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t .. <br />201204727 <br />-�-_-__ �.� <br />The East one-half a�` i�ae �y�:����z� �_�._ y�: �_ =�c�r�^; i�erar�•-six (26), in <br />Townshig Eleven (11), ,''ort�a, �:an��� ':��:� 1:�;� ��e�� of Eth P.�4., Hall County, <br />11'ebraska. Excepting a certain tract I�e�ded to the �tate of Nebraska <br />as sli�wn in Deed Book 72, Page 4G6. Also excepting aIl f.ieadox Lane <br />Subdivisions more partitcularly as fallo�+�s: Meadaw Lane Subdi�•ision, Meadow <br />Lane Second SuUdivision, Meadow Lane Tliird Subdivision, hieadoss Lane Fourth, <br />and Meadow Lane �ifth Subdivision. E7cCe a certain trBC�, e the <br />State o� Nebraska as shown in Deed recor3ed �� Document Ido. ��-0 b67��. <br />AND <br />A tract of land located in the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section <br />26, Township 11 Norfh, Range 9 Wesfi of tlie Sixth Principal Meridian, Hall <br />Couni3�, Nebraska, described as follows: <br />Refei•i•ing to the Soufiheast Corner of said Quarter Section; thence westerl3� a <br />disianc:e of 1,326.49 feet along the Souili Line of said Quarter Section; <br />ilience northeclv deflecting 90 degrees, 18 minutes c•iglii, a distance of 60.00 <br />feet to the point ot beginning; thence nort}�erly deflecting 00 degrees, 00 <br />miriutes, a distance of 110.00 feet; thence easterly deflecting 89 degrees, 42 <br />uiinutes riglit, a distance of 89.98 feet; tlience easterly deflecting 19 <br />degrees, 17 minutes right, a distance of 211.90 feet; thence easterly <br />defleciing 19 degrees, 17 minutes left, distance of 335.77 feet: thence <br />southetly deflecting 90 degrees, 06 minutes right, a distance of 626.27 feet <br />to the point of beginriing, Ha1I CountS�, Nebraska. <br />� LTIC �TIC t_1IC L17C L"IlC �_TIC t_T7 I_ LTIC LT IC I_ffC LTIC LTIC LTIC LTIC LTIC LTIC LTIC LTIC L"fIC LTIC-LTIC L TIC LTIC.L?ICiI.TfG':Ll'IC�L"flC LTIG..I;F7G�.LTIC, <br />'r �n.��w� i: xiririwjt�'iiii►�K����r���r.��ii��13.f:'�l.v3L1I�L��C'F.L'l:'�'iC .�'oiS�:�..�i iS�i1.TiT't:.rfii9��(iii��7L�i►l1iY� <br />