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��������� <br />EXHIBIT "A" TO QEED OF TRUST <br />May 25, 2012 <br />Trustor(s): Dennis and Kay Budde <br />Trustee: <br />State Bank of Scotia <br />P. O. Box 325 <br />Scotia, Nebraska 68875 <br />The legal description of the property encumbered by this Deed of Trust is as <br />follows: <br />TRACT 1 <br />A tract of land comprising the Westerly Five Hundred Sigty Two (562.0) feet of the NortherIy <br />Seven Handred Eighty Two and Eight Tenths (782.80) feet of the WesterIy One Thousand One <br />Handred Twenty Five and Four Hnndred Fifteen Thousandths (1,125.415) feet of the <br />Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NWI/4 NEl/4) of Section Twenty Three (23), <br />Township Twelve (12) North, Range Eieven (11) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska. <br />TRACT 2 <br />The W est�xly Qne Thousand One Hundxed '�wenty Five aud �'oiu Huud�ed <br />Fi�teett Thousandths (1,125.�15} �e�c of the Northwest Quazter o�the Northeast <br />Quarter �1/4 �FE�/4) of Section Twenty Tb�ee (23), .To�tship Twelve (X2) <br />riozth, Range Eleven (I 1) West o�the 6� P.M., Hall Coimty, Nebzaska, excepCing <br />a�b�act previously deeded in Boo� � 52, Page 72�, of the Recozds of said county <br />and £�uther excepting there�&oAa tba follov��ng desczxbed 1�t: <br />$e�ning at a point on the uorth lin� of sa�id Noxtb.west Quarter of tlae �Toxtheast <br />Q�uarC�r (N"VVI/4NE�/4), said point be�g One T�ousaad Sioz �uadr�d Seventy Two <br />and Thirteem �undredtbs (I,b72.�3) feet west of the moztb.east corner of Noztheast <br />Quarte�' (�1FJ14), said poiaat also being the northwe�st cnrn�r of a parcel d.escxibed in <br />Su:vivorship Wa�ranty Deea No. 98-100160, reearded in. the HaJ� County Register <br />of Deeds �ae; thence S90°00'00"W {Assumed Beax�ng), along and upon t�e <br />nozth line af said Northwest Quarter of the Noztheast Quarter {NW�I4NE1/4), a <br />distance of �our Huuadred Seven and Eigb�ty Se�ren Hundredtb�s (407.8� feet to a <br />point, said pa�i�ut beiwg Five T�undred Si�x.ty Two (562.0) feefi east of the northwest <br />coz�,ex of said Northwest Quartez of the Northeast Quarter {NWl/4NE1/4); tb�e�ace <br />S00°04' 13"�V, paralle� with the west line of said N'arthwest Qua�cter of the AToz�t <br />QuarCer (N'W'1/4NE�/4), a distance o� Eig�t Hundzed Sixty Six �d O�o�e Tenth <br />(866.14) fee� thence N94°00'00'�, parallel with tlie �orth line o£ saxd Norrhwest <br />Quaxter o�the Nortbeast Quart,er (NW'1/�FNE�/4), a distance of �ive Hundred Sixty <br />Three �d Foriy Two Hundredths (563.42) feet; thence �00°04'13"E, pa�callel with <br />the west line of sa'sd N'oxt}awest Quart�r of the Noztb,east Quarter (NWI,/4NE1l4), a <br />cli,stance of �ive Hund�red Fifly "I'hree �d '�vv�lve T�undredt�xs {553 feet to a <br />point crn tb�e south line of the pa.rce� d�scrlbed in said Sw�wivorshi� �Uairamty Aeed; <br />tb�emce S90°00'00"W', paza11e1 with the south �i�ae of said Northwest Quarrer of the <br />Noztheast Quarter (N'�V�l4�TE1/4), and being a�arag and u�c►n the sout� line of the <br />�arcel desc�'bed in said Swrv�ivoxslai.p W�anty Deed, a dist,�nce of One F�andred <br />Fifty (?ne aud �'br�ee Teuths (I51.30) feet to the corner o� tb,e parcel <br />ciescribed in saxd Survivorsbip Wa� Deed; thence N04°42'26"W, paraUel with <br />the east livae o� the l�ortheast Quaxter (NE1/4), and a,lso being along aud upon the <br />west line of the parcel described in said Swcv�ivarshi� Waaanty Deed, a distance of <br />Thr�e Hundred �'bozteen (313.0) feek to the �oint of begi�ani�sg and conta.i�oang <br />I0.100 aczes, �ore or less. of w1�dcTa, 0309 acres, moz� vr �ess, is pr�s occupi�d <br />by public road right af way_ <br />
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