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<br /> � ' '' �V���� CIIV�NANT6
<br /> t �, ��ym�nt�,8orrowu�pna to m�k� �H p�Yments �cn the Roattetl dobt w'ednfds=•to��Y�mounti Borrowe�^owei onf�hstncurb d,b2 �.._-
<br /> paym�ntP Laidc� tep:Je:lsom 8orrewwr or ia 9orror:�Ys Conef�l�v111 be �pp �...._
<br /> �xclutlw of Int�re�t a pincip�i. second to fntere�t,���d then to p►incip*i.�f P�rtlot p�'opaVme�t of the ser.ured d�bt oCCUrt for�n�d n�son,It Mdll {
<br /> � � net r�duce or excuu s�y�ched�tec�psyr�Qnt uqtil.�i�s,�� red debt 10 p�ld In fuli.
<br /> - . , I Z,Ciflnu Ay�n�t :8or�w�lb►�MI1I;�iY.tiJ�t��!!L���b ment�, snd other charpes attributabie to the prop�ny when du� aM w�N defend tltle
<br /> ��.
<br /> to th�propartv apdn N t�11ms wRiblrw1uN��p��h ��p�y lahor or msterlala to Improve or malntain�thar�p rty sslyn an�tlyhtt, cG'imt or �fr_`:
<br /> d�t�n���which Borro ar�MKh'v�.lpak���Q� -:+;"
<br /> Inaund undor terms kcceptable tn Lsnder et 8orrower's expense�nd tor Ludsr't bendit•Ail ,. ,;.-�-
<br /> ,.� 3.ka�w�ne�.8a�towei�wll keep the�propertY _.,,,=�-
<br /> Iniurince p�oiicy sp�nVl�m rar�ice pioce ds msyrtb�psppa d�with�n Lsnder iddlscretionr to��ether th�r�itoration�or np�fr�of thadirnw d poPartY = _
<br /> � or ta t he�ecme d d e b t_ I I l ander re qulres mortp�pe �naurance,Borrower agreea to melntaln such intursnce for�s Ionp ai LenGK requl►�s• �
<br /> '�.i�."t in od canditlon and meke all ropeirs roasonablv�eceaesry. �'_
<br /> ! 4,prop�rty.Borrowu wdl keep the p►opert/ 9a
<br /> +"+"��� 6,ExpN►s�s.Boi�ower wreet to ptY atl Lender'�expen=e: including re�con�bls attorneya'fees,it Borrower breskt any covMSnt�In tNt dMd
<br /> •°.r.w*»n►�''X of trwt or in my obllsaYon ��cured by this deed of trust.�orrowar witl pay these emounte to Lender ae provided In Covenant 9 nt this d�ed of `—
<br /> _.. . _.----_� Cc.Vt. _—
<br /> ; ,r � I d,p�g ����p. Unless Borrower firK obtalns Londer's wdtten oonsant, Burrower will not maka or perm�t any c�m�na tu .��y vr�ar
<br /> � s�eurity interes s.Borrowor will pertn�m ait of Borrowar'e oWlgatlone undar eny prior mortgaqe, deed of trust or other eKUriry agreement, R
<br /> , � � includlnp Dorrowor's corenant6 to meke p�Vments when due.
<br />� 1 �,/�s�1on�t ef R��nd Prottb.Borrower�tsi9ns to Lendor the rents and profite oi the property.Unlese Borrower and l�nder have egroed
<br /> st enf Wor e Courti+pp�d receiver m�a�ctakepoi�asslon end mene4eflthe propertYrend co��ct t7�e rentsBA y rent8�leundw COMECis ihe I bE
<br /> �' necs�u�ryrelited i%pempa}The rema�a�f�+g���u��t rents wlll then appiy to peyments on thA svcurod debt is prov dedlin 9Cors�in d,any other
<br /> k'.
<br /> e,��M�.�����d�Q�y,Napm�nq,Borrower agrees to comply v�itb tha p�ovis[ons of anY�easmif��t,hl�'d8a!doW��d�ea
<br /> anned unit deve(oRma���rovrer vrilT De�a
<br /> � � ���Aotd,��1:[�.s deeE p�4 tr�st is on�unit In a condeminium or s pl ^
<br /> � ��er tt�covsmann, by�aws.ev reguiations of the condominium ar plenned unit doveloRrnont.
<br /> " pv4orm tM dutas or cross tt►em to be performed.Lender mey sipn rrower'a nsme or ppv eny emount if neceaserY t�D�►formse�a. ff�ny _ -
<br /> � 9 w��� ���r�o p�rform{or gortowe. If Borrower teita to perform any af Bortower's dutina under this deed. ot tr+.+s4�����S
<br /> � eo
<br /> is dlsconttnued or not carried on!n a reasona6{e mennnr,l,�ndar m�y do whatever it nsceuaryto p ;,
<br /> consuucYeoe on the ptoPertY Thls may include compieting the construetion.
<br /> ' aecurity cnteres3 In tt►e property.
<br /> ` Und�r's fauae to psrtam�will rat preclude Lender from exerciainy�ny of its othar rights under the law or thie deed of trust.
<br /> '�. ny
<br /> ' ind wlli beir�i�tae t~6om the date�of the payme�t until pbtdtln fuli atf theefnterestr ate in eHoct onfthe secured debt unts wiE ba due on dsmar.d
<br /> 4'.
<br /> �p, p�f�ult�nd AccUl►atbn. If Barrower f�fls to make any payment when due or breaks any covenants under thls dced of t�urt o�eny
<br /> defmind irtxnedi�p Yms�t end mey inv k tte puwe of asle and sny uther remedfe�permitted by appliaabk lawurity of tM secured debt and
<br />- ��,p�yt{a�iq o!p�faulG It is he►eby requeeted that copies of the noticea of defeult and sele be sent to each panon who b s p�rtY
<br /> � • hereto,at the eddresa of e�c`+such person, at set forth herein.
<br />-���",• 12.PowM oT Si�M• �i me �enuoi�r�v��a:tt�:RaWtf Q}a��w;the Truatee cheli iirst recorA in the oHice of the reyister of deed�w TM Truttea
<br /> T,?••,.. . � whsnln tM tt:sft DrQMK1�or Bome part or parcel thereof i8 tituated s notice of defautt comainin eroto,�nd to othe pe�� +�pr a�a��bY
<br /> �hs11 slso n�il cop►ss of the notice of default to the Bor►ower, to eech person who is a party�i s oot in�ny
<br />��,���;� �ppticabls uw. Not Nu than °s u ad in farmine�op eiatlona canied on by the trustor�thetfructee shill qive publ'w notice ofisNto the penorn
<br /> -� . incaporated city a v7+�e�nd
<br />""v�+.'���''~� and in the manner pnscribed b apppUc�ble uw.Truatee.w�thout demand on Borrower,eheil seli the property+t public Nwcion to the hqhest
<br />�.,�:kc:'ti,'.'.� bidda.if rpuirud b�{sle of ad orr any paruotoi Ithe pr Perty by Publlo announCement at the time ind Plice�of ny�as�vbustY lcheiduled�ile.
<br />��t ';_:.,:;,_�t Tru�t�s m�Y Po�
<br /> Lenda or fu detqna may puroluts the prop�rtY�t s�y sele. � Tho reoitl�is co�airnd in
<br /> iY� �•�4'
<br />�'�__-'��"'�' Upon roaelpt of p�v�►wnt of the price bid,7rustee thall deliver to the purchaser Trustee s deed convsyin�the prope
<br />_+�-_;i•.;;��I Tru�tes'o deed�hd1 N prima facle evidlence of the truth ot the statements contalned theroin.Trustee ahail epplY the poceeds of the eele in tM
<br /> tollowinp ader:Ia) to all expentes of the iale, including, but not Iimited to, rsasoneb�e Truaee's fses, reasomble ritorneY'a few and
<br />--'���t� roimtatsmint f�er, (M to�II sums socured by thie deed of t�uat,and(c1 the balance,if any,to the penons leg�lly entitbd torsaivs(t.
<br />—'�` '-'�'�s� ig,Fpr�clown.At lender's opdon,this deed of Vuat may be foroalosed in the msnner provide by appliable i�w ta fpredoau�e of mort9Wes
<br />----'':�� on re�l propertY,
<br /> -------�°z,o,�' 14,�nsp�cdon,Under rney enter the property to inspect it If Lendar yives Bonower notice beforohand.The notice muat rtete the roasonsble
<br />-_.�--�--�,� caua for Lnnda't inspeotlon.
<br />----''��`''�� �6,�ayon. Barower assian� a to Lender the proceeds of any eward or clalm for dame�fea conneoted with�condamution or othor tekinp
<br /> -.-::�,�;: � of aIi or�ny pert of tla property.Such proceeds will be apPlled es provided in Covenam 1.7hia asalpnment ia wbject tc�he 4ermt ol any ptior
<br /> ---�•��+�. security+p�eement.
<br /> .yi:��;�,�:���
<br /> � 16.W�iwr.BY�xarddnp any remedy avall�ble to Lerxler,Lender does not pive up sny rlghts to later use any othen�esr4 Y-BY�t ezere s np
<br /> -�-��"-�� sny remedy upon Barower'a default,Lender does not waive eny rieht to leter coneider the evant a default If it heppe
<br /> �a-�.-:
<br /> .:..=.�.'SL4.'.. n�
<br /> ---�_"`� Borrower wl�io�aqns�th�is��eed o�Vust butcdoea�not e0-sipn�he ur�id�e�rl.Y�All debt insNUmantlslddoe��so only to q�^Z+nd sconvey thit
<br /> � Borrower't i�t�rtst M the property to the Truste�under tha terma of thia deea of trust.In addition,tuch e Botrower ag�a�th�t the lender end
<br />—='�!!?�.���� any othK Borrowdr under thu deed of trun may extend,modi{y o►make eny other chanpes in the terma of this deed dtru�t or the secured
<br />— �*'•-r="+*�i debt without tMt Borrower'a tonsent and�Mlhout rele��iny thet Eorrower hom the terms of this deed of trust.
<br />--_����f--
<br /> -,:j;.��*:. , Ths dutiet end hene6ts ot thia deed of trust thall bind and benefit the aucceaaors and astipns of Lender and Borrower.
<br /> ��+���WT�, ' Borror wer�t th�e pr�rty eddreu ior enYy otM raddres�a thatBBorrowershas�bqivon�to LerMer�Borrower w II qlve enYbrat ce��Le�der eYr��a�ed
<br /> -- -.,y,� �,
<br /> -` " '' be�ie t to�endea a�dreea eeitated onipape 1 oi Mia deed of nustther eddross which Lender hes desipn�tad.AnY othernotke to lender shAll
<br /> � `�;;.� . Any notke sh�l be deemed to have been plven to Borrower or Lender when piven in tho manner stated abovo.
<br /> ry � • 1 9.Tr�mhr of tts�RopetY or a B�fl��e^dt�may demand Immediate�paymenieof iheh6ecured debt.�Lendeerme�il�sos demand�li�nmedia e
<br />-- '+* without Lendu'� pbr written consent,
<br /> " " ��� peyment it tlw Bonower Is not e naturai person end e be�aticlel Intereat in tha Borrower ia cold or vansferred.Howrver,Lender mey not -
<br /> ��• demand p�ymant inlha ebovo altundoes Ef it fs aohibiced by fedoral law ee of thA dete of this deed ot truit. -
<br /> + ur�i�der tcla ins�tru�rrsen4hor�e gheeme tnts�6ecured by this deed of trust,�the Trustee sh el,upon w�tten request bye t he LB�r�r e c o n v e yat h e t r u II t �r
<br /> -� property.Tho lendu shall deliver to the Borrower, w to Borrower's successor in interest,the trust deed and the note aother evidenc,e of the �.
<br /> ;„-;!�'�� obllq�tion so tetistied. Borcower shali pnY�nY rocordetion coate.
<br /> p y �_'
<br /> ' __�r 21.SueNSSa T�uuN.Lend��a��;�ndti�6te latw andathe�by fllinp the subatituNon of trusteo for re ord in�the offi e d th�e�iaepof deeda {�
<br /> - --.....---
<br /> -'.._'-..' «'...��'_-. -.� -'
<br /> ...:.�..,....... �ne.�r tnn nrocernr. ahell `-
<br /> . .._._°�-rF..:._�_.,. 6UOiLfiUfiOn v�uvsnv .'"'_"'_.
<br /> eucceed to en�hs power tdutiea6 autli�rit�jr end tltie of the Trust e nemed inethe deod of trust end of any�succeasor truste�. �
<br /> ' fpeyt 2 of 71
<br /> EANKERS SYSTFAIS.lNt.&T.CLOUD.MN 68301!t-000•397•23411 FORM OCV�AATC�NE 6�18191 --
<br /> � -
<br /> _. .. . _ .s..
<br />