been given to Borrower or I.ender when�iven ia tDie manuer deslga4ted henIn. <br /> 13.Goveratn�I.�w; SeverabWty.The stau and local Ytws Qpplicable a tWs 1)eed of Ttust sbaU be the laws of the <�r-_< <br /> .:,,:�_ <br /> jurlsdiction in wtiich the Property is located. The foregoing senunce shall not limit the applicabllity of Fedenl law to this 4,1_.:_� <br /> Deed of Trust. In the eveat that wy provisiott or clause of this Deed of'tiust or the Note conflicta wlth applicable law, .=��= <br /> �� such conflict st�ll not affe�t other provlsions of this Deed of Tcust or the Note which c�n be given effxt wlthout the �a�a:__ <br /> '' conflicting proviston, u�d to this end the pmvisions of tYeis Deed of T:ust aad the Note are declared to be seveinble. As �-- <br /> a <br /> used herein,'costs'. "expenses"and "sutorneys' fe�" include all sums to t6e extent not prohibited by anplicable law or , <br /> ' Umited hereia. <br /> _ ' _ � i4.FiuRtrwestis ^,ui,j. Barmw�r d�l1� fumi�hec! s to�fnt�rQ�sy nf the Nate and of this Deed of Trust it the <br /> -7.�.: <br /> time of execudun or aRer recordadon bereof. <br /> ls. Rdu�DWtation Loan A�reement. Borrower sh�ll fu�6ll aU af Harrower's obligatdoav uader any home <br />_ " rehabilittdoa,impmvement,rep�ir or othcr loan agreewent which Borrower enteca into wIth Lender. I.e�ler,tt Leader's <br /> -, opdon, msy re4uire Borrower w execute aad dellver to Lender,in n forn►acceptable to Lender.�a assignment of aay <br />- rlghts. cWms or defea�s which Borrower mty have against pardes who supply ltbor,materlals or servlces in connecdon <br />`-, �., with imprnvementa made to the Pr�opercy. <br />= 16.T�a�ler of ti�e Propaty or�Benefidal Interest t�►Forn�wa. Ifill or any p�ut of the Property or�ay interest <br /> ys,'�, ` in it is sold or aaasfrrred(or if a beneficfol inurest in Horrower is sold or taasferred and Barmwer is not s nttunl <br /> •r.�,., . _ person)wlthout Lender's prIor wrItten consent. Lender may,at ics opdon. mluire immedItte PiYmeni in full of all aums <br />�.:;., � • secured by thls Dad of Ttust. FIow�ver, this opdon slull mt be eaercised by Lender if exercise is pmbibited by federtl <br />��-:-.:_'�.'� law as of the date of tWs Dad of Tn�st. <br />"..-".° ,, •Y If Lender e�ercises thie opdon, Lender shall give Borrower notia of pxelenwian.The mdce shaU pmvide a perlod <br /> N`• <br /> 1:�_��. .. <br /> L.,;��` ,` . ' • of not las t}ua 30 dxya from the da�te the nodce is delivered or mdled witbin which Horrow�er must psy�Il sums secured <br />- , by this Decd of Tmst.If Bonower fails to p�y these sums prtor ro the exp(ndon of this peiiod. Lender miy iavolce anY <br /> -�' remedles peimiaed by tLis Dood of Tnuc without further r�odce or demand oa Bonower. <br /> ,u: <br /> -• NoN-UNIPORM COVSNANTS. Borrower aad Lender fiuther covenant wd�gra as o ows: <br /> -_:'�'s ' 17. AoodaWoni Rmiedlq. E�ccept ts provtded 1n pan�raph if hereot, upon Bocrowec's bc+eaeh ot any <br /> - .:,;�„_:. � oo�a�aat or a�com�eat ot Borrower in tl�s Deed ot Tcmt, iacludtn� Borrower's fallure to psy> by the end o[10 <br /> _ ,;,,n�.,�...�,�; <br /> -�= _=-�_. c�leod�r da� atta tb�y u�due, any svms secured by this Deed of Tnrt,Leada�pdar to aoalaation �e <br /> _'T�'�*.,,''-.�"' nodoe to Bon•ower aa pro�[ded in p�r�nph 12 ha�eof spec[ty[ns: (1)the braach; (2) tde acdon req�der�d to cun - <br /> .n�:?�•.�_�•. �u�L breachs(3)a d�te�n�t leee than ZO d�ys fham the d�te tLe aotice is maikd to Borrowa�•by whtch such breac6 _- <br /> � . mu�t be�uredi�nd (4) th�t hilwre to cure auch brach oa or before the d�te specltled In t6e aotice�raWt tn � <br /> ��. ualenNon of t6e �ans secured by thfu Dced ot Trust and aile of t6e Property. T6e notla�h�il tluthar Inform �__ <br /> gprrpwer ottiie rl�ht to rd�tate afta aada�tion and tbe ryht to brin�a court�ctton to aasert the not�xifteaoe of - <br /> �` a defnuit or tay ot�a�de[a�se of Borrowa to sooderation and sale.Tf tbe M�a�ch la not cured on or be�ore t6e date _ <br /> � apedtkd in the noda. Lendar►at Le�der'e optk►n,may declue all oP tLe ata�s exnred by tWs Deed o[Tn�t to be ,:::__- <br /> . ;mmediatd�due utd psyable wlthout t'u�ther dernand wtd nuy invoke the powex of sale wnd�tny otbia rtmedtea :;;{�__ <br /> pam�ted bl applicable I�w. 1.ender elull be artitled to ooU�c! all reasonable cuets rtud expea�s incurred in :;.�'.'.,;:__� <br /> �'',.V'� pu�suin�the ranedie�prnvided in thls pan�rruph 1T,iacludinY,but not IlmitM to,rauonable attorneye'fees. ."�-:=�;T� <br /> � <br /> - • � U t6e powa of ede is inroked,'Ilnntee s6W�eoord a notiioe of dd�utt in exch oouuty in wWch tik Propaty or `-':��;:-= <br /> n� ;��..:•. <br /> some p�rt thereof ts locsta!and �h�ll m�l oopSea of auch notia la tUe macu�ar pr�+artbed b� apptica6le uw to • °- - <br /> Borrower aad to the otha pereons presaibed by applicable uw. Aftar the 4pse o[such time as may be requlred by , . -� <br /> � appUcabla l�w,Trtnta adall�i�e ptildic nottoe of sale to the�eoa4 �ncl In tlte manner pxracdbed by appUatDle ' . <br /> _ -_ .__ ,� -� _.�.�..........._...�....�w.,..,,...�.. .h.n.a�*h.t�mm�tv at nuhltc wctlon to the hta6eat biddet at the time _ <br /> ...:�.-.: .----�...- ai�v. aa�wKi�..w.v...w..�........�.....�....,��_��_---�- �- <br /> _ . .. __ ._..._._. <br /> �nd plut �nd under the tams dtsiyn�ted 1n the notioe o[sale in one or more paroels and in such orda�a Tne�tx <br /> mty dete�lne.Tnbtee mt�y poetpone sak of aU or nny parcd ot tde Property by pnbllc Anaauncaaa�t�t t1�e time <br /> aad pltoe ot uq pre�lously acheduted sale,L.eader or I.,eader'e desi�nee m�7 PurcBase the Propaty at aqy eale. <br /> � Upon rtoetpt of payma�t of tt�e prlce bid, Trustee shyW ddiver td the purch�ser Tn�tee's deed eon�eyipII the � <br /> , PropaRy aold. The redtals in the Tn�sta's dad ehW be prLna fide edcien�e of t6e MRh of the statemmfa made - <br /> ttkrdn.Ter�tee ehall apply tbe procads of the asle la tde followiny orda: (�)to all ceaaonnble ooett and expeue�of <br /> � tbe sale,tndudin�, 6ut aot lim[ted to,Tr�sta's feee stctvalty incurre�i ot not more tb�un 3 96 of the p+oee sale pria, <br /> '� re�sonable�ttorneya' fees and cost�of dtle evidenoe; (b) to W swns aecured by thl� Deed of'I�nt; and (c) the ; <br /> pcce�s,if aq�, to the peraon or persoro le�elly emtitted tdereto. <br /> � NeDra�ta26876•3 'r�9� OriQiaai(R�eardadl Copy(eranah) Copy(Cu�tomsr) P�ye3ofs � <br />— � _ — -- <br />