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<br /> coveNRKTS ,�,,� ,
<br /> !.:°r��n�,Esorrayer e�rw�a 10 m�1u aM Qaym�nte on ths Mcurod d�b!wh�n due.Unl�ss Qorrow�r�nd L�nder ayrse othenvlse,�nY psyments ` -
<br /> Lender recatvee from Borrower cx fa Borrownrs benefit wiu be uppuae fint to any amounU Bonuwvi invae on tho�cwued debt e>xivawe��t�reil a � ''����•,
<br /> p�f�I�1I,�eccxid to Inl�real.snd th�n:optinc�pa�•��pY Ale�prepayment of Uie seCUred debt c�aurs la eny reason.it wdl not reduce or excuse any -
<br /> scNeduled peyment until lhe eeCUred debt Is pAid In full.
<br /> pf C��t�y �Toq any c1»almeeO hr wouW lm�palrihe lien oiatn e��iiead ot Iruit�e�nd�er may rleqube Boi owar�lo ass gn eny rbht9�cta mba or��Qefensni �
<br /> wh�ch Barovwr may have apeln�l peni�a who supp�y labor or maurial�ta knprove w malnfein the property. ,
<br /> 3.���,gp«�»r rvW keep tMproperty insured under tertns ecosptable to I.endar at BorrowaPe expense and br lenders benelil.AII Inaurunce {
<br /> policfee shalf IncR�de A st�ndard matpwye clAUaa In f�vor of Lender.UnWr wf11 be namsd as bss paye�or ae Ihs Inturod un�ny luch Inaur�nc� ,. ,_;
<br /> policy.Any{nsurseice proc6ed�may be RiDW�ed.wuhln Lertdere discret{on,ta either lhe reatoration or ropalr of Iho damaged property ar to the secured
<br /> debl.11 Lender requires mortgt�pe�naurance,8orrower�9raeA to rnainlaln such In�urc�u:o(or a�tong�s Lend�r rcqulrc�.
<br /> .t$ym..
<br /> ,,,,,,.+�""' �,propMty.Borrawer will keep the property in pood canddbn end make aii repalro roasonably necesstry. -`—_
<br /> .:�._-_:
<br /> _.,.LL_� �:�;—
<br /> 5,���,�i,nrn,�iyr:�.;s fa p�;a!!t.:.r:��i�MF�Y�'r'�='d�res���!!elt��A'tees.il Borrower breaka Any covenante in Ihls deed ol Irust
<br /> or in any oSNpellon e�cured by Ih�a d�ed ol trust.Borrower wi�l p�Y thase emounts to Lender ea provided In Covanant ti oi in�a�iaa�;�������-
<br /> �---
<br /> 6,pr{or S�e�,uekY Int�r�st�.Unisse Borrower Ilrot obtalne l.er►ders written consenl,Bonower wfll not make or penMt any changes to any prior security �.:ie�;y;;;_
<br /> :nterests.Da�awer w91 paAorm all ol BoROwors abllgtttlons under any pr►a mortgage,deed of Irust a othur sE�curiry agreement,Includinp Borroware �?--M�-�--
<br /> � covenants to rnake paymente wrhe�d u s. �.�-,,,� :
<br /> 7.Assi�nm�nt of RMt��nd ProNts•BoROwer assigna to I.ander the rents and protits ol tho�xoperty.Unless Borrower end Lender have egreed
<br /> . dhs►wise In writlny:Borrow�r mnY coN�ct w�d reteln ttw rent$A6{011q 1!!BOffOMIlf I�no►In dehult.il eorrower delauftt,Lander.Lend�r's�psn1,or a
<br /> caxteppok�ted recaNer may take passstaion and mana�e the property and oolbci che ronte.My renta Lendsr coNecta ah�N Ds apdred 1`rs�2'►a 1M
<br /> c�s d-rranep,ny the property,k�cludinq coutl coets and attomeys'fees.r.ommisebns to rentel epente,er►d�ny other necessary related oxpcnaes.�he �-
<br /> remakitrg amount of renta will thsn�ppty to payrtHtnW on the secured deDt aa provided in Covenant 1. �
<br /> �;L�Aok�'Condon�InN�:W�nrMd UnR D�rMopnN�b.Bortower aflraea to oompy with lhe provfabns ol any base iP thb deed of trust is on a �_ —
<br /> teuehold.If ih�s deed ot lrust Is on A urtft in a condoml um or a pianned und devek�pment.Barower MnN pertorm ell of Bomowers dutios under ths �
<br /> � covenants�b ytaws�or reputatione of ttro condominiW��or�tannad unit dsveSopmont.
<br /> r t a l l s t o �t o rt n a n d B o r r o w e r a d u t i e s u n d e r t h i s d e e d o l t n ut,Lender ma y p e Aam the �i�.� "-
<br /> 9.Au�horRy o1 L�nd��to P�Aorrn for eorro�rwr.If Bor�owe Pe Y F:
<br /> duUes or cause them to be pedormed•Lender may sign BorroweYs name or pay any amount tl necessary tar perfortnance.If any canstnktlo�an tha
<br /> propeny is discontinued a nd carried on(n n reasonable manner,Lender may do whatever Is necessary ro protect Lenders securiry interest in the Y
<br /> , ��..� {x�opertY.This may k�dude oomPletin9 the constnictio�. --_
<br /> LendePa tailure to pedam Mr�il not preciude Londer from exerGsing any of its other rights wxier the IAw or this deed of t►us�
<br /> bMeayralnt�rest tro�rn the d�ate�olrttre Pet�Ltbnders�lsdin tufl at�tehree I�nterest�rate In eHect on t s�ecured�Such amaix+ts wAI be due on demmd and vriM
<br /> �;,-�
<br /> ���_ _
<br /> , r;._..
<br /> 10.OMaull�t�d AcaM�Mloe.�f Borrower fails to make anypayment when due or breaks any covenants under thts deed of tn�st or any oblipation _,.,_ _
<br /> secu��d by thfs deed ot trust or any prkx mortgaga or deed ot trust,Lender may aocelerate tho maturity of Me secu►ed debt and dertiand knrtbdiate _
<br /> , ' payment and may Invoke the power of sale end any other remedles permttted by appl�able law. _
<br /> _._,.- ,. __ .!,�����t�r�.ef O�huM.It Ia hereby reauested thet copies of the notfoas of default and sale be sent to each person who is e party hereto,et
<br /> the address of ee�h such persan,as set foAh heroln.
<br /> •��k'• 12,powor ot Sa(�.If the Lender imokes tho power of sa1e,the Trustee shell Nnat record in the olllce d the regIster of deeds of each cax�tY whereln the
<br /> - ;,� �;�;,, trust propHity o►some Part orparcel thereot la situated a notlCe of detauR contatntng the inlormalbn reQuired by Iaw.The Trustee shal elso mail copies
<br /> of the noqoe ol detauR to the BorroweG�to eachpe rson who fs a�iaAy hereio,ar►d to other peraons es prescribed by appNCable kw.Not less tt�n one
<br /> � month atter the Truslea rnr,prds the notice ot default,w Mro months(f the trust property Is rRSI�n any k�corporated aty or village and b used In fartnkg
<br /> aperatlons cartled o�by the ttustor.thq Trustee shall�Ive publ�nollce of sale to the per�..ons an0 3�tha manner prescnbed by applFc�We aw.Trus�e.
<br /> ndthout de!nand o�Borrower,shall sell the propercy a�puWbiya aeupc�t1ton to the hl9hest bidder.It cequired by the Farm Homeste8d Protedi�Mt ACt.Truslee
<br /> • e� ��RbM a�Irt e a�nd pl�ece otf any prevelausly cheduled sale�le�nde roNr its�dea�7gnee�m y�purr.��hase tt�e Prop9AY ate�P�WnY bY P�+��
<br /> Upoa recelpt of paymsnt of the prlce bld,Trustee shall delWer to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveying the property.TM realpls oontakbd In
<br />- Truatee's deed shall be primn facle evfdence of the truth ot the slstemante contelned Iherem.Trustee shall eppry lhe proceeds ot trie sale In lhe
<br /> Iollowtng order.(a)to all expenses of the sele,inc�ud�n9.but not Ilmfted to,reasonable Trustee's fees,reasonabte attorneys fees and relnstatemex�t
<br /> " � f0es;(b)t0 611 SUrt1S 69C�Y@d by th�!dB9d 0�tNSt,and(c)the balance,if arry,to the persons IegaYy enlltled to recelve it.
<br /> ' ' 13.For�ctosun.At Lendera option,thls deed of trust may be forecbsed in the manner provlded by epplMabte law tor forecbsure of mortyaygs on rosl
<br />�. ! , � • property.
<br /> Y-��.1:.:%.�'.
<br /> „,�����•,,�.,,..: • 14�IMO�ctlon.�r may enter the properry to Inspect it If Lender gNes Borrower notice betaehand.The notice must state the reasonable cauee to►
<br />- ���� Le fs Maper.t
<br /> - ! 1 1S,Cex�d�n�tlon.Bprrower asslgn9 to LerWer the proceeds of any aw�ard o�cfa�rn tor damages connected with a oondemnaUa►a otherukirg o1�M
<br />�'. . w amr part of the P►apenY.Such Praceeds will be applled as provldetl in Covenant L 7tits essi�nment la sW}ect to tt►c temu of enY prior tec�rNY
<br />= . . . a9resmenl.
<br /> �,' ;,��,,� .� 16,Wdwr.By axerGiefnp any remedy evallab�e ro Lender,lsnder does not give up any riytda to Iater use any other remedy.By not�+cerclsNg enY
<br />`-^t�_t,,,i.,,..�, �amedy upon 8ort�owera defeutt,Lender doea not wawe any rlght to IateT onnsfder the event e defauR H R happens ayaln. _
<br /> .�;t,., _ --
<br /> ==�:.�r"� .. . - 17.JoNtt�nd S�wal Co-�rnni���A+��s Bound.All duUes urMer thla deed o1 trust are Jolnt and Severel.My Borrovrer -
<br /> - • who oa-s{qns thla deed of��wt does not co-slgn the undedyinp debt Instrument(s)does so only to grant ar►d oorney that 8orrowefs Interest In Ihe
<br /> _ � �..,._.,. . proparty to ths Tniatee under the terms oi thls deed of trust.In addftlon,such a Bortower ayress that the Lender and any other Barower under thfs
<br /> - �' �t rWesNny tl�at B�orrowe►from the t rtns of thls�deed of teis�K.e terms of ihls deod of trust a the secured debt wiUwut that Borcowets consent and =
<br /> s The dutiee end berieflts of thls deed ot trust shall btnd end benefit the vuccessa5 and asslgns ol Lende+r and Borrower.
<br />- w�..
<br /> ts.Notic�.Unless otherwfee requlred by law,any notfce to Borrower shall be given by detNering it or by malltng it by cerUhed muil addressed to
<br /> '� Bortovrer et the propony address or any other address that Borcower has given to tenGer.Bortower wfll glve erc�not�ce to l.ender by c�erfified mail to ��:`__
<br />_ � t,andere atldress on deqe 1 of this dasd of trust,or to any other address vrhlCh lender has desfpnated.Any Wher nottoe to Lendx shW be sent lo ,
<br /> � Lendr.'s addross aa ateted on page 1 o}.thlo deed of trust ���'�'-�
<br /> =r.
<br />� Any�at!oe snall be deemad to have been glvon to Bortower or Lenderwhen given In the manner steted above. _:
<br /> t�.Tn�+sf�r ot tM Prop�rqr w a B�tNficld IMKe�t In the Bortower.It all or any part ot ttte propertY or any Interest fn it Is sold or Irensterred vrithout •
<br /> lenders pnor written consent,Lender may demand Immedlate payment of the securEd debt. lender may elso dem.+md immediele payment it the
<br /> - Borrower ls rwc a naturalpe raon and n benefkfal Interest tn the Borcower Is sold or transferced.Howeve�,Lerxler may not demand payment In the above
<br /> situatiors il it Is prohibfted by federal law ea ot the date of thls deed of trust.
<br /> 2p,F1�convsysncy,When the obii�aIlon secured by thls deed of trust has been pakl,and LerMer has ra flxifier obligatlon to make advances under the .
<br /> • -- - _——_ �„ne�,�n.mm�r aoreaments secured bv thls deed of trust,the Trustee sha�l,upon wrftten request by Uie Lender,reconvey the trust propert�i.l'he Londer
<br /> 6h811 dBIiVBf 10 th6 BOf(OWOf,Of l0 BOROW8f8 6UOC95SM�fl�MBfBSI,R19 tTUSt U@BO er1G tl19 nale or ome►evi0et�v�cne umynttui�v oa�'aa�a+.w.�....o. -- -_-
<br /> shall pey eny recordatbn costs.
<br /> - 21,8ucps�or TnwtN.Lander,et Lenders optlon,may remove Trustee and appolnt e successor Irustee by lirst,malllng a copy W the substltution of
<br /> truetee es requlred by appNceWe Iaw.and then,by f�lmp lhe 6ubstitutbn ot trustee tor reCOrd in Ihe otlice W the repfster ol deed9 of each county In whlch
<br /> the truat property,or sane part lhereof,Is sltusted.The auccessor trustee.w�thout convayance of the propurty,shaY suocued to a�Iho power,dutlas.
<br /> suthority end 'trtb of the Tru9tee named In the deed of tnist and of�ny suaessor trustee.
<br /> row•2ors1
<br /> . BAN�tER96Y8iE1+�S.iNC.ST Cl0UD.1�NSEJ0t11-0OP�Y7•7S�1►FOqMOW�M'f0+7E 6�tY9f
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