t ;�. .,�-....�1 • • . .
<br /> �.��. .., � ��i=�'�ltl�"� -�-
<br /> _�.
<br /> t .�� • � .. . , r --r.�....�._ -
<br /> . �hr : , . . .��.t�iF`TiWti.r:?NA" •- .
<br /> .�.? a��4 ,.. .. ��t,ri,�.. w�.wa,Yr.;oi.��-�at�u�..a�i+�Fr�.e,:. . ... _�_..._ - ,
<br /> � � � •�w�'.[�..,. •."' . - ':'��. _ , . .. `* .r• _r..- �_�
<br /> ,. . ,'{ ,wipy _ ---
<br /> _•1'_'.'��1 � _ -
<br /> �k.��.:��,.��' QJ?"° 1,a"�'i�3 coveN���e -
<br /> ,r;,.; :�
<br /> , '� �, yy�p,Borrowu ay���� to m�ks �II �1nn�ntt on the ncur�d debt when due.r Un`°of the secured d�bt occurt tor���Yt��a'� it W� c _
<br /> piym�nt�L�nGs�nc�ive�ham flestor�er�r�o��rrow�r'�b�n�fit wfll b��p
<br /> pIi�d flnt to anY�mounts Borrower owss on the secured d�bi
<br /> exclutive;�f�KCUt��Y�!chiduled DiYm��ttuntlithe�iscuiid debt li pildirilu;'�'prepeY Whan due end wi►I defend tltle � �
<br /> not nduc Bpo ��}::�
<br /> q.��A 1 TRN,gorrowar w111 paY��I taxe�, e�seasments,�nd othar ehsr4es�ttovstoblms nt�n the p op�RY• -
<br /> to ths proR�a�ro w i r m�Y hivi a0�n�P f�i�Rwho wPDly libot otl mit�lils to im�er m�y requlre rrower to as�ipn�ny ripht�.claim�or _� _
<br /> d�t�na��wl�ch , �.�
<br /> �tandud mortp�cl�uu In favor of L�nd�r•�etr�►to����i��t�destoration�or repalr of the dimayed p yope� �`:`�=
<br /> ,� 8 ���,gorrow�r wlll k��p th�p►op�rN �nwnd und�r arms acapt�bls to L.er,dsr �t Borrower's ex p s n s��nd for L�ndsr's Mn�fit.Ail -
<br /> Iniuranc�pdic�w��h����nclud�a
<br /> fnturance poticd.Any Insuranee proca�da m�Y be�pD��ed,wlthln Lender'� dla 6 � �_-
<br /> ,^�;,,�� or to tha cecw¢d dotst.If I.ender requk�s mortg�pe l��urorsce,Borrower e0reet to mtintafn such I�turance tor aa Ian9 es Lander requ n . �
<br /> 4.p,r�pe�ty.Bonower wiil kNp tM prop�rtY in qood condition ond maks�11 nPalrs nasombly noce�aarv• ---
<br /> '�,� o pe -_
<br />_- _---_ � �:; Q��� rtk+n aacursd by this deed ot Uust.�orrawer wiil pay theae amouMs to Lender aa provided In CovsMnt 9 of thif dead of `
<br /> 6,�p��Borrow�a re�s to p�Y������er'�ox nses Including re�con�bl�attornays'fees,if Borrowa bre�ks any covemnta In this e�
<br /> of Gu�t 6t Y
<br /> . .- � trust. -
<br /> �arfty Intw�ats.Unleu Borcow�r fint obtains Lender's wrttta�consent, Borrawer will not�neke°► Da�mK��y chsny�s to��y a���
<br /> t sscu�Inte�ea��. Borrowernicilto m�ke peymentc�when�due.bliyatlona ur�du any prior mortp�ge, deed of vutc or other sscurity aprsement,
<br /> t Inciudinp Barow�r's cov�n� Jnlees Barower and Lender have apraed
<br /> � � ��Borrowet is �ot In d1+ou�t. If Barrower def�ults.Lender,Lond�r'w
<br /> �,AqiannNnt af RN►tt�nd Prelks•Borrower assipns to Lender the rents ind Drofits and cofleat�rant�, AnY rent� Lsnder colleat�sh o�th e
<br /> otherw(ss In wtitinp, Bo^t��ecefvir minayatske posiss�lo���d m�Ra9� �P�op°� pe
<br /> � apent,or e cwurt appo in�udm�wurt��t�a^a me�ts on the secured debt as D o�ided in Covenan�diany
<br /> epplisd fira to the costn of mana0�np the propertY.
<br /> ' � neceulry relsted expenses.The rema nin0 amount of rrtnts w�1 then app Y P 1' a�m ���of gorrower's duties
<br /> a.�..+a+dd�
<br /> ��N�MM�d V�p�y��q,8orcows� rsu to complY with the provision�of any lea�e if this desd of trust ii on
<br /> a Nss�ho�v�����laws.�w ripuladoru of thsccon�dominium or pl�n�unk dsvsb�Pm+ntnt.Borrower will perf
<br /> unae►tha pe � _
<br /> 9.Aupio�MY of l«�de to PKiortn f��°Ww. If Borrow�r fae reasonable mannerf Lsondewmay do iwh�eve►is neeeas ry toa rtect�La"deas
<br /> .�.�!,r,.. rtorm tM dutka a uuse them to be psrform�i'��°°Isd on in a�an 8°rrower's name or �y anY amount it necess�ry far poriormnnce.If any
<br /> ' constructton on tM Property Is dlsconUnusd or
<br /> ' �scurity intereat In the p�operty.Thls may lnclude completing the conawc�b�•
<br /> Lendsr's Wlu��to psrform wfll not prsclud�L�ndsr hom ex�rciclny w°i be aocured by thls deedtof tru LrSuchdi o nte wtll be due on demsnd
<br /> Any amounts pdd by Lender to proteat Lender'B cecurity Interest
<br /> :� and wlll dN intereat from the dats of the p�Ymsnt umll Pdd In full at the Intereat rote In ettect on the secured debt.
<br /> : ;F', +`�'
<br /> Ior mort4aps or deed of truat, Lsnd�r may accelenta the maturlty of the secwed debt and
<br /> 10. p�� �nd /��cNw�tlo�,If Borrower f�ll� to mak�any payment when due or brsaks sny coven��ts under thl� deed o trust w snY
<br />,�,.�:,� � , ob1ip�Uontecund by thlt desd of Vust or any p�
<br /> ,•v.
<br /> demand Immedhte paYmmt�nd m�Y invok eb requested that copiee of tthe n Uceae of defsu t e�d sape'be'cen to each peraon who Is e psrtY
<br /> `]r;�tir�4.,.. 11.RWuht tor Hotic�of D�iwlt.It Ia he M
<br /> • S;�:�� hersto, attt►e�ddress of oaeh tuch pereon,ae set forth Mretn.
<br /> i�'�,''i %�, .tt�{,.►�.,the Truuee thall ffrat record In the oftice of the rspl�ter of dsads of s�ch county
<br /> 12.iowr of B�N.If tM Lenu�r invoke�tF.a Ga� �ti�d 5+
<br /> �.�•:• whenln th� wat ProP�nY ereta,and to ottwr p�rsons.:t��not In any
<br /> �, or some part or p�rcel thereof li situated a notics of dsfauii tort:tnl tlee Informadon requlred by law. hs rus e�
<br /> °-u�%..�r.
<br /> '� '�f p:�'' �h�U�Iso mall copies of the notic i tl nefarming op�«���n�d� by�1�Nu°o•the 1'rust s shatt qlve publta notice of aele to the peraona
<br /> �:=.:a_:,,.9-� appllc�bN law. Not lesi than orn month after tha Trustae rocorddem�nd on BorroweBU'�hall ee/ehe propeml at Pub�l auattun to the hqhest
<br /> Incorponud elty or vill�pe�nd Is ��two tspar�te nalea a�requlred by app�icable lew.
<br /> liceble law.Trurtes,wlthout e�i�u61y scMdul�d�ale.
<br /> ':rc,•'�`�,�,.�� ����tM mmner prescrlbed by_�PPp btio ennouncement at the tlme a�d place af a�Y P�
<br /> -��.4� bidder. If rsqulred by t1w Farm hlomsste�d Proteetlon Act,Trustee shall offer the proPertY
<br /> `�°�._;, Truetea maY DastDoM�de of acluse the proP�►�Y at inyisle bY P�
<br /> Lander a Its d�sipnes may pur The re¢rtlal�contNn�d In
<br /> _- ;;��ys ocs�ds of the:�I�In tM
<br /> _,���� Upon reu�pt of p�l�nt ot th�prlce btd,Tnutee tha11 dsI{ver to t7ie Purcheser Tructee's deed aonveyfnp the pra
<br /> Trwt�e'�dad ohs I be pr1m�fack svfdlence at��� of uu t,snd c1 Ub balancs aif any!to the persons111ep Ily snti�d to recslve(t.
<br /> =��-�� followinp ord�r: U) to sll axpenies of tM sa1e, includirW� but not IMnited to, rsasombte Trustes't faee, rsasombl� attorney's fln and
<br /> refmt�tansnt f��s;tb1 to dl sum�aecursd by thls Aeed
<br /> -- - - �g,Fo�rdosun,qt Lendsr'a optlon.this dead oi truat may be foroclosed In the menner provlde behandcTM nodcs must'st�te the euonshk
<br /> "�" on roal popert5►•
<br /> 14, Lendx may�nter ths propertY to��=Pect It If Lender ylvaa Borrower notfce beto
<br /> -- '��'�'� caua aL�nder'�In�p�atlon. a
<br />_- - - ��3 7hla asalpnment 1�subJeot to tM terms of any prlor
<br /> --- ' 16.C��•�rower es�lpn�s h�a�ed6hWiPrbe applled esyprovlKded In Covonentamp es connected wkh a condemnatton or otMr tsk
<br /> -_---�.� of W a my P�rt of the McPe►tY.s
<br /> sscurity�flnement. y
<br /> not exerciaing
<br /> _�� �8�WmYid�u y n Borrowsi sYdafaun Lsnde�r doei�not wafve anye bht to Ister�consPder the evo t i�defiuk if k h�tpPen���^Y By
<br />-- -u.1J�� any re V Po
<br /> �-°-��: �� J� � S��u�p�1� Cc.at�n; Sucauon �nd As�Ons Bou�d•y Apll dutlea under thl4 desd of trust ers jolnt and sever�l. AnY
<br /> to the Truatee underr�t�adlmaoff tm�+ke iny othe►achang�slln�the te ms ofthl�deed of trust or�tM�iecured
<br /> Barower who caslyna thla deed of trust but does not co-sipn the urtderl In debt Instrumentls)dosa�o only io qrant and convey t
<br /> ,_�,�,,,�.;�_,� Bortowtt'a Interott in the propertll
<br /> 8�y otMr Borrower unJsr thla deed of uu�t may ext �
<br /> -�,1;��. debt wl�hout that Borrower'e conaent and w'rthout roleaslny th�t rrowe irom the tsrm�of thla de�d of trunt.
<br /> = ""�'±�'; The duUes�nd benefits of this deed of uust shell bind nnd benefit the ar,ce�sora end aeslpna of Lender a�d BorNwer.
<br /> -- `--^_�f�' : p
<br /> --��s��.s;�g���:y; 1S,l�odce.Unleas optMrvvlss roquired byy�eW a�Y+�u'st or Bo any othe ea'ddres`e whioh Lendsr h s d s O�e'd9Any other'ooticsatoaLender chatt
<br /> ---�•�9'��°, . ��Q o Landsr s iddret�s on pape 1 of this dsed odress thet Borrower hss Iven to 4ender.8orrower will glve any notice to Lender by ce►titkd
<br />_ - _-..,.,.. m�ll t
<br /> be sent to Lender's addrsss ea ststed on p�ps 1 of thla deed of truat.
<br />-- . ',`r"� ' rty
<br /> Any noUee shell be deemed to heve been qlven to Borrower or Lender when glven ln tha menner steted above.
<br /> , '�t 18. TnnstK of tM PropKtY a� B�*��ndeHnia��dem a Im edite�PaYmeni�of thehseoured debt eLenderrmsY elso demandVmmedlete
<br /> . �'� �' • wlthout Lmder'e prlor wrltten conaent, Le Y
<br /> '' '••�;'��;' paymont If the Borrower�veittuatlons if IL is aohibltad by fednrel tew ac of the daterot this deed tof truatengfnrrod.However, Lender mey not
<br /> • • '� demaM p�vmant In the abo
<br /> �, : v
<br /> _ Z0. RwonwY+nc�•Whene f�mania ieemed by thls deedeof trus,t,��he T�+��S�tere t,iho�tr�ust deod indbhe no e o othsr svids ceo f the
<br /> under the Insaumente o p1iver to the Borcower,or to Borrower a wccess
<br /> • �;� � � op�rty.The Londer shall
<br /> ablig�tlon ao satidHed.Borcownr shall pay eny reoordatlon coata.
<br /> � j. till the uubstttution ot ttuetee tor racord in the oNlce of the repistar of deedn
<br /> _ 21. Suec�ua TrunK• Lender.�et Le�nds�ni�Ptw�end tXen by e �Stee a�d App��M.n Struatea0without Conveyence f'the property,fshall
<br /> � - �'y_� .._......
<br /> - __,....r-. -
<br /> ' ; 6ubS6R�tI0n ot IIuniae 6e�ov���.�-.-.-. -
<br /> p}euh tounty In whlch the uust prope►ty, or some pert thereor,�a�m�•�ow• ��p---- ---
<br /> eucaed to atl the power,dutles,authority and tftle of the Trustee nemed I�the deed of trust and of�ny auceesaor m+scoo.
<br /> (p�pl T 0/Il
<br />- - 5���,�$Y6TEM`3.�NC..ST.CLOUD,MN 6E301 11-000��97'1��1�F7AM OCP�MT6-Nf 6/t 991
<br /> .i
<br />,
<br />_ . .. ..,.. ., ..�_�
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