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�� <br />�� <br />N � <br />B = <br />� � �INANCING STATEMENTAMENDNIENT <br />� — INSTRUCTIONS (front and back) CAREFULLY <br />_a �� & PHONE OF CONTACT AT FILER [optional] <br />� ��� -648-8026 Kelli Flaspohler <br />�� ACIW OWLEDGMENT TO: (Name and Address) <br />�0 <br />�� <br />� <br />�� DIVER�SIFIED FINANCIAL SERVICES, LLC <br />14010 FNB PKWY, STE. 400 <br />� OMAHA, NE 68154 <br />2. <br />3. <br />� <br />_ <br />D <br />r <br />r i � <br />c�, � ',' - <br />a �. <br />�_... <br />fTl ��...,,—. <br />�.. � <br />�n )`.. <br />_� <br />, �, <br />�.� <br />� �� <br />-, : . <br />�*a f' <br />r �._ . <br />0 <br />� <br />(' �J <br />l=� <br />Y-+� <br />•v <br />C= <br />� <br />F--� <br />� <br />�T3 <br />� <br />N <br />('�) <br />O <br />� � <br />C � <br />� rn <br />—�1 <br />� o <br />o ''� <br />�^ z <br />= m <br />D � <br />r z� <br />r � <br />�� <br />� <br />� <br />U� <br />Gr� <br />�� <br />N � <br />O � <br />� � <br />N � <br />� � <br />s � <br />rn � <br />F � f.!'i <br />� <br />/��C � � <br />THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR FILING OFFICE USE ONLY <br />INITIAL FINANCING STATEMENT FILE # <br />200313640 HALL COUNTY, NE 10/15/2003 <br />to be flled [for recordj (or recorded) in the <br />Etfedivenese oT the Flnendng Stetement fdentlfled ebove Is tertnineted with reapact to securlty Intarest(s) oi the Secured Party euthorizing this Terminadon Sfetement <br />is <br />GONTINUATION: Eftectiveness of the Financing Stetement (dentlfled ebove wlth reapect to securfly Interest(s) oi the Secured Party euthorizing ih(a ContlnuaUon Stetement is <br />contlnued tor fhe edditlonal perlod proWded by appltcable law. <br />4. u ASSIGNMENT (full or partla�): Give neme of ess(gnee In item 7a or 7b end eddreas of assignee In item lc; and also give name oi aseignor in ttem 9. <br />5. AMENDMENT (PARTY INFORMATION): This Amendment affects U Debtor pt � Secured Perty ot record. Check only nua of these hvo boxes. <br />Also check pafl oi fhe fotloxring three boxes BpQ provide appropriete infomiatlon In ftems 6 andlor 7. <br />CFWNGE name and/w addr�s: 0(ve current record name In ftem 6a or 6b; also g(ve new DELETE name: ONe record neme ADD name: Complete Item 7a or 7b, and elso <br />name ((f neme charma) in item 7a or 7b end/or new addrasa (it address chenae) In item 7a ❑ W be deteted in item 6a or 6b ❑ ttem 7c atso comptete items 7d-7u (if aoolimble) <br />6. CURRENT RECORD INFORMATION: <br />OR 6b. INDMIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME <br />WOODMAN D SCOTT <br />7. CHANGED (NEW1 OR ADDED INFORMATION: .. <br />8. NAME OF SECURED PARTY OF RECORD AUTHORIZING THIS AMENDMENT (neme of essignor, ff this is an Aealgnment). If this is an Amendment euthorized by a Debtw whtch ' <br />adds collaterel or edds the authorizing Debtor, or H this Ie a Termfnatlon authorized by a Debtor, chedc here n end enter name of DEBTOR authorizing this Amendmant <br />�DNERSIFIED FINANCIAL SERVICES, LLC. <br />OR 9b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFlX <br />1 O.OPTIONAL FILER REFERENCE DATA <br />009-0048593-003 WOODMAN TERM <br />FILING OFFICE COPY-NATIONAL UCC FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT (FORM UCC3) (REV. 07/29/98) <br />Descrihe collateral �deleted or ❑ added, or give entlre�resteted collaterel descrlptlon, or deacdbe collaterel �aselBned. <br />
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