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<br /> .,.,, _:'. .. .. - . '"+P �4"i�c
<br /> " �s��.--------� ------- - - -- -...�,,,_ •
<br /> . �,e.:l = - - -- --==--,—tii-�.-..__-=r......_ _.__ --
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<br /> �• S1NN4lsi Liiaaaa�aru.i� :CZ.'-:9.'.p„+g a t Tr.TR�TPFiAT, 97"� �O�yOJ b9b261 09/OZ�x997 _
<br /> ld. Boerovree's RI�Mt to Ada�Ate. Notwlths�ndin� 1.c n d G L�s�c e l e r�ion o f t h e a m� �o c n n d b y t b t� 1)e e d of
<br /> T�uu� dne co Boxmwer's brach,Borrower stWl�ve the ri�ht to hsve�nY Pincasti�nW b�iva bY L�ader eo eafocce this
<br /> au
<br /> Doed of Teust dl�condn�od at wy dme pdor to the arller to occur of(i)the 9fth day befon tho We of the
<br /> pureuant to the pawer of s�lo contalned 1n this Deed of T=ust or(ll)entry of a jud�ment oafo�in�thie Dood of Tcuu!f:(�)
<br /> Bocrower paye L�ender ari sum9 wlilch would be then dua under this Decd af'I'rust t�d the Nou h�d no�eceler�don K,_.:
<br /> accurredt (b)Bomuwer ciu�ea tll bra�ches of�u� otlser wvenanta or�cameats of Bocrowar cont�lned in this Deed of _ _
<br /> u
<br /> Tn�at; (e) Hocrower PaYs �Il ca�sonable eapeasee Incuired by Le�er tnd Tnutea ln enforeln� the eoveasnti u�d
<br /> �ooeac�ot Bocrowtr wntaiaed ia thie Deed of T:ust tnd In enforcing Lender'e aad Tn�stee'e nmodiea a�pruvlded in
<br /> ptr�apb 17 h�eof. iacludinj� but rwt Wnited to, reaaonfbie aaoraeya' fee�: tnd(d) HoYrnwer Wces such �cdon iu
<br /> Lender m�y re�-sonibty require to asswre ttui tho licn of tWs Dad of Tiust, Lender's interest in the PropercY �wd -
<br /> Bormwer'a obll�don to p`y the svu�secur�d by thi�Dad of'lYust shall conctra�e uoi�irecl.Upon�ch payment and �
<br /> cure by Hormw�er�this Dxd of Tnisc aad ttu obU�o� securod herGby sh�ll rem�in in full force�ad ettxt u if ao
<br /> �ccelertdoa 1ud cxcturod. . ,�,r.,,� ,,,------ •. .�w:a,.�.� ..f+��tw hereunder. -
<br />- 19. l�.�1��REOtli APPOtaIPIIds v[ iawoi�'a'r ••�+,..« ..� - --.. _
<br /> Borrower henby�ssi�ns to Lcuder the renta of du Prnperty.provided t1�t Bormw�er sb�ll, Prior m�cceleratioo under
<br /> n
<br /> par�c�ph !7 hereof or sbmdormoent of tvo Pro�rtY,hsve the dght to collxt swd retsia suc�n�s as thrY beco�e due
<br /> P�►Y�le. Lender. in Pe�uu,by t�e�or bY
<br /> Upoa acceiendon under Pu'AaraPh 17 hanof or a6mdonment of the Pmpetty. �d w collect tha
<br /> judicWly appoiaad receiver st�ll be endded w enter upon, nke Possession of aad m�n��the Pmp�Y
<br /> rents of tLe PxopertY Inc1wUag tLo�� P�st due. All rema collxtod by Le�er or the raeiver s�U be applied Ssat to
<br /> P�►Y�pf the cmts of n�uu�gement of the Propeity�ad collxdon of renty,includln�,but aot IImited w.rxdver's fees.
<br /> premium4 on reietver's bonds u�d nssomble�t�tomays' fxs.and tLen to tbe s�ms�avned by tb�a Deed of Tnist.Leader
<br /> and ti�e receiver sh�il be Wible to ac�couat only for those nnts acwally reccived. _
<br /> 1�. R�oonie�anoe. Upon paymenc of�11 sua� secured by thia Dad af Tnut, Le�r siWl reque�t Tsu�e to
<br />_ rocomey tbe FrapertY and stull sutrender thia Doed of Tcust uid all mtes evldencin8 in�Cbtedaeas sxured by tWs Dad of
<br /> Ttust to Trnstoe.l'�usoee shall c+xomr���yPe�l cos�of recoc�d�do�any�.�t�e to tbe persoa or persom le��lly
<br /> CDtItICd t�1CiC�0. �IC�I� �� , flOm dinC�0 I�IDC IEL1f1VG TILISIGC���1�Dt A 6UCCC39�i
<br /> jl. .�I�IRC Tl'I�El.T.CDdGI.i�j.CJIdBT 9 Oj1t�OD, n1Ay
<br /> an�oe w a�► Ttastee aPPointa� hom�ader by ut instttttaen� recorded ia the countY in wWch tLis �°�dudes
<br /> ceca�d�r�. Wit6au comreyance of t�e Prope�ty'. the suce$ssor uustee s�U succcxd to �il tLe dtk� Po
<br />-- ���ypoa the'IYusue hezein and by appUarble lsw.
<br />_ ?�1. Rarue�t ior �Votloee. Boa�owa n4u��a t��Pies of tha nodce of defiult tnd aodce of e�le be sent ro
<br /> - Bormwer's�dd�ss which is tUe PropertY Add�ss• C �i t ,�rage,or rele�se of mY
<br /> ?3.�Yd011�6Ybka�011l.HOtLOVYCi 8�lRif mt csuiti Oi ErEi7ii�i i�i:.pt�CSxC. lLe.--�_-
<br /> Harndous�on or in td�1�mpenY. Borrower s1W1 mt do.nor�lloa auyane else to dn.any�tbin��ffecdn�the
<br /> property tWt is in vio4tion of aqY�roameatal Lw. The pceced�ng two sentes�c�s!u►U uot iPP�9���•�,
<br /> or sooc�e on the PropertY of smiU qwadtIes p.f Hus=dons Substances tlnt ue�enaallY r�coqnixed
<br /> aomnl resideuti�l uaes aad w maintewmce of the PmpertY• lswanit or otLer�ctiaa by
<br /> Bouo�ror ahili PromptlY�ve Le�er wrlaea ratia of�ny Investi�don,cLim,demmd, H�� Stitba�pce or
<br /> any �mraameanl oc re�uhwlY �e�CY � p�� P�Y imrolvina the PraQertT
<br /> gm,➢monned�l Lw of which Borrow�r has�cdnl lmowlod�e. tf Bomower leazns.a is ma�ed bY�Y t�0°°�°!
<br /> r�t�cy wthorltY. tb�t my remov�l or other cemedis6on of iny Haz�rdo�ue S�bsnnce � d� �9 �
<br /> Bortowcr ehall pmmptly talce�ll�ry�d�acdom in�cordana wtth Hmimnment�l Lw.
<br /> �wed in this��� Hua:dous S�bcanoes'ue tLaee substances de8ned�c toxie ar luxaidous aibRnaca+
<br /> b Bavfmnme�tl Lw�nd the followlau� subst�nces: �aeoline.kemseae� otvec fl�ms�b3�or Waic petrolevm Pzoduc�s.
<br /> toxte P��hecbkides.voltdle aolvenas.nuterlils c����0s or foxmsldehyde�and radio�edva m�oerl�ls.
<br /> � As wed in this p�yraph 23. 'Bm��nment�l I.ia'me�as fedesal ltws wd laws of the Juasdlcrioa where�PmI�Y ie
<br /> loc,atod dh�t relue to halth."!�Y or eavlrona�ennl Protection.
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