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<br /> 17.Tmngfer oi the Pmperty or w Henctkls�l Interest in liorroker. If ull or any part of the Property or nny nt t in it
<br /> i+tiuld ur uanyfcrr�d(ur if a ben�fictal lntcrest in DartoEycr is sold ar transfcrrcd:�nd Horm�ver is not u n.nur.►I person)wi�hout
<br /> Lender's prlar written canunt, Leixier n�ay. at its option. rcyuirc immediate pa�•ment in full af all sums securecl by this
<br /> Security Instrun�ent.However,this op�iun shall not be exerciwd by Lcnder if exerclsc�s prohibited by fedeml law as of the date
<br /> af this Sccuriry Instrw�xnt.
<br /> If l.erKler exerriuw this optlon,Lender shull give B�rrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall provide a pericxf of not
<br /> less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed wlthin which Barrawer must pay ull sums secured by this
<br /> Security instrun�ent.If Barmwer failr to p�y these sums prior to the cxpiration of this periad, Lender nmy invoke uny remedics
<br /> permitted by this Sccudty Instrumcnt without fucther notice ar demand on Borrower.
<br /> 16. Borruwer's Wght to Rdr►stata If Borrower mcets certain conditions. Borrower shall have the right t� have
<br /> enfamcment of this Securiry Instrunxnt discontinued ut any time prior to the earlier of: (a) 5 d:iys (or sucli other period as
<br /> applirable law may specify for reinstatemeny before sAle of the Property pursuant to any power of sale contained in this
<br /> Security Instn�ment;ar(6)entry of u judgment enforcing this Socuriry Instrument.Those conditians are that Borrower:(a)pays
<br /> L.ender all sums which then wauld be due under this Security Inswment and the Note as if no acceleration had occumai;(b)
<br /> cures any detault of any other covenants or agreements;(c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument,
<br /> including, but not Iimitccl to,maso►iable attorneys' fees:an�i(d)takes such action ns l.ender may rrasonably rcquire to s�ssure
<br /> that the liea of this Securiry instrument. L.ender's rights in tjte Frupe�ty a��d Borrower's obligariare to pay thc sums scxure�by
<br /> this Security lnstrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reir�statement by Borrower, this Serurity Instrument and the
<br /> abligations.u:cured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acceleration had occurred.Howerer,this nght to reinstete shall
<br /> not apply in the rase of acceleration under p:�ragrapl� 17.
<br /> 19. Srle ot Note; Cha�e of Laan Serv[cer. 1'he 1Vote or a partiul interest ia the Note (together with this Security
<br /> Instrument)may be sold ane or more tirnes without prior notice to Borrower.A sale muy tesult in a change in the entity(known
<br /> as the "Loan Servicer")that callects monthly paymenu due under the Note and this Secunty Inswment.There also�nay be ane
<br /> or more changes of the L.oan Servicer unrelated tu a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servtcer,Borrower will be
<br /> given written notice of tho change in accordance with paragraph 14 above ancl applicabie law.The notice will state the�and
<br /> nddress of the new [.oan Servicer ancl r.he address to�rhich payments should be made.The notice will also contain any other
<br /> infamuition requircd by applicabla law.
<br /> 20. H��rdouc SnbsGances. Borcouer shall not cause or permit the presence. use, disposat, storage, or release of any
<br /> Hazordoos Substanccs on or in the Property. Barrower shall nat do, nor allow anyone else to do. unything affccting the
<br /> e•roperty that is in vioiation oi any En�•imnmen[ai iaw.'fi�e precaiing iwu���tc�n.r.,aimit iwi ri��oy to i�'ic�,��nce,us:.�r
<br /> storege on the Properry of sinall quanaties of Hazardous Substnnces that sue genernlly recognized to be appropriate to normal
<br /> nesident�al uses und to maintenaace of the Property.
<br /> Bonower shall promptly give L.ender written notice of any investigation. claim. demand. lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> govemrtiental or regulutory agency or private party involving the Property and any Haratdous Substance or Environmental Law
<br /> _ of which Bor�ower has actual knowledge.If Borrower leams,or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory auth�dty.ttuc
<br /> eny rertwval or othcr rcmediation of any Hazardous Substance affet;ting the Property is�ecessary,Borrower shell prompdy tnk�
<br />'; all necessxry remedial acGons in accordance with Environmental Law.
<br />_ As used in this paragraph 20, "Hazardous Substnnces" are those substances def nod as toxic or hazurdous subsuinces by
<br /> Enviranmental I.aw and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petrolcum pmducts. taxic
<br /> pesticides and lierbicides,voladle solvenu,materials conmining asbestos ar fom�aldehyde,and radioactive materials. As usod in
<br />- this paragraph 20. "Environnxntal Law" means federal laws and laws af the jurisdietion where the Property is located that
<br />�' relate to health,safery or environmental protection.
<br /> � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and I.erder further covenant ancl agree as fallows:
<br /> 21.Aoceler�tton; Remedles.Lender sdall gtve notice to Borrower prior to�deration following Borrower's bra�ch
<br /> of xny wvenant or ugreernent in this Security Instrument (but not prior to s�caleration under paragraph 17 unless
<br /> applkable law provides ot�erwise).The notke shall specif�: (a)the defaulh (b)the action rcquired to curc the detAUlh
<br /> ; • (c)A date,not less than 30 days[rom thc date the notke is given to Borrower,by whkh the defaWt must be curai;and
<br /> � (d) that [silure to cure the default on or before the d�te specitied in the notke may r�wult 5r nocderation oi the sums
<br /> secured by thts Security Instrume�t xnd sale of the Property. The notice shail turther iuTorm Burrowtr of the dght to
<br /> r reinstste after siocelerattan and the right to bring w wurt pction to assect the non-existence of x de�a�a9t or any other
<br /> detense of Bom�wer to accderatbn xnd ss�le. V the default is not cured on or before the d�te speciited in the�wtice�
<br /> . I.ender, at its option. may rcquire im�mediate psyment in full of aU sums socured by this Security Inshvmrnt w[thout
<br /> ' [urther danand t�nd m�y invoke thepo wer ot sale and any other remedtes permitted by Applt�cable Inw.I.endfx shall be
<br /> ' enUtled to collect all expenses incurred in pursutng the remedles provlded in this paragrpph$H,including,but not limited
<br /> to,reasonable Attorneys'fees�nd costs of title evidence.
<br /> � If thepo wer o[sale is tnvoked, 'h�utee shali record a nottce of default in ench county in whkh any part of the
<br /> Property Is located and shall mail coples of such notia in the manner prescribed by stpplicable law to Borrower smd to
<br /> ` the other pas�►ns pre.scrEbed by epplicable law.Atter the time required by applicable Ixw.Trustee sh�ll qive pubik nottce
<br /> . of s�le to thc persons and [n the manner pmscribed by applicable law.Trustee, wit6out cieanand on Borrower,'�sfwll sel�
<br /> : the Property At�wblk auction to the hYghest bidder at the dme and place and under the te�ms destqnated In the notice of
<br /> sale[n one or more parcels and in any order Trustee determines.Trustee mty poatpone sale of all or a�y pstm!ot t6e
<br /> ; Property by public Anirouncement at the time and place oi any previously sctaoduled sale. Lender or its designee may
<br /> purchase the Property at any salc.
<br /> Form 3028 9190
<br /> ' Pape 6 u+6
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