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<br />'-�y�'�'r`' DEED OF TRU8T � •��.'
<br /> -�'rMl'f�' _
<br /> PARTIES:Thii Desd of Trust I�m�de on �ST 2s �9q7 ,emonp the�rar,tor, xR►nse� T szwen um =
<br /> ' � �..,c,�, .,,raa..m wn wipa l"Bnrrower"1.�.
<br /> •w AAFT7n R AAACK� A'M'ORNRY___ _ 0 -
<br /> �� whot� ruld�na addr�a is :A A(fY �on fir�nA rsi.,,� �li ___County, Nebrsska("Truitee'I,s�d the Baneficlsry, �C�
<br /> ' � ��° RF�.'l)RR�T. Qn{�TN[�Q c T1�nt�7��,ATTAU _ ,a corporatlon organized
<br /> and oxist4p und�r ih�Nw�of t�unn �xn whoce addross ia ��� � r.o(�ym R�rrt�R� __
<br /> l'Lende�"i.
<br /> CONYEYANCE Fd vaiw nc�ivsd,Bortow�►krovocably prarru a�d convsys to Tru�tee,In uu�t, with power ot sele,the real property,of whEch
<br /> Barow�r Is Awtury aa��d, desatb�d bebw�nd�II buildinp�,fixtwas, and �x�atinp and future Improvements thereon snd ali riphts-of-way,
<br /> - . easems�m, nnts.fisws, proflt�, ineoms, te�ementt, Mrsdit�ments, privilepes and any�ppurtanances therounto betonpiny lall call�d th�
<br />.��. .� P�ROrER YI�/1DDRE88: , [`AIR� .NeMaska
<br /> � �. • LEOAL DESCqMTION: �s""y tce� �ac��
<br /> ` NORTH S1XTY FIVE FBPT (65') OF LOT TSN (10), BLOCK TH12B6 �3I AN�
<br /> -'�.._s� .'':�t
<br /> �'�1.
<br />_- �;1�(,
<br /> :nt.,�� ,
<br /> :-;R;p\;"'y.�.
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<br /> ..-'iJ�i.'�'J
<br /> locetsd In NAT t County,Nebnske.
<br /> ���.qp'g'� TITt6:BoTrowu covenmts and v��rcarrce Utis to tM proparty,�xcept for
<br /> ��ccT.c�a�s .
<br /> �--—_~•— SECt)ltEO DpT: ThFS deed of trust securss to l.�nder ropaymsnt af ths secund d�bt a�d ths peHam�nce of ths covsnmta and�yre�ments
<br /> --�� contairnd i�this deed of uust�nd in any other daumsnt Incorporated herein.Secund deb4�s uosd In this d�od of uust,includ�s�ny amounts
<br /> ___,-"r.�,�� Borrowx ovwt to Lender under thls deed of trust or under any In�trument secured by thlt deed of Vuat,�nd ail modific�tiont,sxt�nsions and
<br /> -�""_� nrNwaM tMraf.
<br /> � — TM secured debi it evldencad by(List all i�tttuments and syreements�ecured by thi�deed of truct and ths datss thenof.l:
<br /> �� PROMTSC�vv A7Qx$ Iyun 4��TY AliRj�MxMi�Tl' flA7'RT� AT1Gt_ *a�?- 1 99� ----
<br /> ____ �Futur•Adv�s:The �bove emount it aecured even though dl or part of it m�y not yet bs �dvanced. Futun adv�nas are
<br /> _ coMSmp��tsd and will Oe secursd to the�ame�xtant a If m�d�on tha d�te fhls desd oi uust 1:exscutsd.
<br />--------- ❑ Aevoiviny Ilne of cndt apreement dated _.,with Idti�l annual interest nte of 96.
<br /> -- All amounts owsd under this a9nsment are secured even thouph all emounr may not yet be advancsd. Future�dvanc�s unde
<br /> _ th� apnem�nt ars contampleted end wili be�ecund to the same extent as it m�de on tM date tfiis deed of tru�t is�xscut�d.
<br /> - --�-_� TM abors obllqatbn is dus md peyabb on � aCTaA�t� �R� �Q97 - - - - (f not paW�ulNr.
<br /> �� TM totd unpiid b�tanc�secund by thit deed of trutt at eny one time shdl not sxceed�m�ximum princlpal amount ot
<br /> - - *:m ue�+nn Doll�rs(=12.,,ann_nn 1,plus Int�nst,
<br /> --- plua�ny�mounri d(sburs�d under the term�of thi� dwd ot vust to proteot the secvrity of thls deed of trust or to psrform�ny of th�
<br /> - - --� `� cown�Ma contalnsd In thi�deed of Nun, with Intarest on wch disbursem�nta.
<br /> �-� ❑Vad�W�R�q:The IMeroit rate on the o6lipation secured by thls deed of trust may vary according to tho terms of that oblipstion.
<br /> �_:ti���
<br /> �`"°=�-v_„r�si� ❑A copy of the laan ayroement co�talning the termn under whtch the interest rete may vary(a ettached to thia deed of truat and
<br /> "`" � made a art heroof.
<br /> ,-`:;_y�' .•� P
<br /> =^���� R1DfR9:0 Commerclal � 4aIQNMENT AF RFNTR _ � _
<br /> _ .^..�.'.";.;�
<br /> Purawnt to the F�rm Homette�d Proteetion Aat,desipnetion of homeste�d ❑ is�nsched to this dead of uuet and mede a part horeof
<br /> - . ❑has D�sn discUlmed;the dfacl�imer la att�ched to thls deed of truat and m�de a part hereof.
<br /> SIGMATUREB:By d�lnp bNow.Borrow�r prN to tM t�mtt ond eown�nts cont�d in this dNd of ttust,t�dadnp thos�on pap�2,�nd in
<br /> --. . any rWes dee�iMd�bow dpn�d by Borrow�r. � ��,/ ✓. n
<br /> .J/� �p / //
<br /> _ �'� X fS trw.s�i7rAC A . �r��»r�
<br /> � ;
<br /> The taepoing Insuument wss ecknowtedgod beforo me on tMs �9� day of AVC3t1sT� 199'7
<br /> by tcx��ru .t ct�tnw 1wn f:01•° ar►tog, utlQAawm aun wrvF
<br /> - R�tlaltll
<br /> - Capo�w a O' INrn�of CaDOation W PMnN�Mpl
<br /> rnnKwp
<br /> �cuwwworrnK � half of th curporation or partnerehip.
<br /> My co �st ��:��31�(�MelNlsYi
<br /> �� OE80RAH L.KIMBLE � ,- - -Q-'--'--- -—-�No�w PuwK�
<br /> , Thls Inewmmt wis prepsr . Y 199! __.___. __ _ __ --- — •
<br /> - ' �186B��iKENS4YSTEMB.WC..ST.iLOUD.MH66�0111-s00397•27�11 FORM OCM�MTO�NEel1i181 �pL� 00036982 �p�D�!a�?� NEBRASKA
<br /> Z ..�r•
<br /> � � b: CGD�10100469698
<br />