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<br /> ' Ali Insurance policies and renewals ahall be9 eptable to Lender and shall include a standard modgage�oeLender ,
<br /> Lender ehall have the rlght to hold the paicles and renewals.If Lander requlres,Borrower shall promptly g —
<br /> all receipta of pald premlums end renewal�ake S ro�f of eoss ff nfot made p omptly by Boerower.pt notice to tho �-:`
<br /> Insurance carrter sncl Lendar.Lendor may p Iled to resroratlon or repalr �._
<br /> fi� Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree Inw�tin9,insurance proceeds shail be app =-
<br /> of the Pro erry damaged,if the restoration or repak Is economicai'Y lwou debee ssened,the Insu��nce pro eeds shalihe M
<br /> --'�'� rc:.tcr3tlon or re�!Ir Ia nnt�conomlcailY feasible ar Lerxles s secu ty axcess pald to Bon�wer. _
<br /> be epplled to the sums secured by this Securfry lnstrumern,+n�fie�ner ui nai thsn due,:�lil�eny __
<br /> ;. If Borrowe�r to sett e a cla(mr h n Lende may co118ct the ins�uran e p oceeds.Le►xler may use the prmceeds t epal�
<br /> � �� .f h a s o ff e sums s e c u r e d b y t h i s S e c u r l t y I n s t n�m o n t,whether or not then due. The 30�day perlod __
<br /> ..-, '� or restore the Propetty or to pay
<br /> � w i l l b e g i n w h e n the natice is gwe�•
<br /> ,;�,_�..��.:{: ica t ion o f ro c e e d s t o p r i n c i p a l s h a i l n o t extend or
<br /> ���•����:�-: Unless Lende�and Borrower othenxise agreeh wrfting,any ap p l P
<br /> =�.��,�'���; postpane the due date of the monthlypayments r�erred to in paragraphs i and 2 or change the amount of the
<br />_ '��+��;��� }� payments. If under paragraph 21 the Property(s acqulred by Lender,Borrower's right to any inourance pdicies and
<br /> ,;.,;';,;'•'� 3`- proceeds resulting from damage to the Property pdorto the acquisftlan shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums
<br /> .��.�:�: � secured by this Security Instrument Immedlatety p�orto the acquis(tion.
<br /> � ' '� 6.Occapency,Preservatlon,MatMenance tnd Protectlon of ths Property;eorrawer'�Loan Appllc�timn; _
<br /> � Leaseholds. Borrower shall occupy,estabilsh, an�i use the Properry as Bortower's princapaBorr we a principal�days
<br /> after the executlon of this Secu�lty Inst�ument a�d stiaN coMinue ta occupy the Property
<br /> . . � resid not be unreasonabtyywthheld h unaess e�ctenueti g c(rcumsta ces�cist whiich are beyond�Bo ower's cont d t
<br /> 8�1 a l i o w t h e Pro po r ry to deteriorate,or oommft waste on the
<br /> ��•�... ' Borrower shall not destroy,damag e o r i m p a l r t h e P ro p e r c y,
<br />� . P r o p e r ry.Borrower shail be in detault l�any far�e�ure nction or proceed f O�„��go��a�e��y fm��ir�the Ilen cr ated by
<br /> �::;,,�• Lender's good fafth 1ud9ment aQUld result in i ee��Bon�ef mm�ure such a detautt and retnstate,as provided In
<br />-. .�',,,;•:,�� , this Security Instr�ment or Lendor's security
<br /> , .,,. � ragraph 18,by causing the action or proceeding to be dismn heProperty or ot er�materia empairmerit n the Ifen
<br /> '' �'k determination,precludes foriahure of the BoRCawer's lnterest
<br /> �__._.,,�:':�:;;-?: crea3�d by this Security Instrumont ot l.ender's sacurity irderest.Borrower shall also be in detaun If Borrower,duHng the
<br /> � '�``'"'° loan appilcation process,gave maibi3aihr�'dlss�r!ss�cc�rat�!nformatlon or statements to Lender(or taYed to provlde
<br /> '`. :.:';'� ' Le(esentations o tcem'ing Borro�we��s occupa�y ofthe Pe��Y s a principah es encecif his Securityr Instrument(s
<br /> ���'y;��� �'• on a leasehdd,Bonower shall compiy with ali the provisions of tho lease• If Borrower acquires fee title to the Property, —
<br />-^''�` '����`� the leasehdd and the fee title shall not mergs udess Lerxler agrees to the merger in writing.
<br /> i�'�� °�°�'� If Borrower falls to perform the covenants and agreementa
<br />�.�,:�:+;;;: 7.Prot�ction of Lender's RIpM�in the P�op�y.
<br />- �.,,; `' contalned in thts Security�nst►ument,or there is eol�e pr�o CO��emt��o�or forfe u�re or to enfor e I ws orhts in the
<br />=�'"�'�'• property(such as a proceed(ng In bankruptcy (x
<br />���"'`"$, regulstlons),then Lender may do and pay for whaiever is necessary to p rotect the value of the Property and Lender's
<br /> In an sums secured by a ilen which has pdortty o�er thla
<br /> �=-���.,Q.;�"'y,,� riphts In the Property Lender's ections may In c��e��e attorneys'fees end eMering on the Properly to make
<br /> •'�-�r�'�.�� Securlty Instrument,eppeating in couR,pay g
<br /> i-�"��;::;� repatrs.Althouflh Lender may take action underthis paregrePh 7�Lender does not have to do so.
<br />=s�-_nr_�,.a� qny amounts disbursed by Lender under thls para9raph 7 shall become additi�n�dhese artwu s shali ubearby
<br />_�;:�...'_��"�
<br /> .__..��.. this Security Instrument.Unless Borrowe�and lender agree to other te a�e w�Y�nterest,upon notice from Lender to
<br />��� . (ntereat irom the date of disbursement at the NWe �ate and shaU be pay
<br />==;ti:;,'=,��'� BoROwer requestin9 PaYment.
<br /> —�'`-'� 8.Mortg�p�In�unnc�. If Lender required rrso►tga9e Insurance as a condition of►nalnisuranc e e'Hect.I�t,f y�Y
<br /> "�g'-"'�° Security InstrumeM,Borrower shail pay the premlums �equlred to malntain the mortgag
<br />- == ==� reason,the mortgage Insurence coverage reqWred by u�►'�eM to he mo gage insuraince preiriousl �Y n effec�t,at a cost
<br /> -- �"�!_� premiums required to obtaln coverage substantlal�Y eq e insurance previously in effect.from an altemate
<br /> substantialty equivalent to the cost to Borrowerof the mortgag
<br /> ���� moRgage insurer approved by Le�der.If substentiaNy equNalent mortgage Insurance coverage fs �ot avaltaWe,
<br /> ��`��="�— BoROwer shati pay to Lender each month a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yearly mo►tgage Insurance premlum being
<br />_ ,_:�:;�.��.,� paid by Borrower when the insurance coveragelapsed or ceased to be�n meMS yeno I�ongerbe requiredr�at�theh�e
<br /> - --->'�'��r,. payments as a Inss reserve In Ileu of mortgage�su►athe amo�nt and fot�the periods that Lender requires) provided by
<br /> - -`-"�'=�'y option c�f Lender,if mortgage tnsurance coverage p
<br /> --''�"� " ' an insurer approved by Lender again becomes avaNab�e and is obtained. Borrower shail pay the premtums required to
<br />� ,..�-� 'ri,. ; matntafn mortgage insurance in effect,or to provide a loss reserve,untii the requirement for mortgage inaurance ends
<br /> . . In accordance wRh any written agreemerit between Borrower and Lender or applicabie law. Lender
<br /> � � 9. InspscUon. Lender or fts agent may make reasonable enMes upon a n d t n s p e c t i o n s o f t h e P r o p e t t y.
<br /> ., � � M �� shall gh►e Borrower notice at the time of or prtnrto an inspection specifyfng reasonabte cause tor the inspect�on.
<br />_ �
<br />_ .. .. �' ' . .
<br /> '� , , . , �� FORM 302i O/90
<br /> � _�.; ISC/CMDTNE//0792/3028Ia�1'�
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