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<br /> rd � 16.Borrower's Copy. Borowcr shall ba givcn ocnc conformcd copy of the Note and of this Securiry Insaumen�
<br /> �i 17.Trarf��of die PropePt or a Benetki�l Iotereat in Horrawer. If all or any part of the Property or any intuest in it is .
<br /> �_'.'�', sold or 7an�tu�seE(or if a bene�ciel Inurest in Bortower�S sold or transferred and Borrower Is not a nawralperaon)without
<br /> Lender's pria v�rtiaen coc�sent,Lendu may,at itsoppon,require immediata pstyment in full of all sums secured by this Security
<br />_ �; InstrumenL Ho.�vever,lhis opdon shall not be�acercised by Lender if eaercise is prohibitod by fedual law as of ttle dsu of this
<br /> ,� j SecurlryIns�menG :.�`-
<br /> ,. If Lenda racac�ses this o 'on.L,endu shall give Borrower noUCe ot eoceleration.'It►a no6ce shall provide a ' of not less ,_
<br /> than 3U daya� _ ' ap�ice is delive.red a m�alled wtthla which Borrower must pay all,sums sec by thls Sceurity `.
<br /> InstrumenL U � �p s y,►iheafv aums pria w the eapiraoon of this puivd,Lender may mvoke anY remedies pemdttod __
<br /> by this Secwity ains •f�utlla[noOice or dernand on Barower. _
<br /> , la.sorrov�i�'a to ite�iishta If Horrower meets cat�in conditions, Borrower sdall have the right w, hava
<br /> . enforceme�nt of t6is Securtry Instxument disconunued at az►y tirctie prioc to the eastia of: (a) 5 days (or such o11xr penod as _
<br /> � applicable lav Enay spocify for reinstetement)befora aele of the rPrope�xty'P�usuant to any power of sak containod in this Security
<br /> � Instrument:a Cb)entry of a judgment eaforcing this Securiry Instrwnent 11�a4e condidor�s ace that Borrower.(a)�a s L.endu ell
<br /> . sums whl�:h dicn would be due onda�this Securiry Inswment and the Note ag if ao aocelera�on had occurred; (yb)cures any
<br /> d�fault af swy other cavenants or agiterr.er�; (e)pays�ll expenses�:surred in enforcing th�s Security Insuuir�e.at,lncluding.but ._
<br /> not Wnited Iq rr�onable attomeys'fa�;and(d)takes such acHon as I�der may reasonably require to assure U►at tl►e llen of this
<br /> � Security Insuuma�t, Lender's rlghta in the Propaty and Borrower's obligaBon W pay ihe sams socund by this Security
<br /> � Instniment aha71 condnue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Sarower. this Security Instrr�ment and the obllgadons secured
<br /> hereby shallrcra�ain fully effecflve av�f no acceleraxion had occurred.Howevu,this rig6t w reiast�te shall not apply in the case of
<br /> " .'�r` acceleretIon wda paregraph 17.
<br /> • . ;; 19.SakoP Note;ChAnge of Loan Servicer. '!he Note or e nartial interest in the Note (together with this Securlty
<br />- . Instrumerts)me�y ba sold one or more times without prior notice to Boirower.A sale may result in a channge ln thc entltY(knowin
<br /> ' � �� ag the"Loan Sr�vicer")that collects monthly ymeats due under the Note end this Securlty Instrument�`I 1�ere a l s o mav b e one or
<br /> ' more cha:aga of the Loan Scrvicer unre�to a sale of the Nou.If thera is a chaage of the Loan Servicu,Borrowu will bc
<br /> • , . given writtai naxice of the change fn accordence with pmegragh I4 above andapplicable law.'ilie nodce wlll stete the narne and
<br />`,,;>.,; ..,�;. address o€de new I.oan Servker and the address w which paymenta should be rnade.T1�e aatice will also contain any other
<br />_;.: .. , informationrrc�uired by appl�Cable law.
<br />=-.,,;�,,,::,:_� 2�.Ks.•�oas ��s���. R�um+r!�: �hAll .,�,► c���ce or purnit�he presena. use. disposal, stoi'aBe. or releasa of eny
<br />- .�'}�' Ha�ardous Sutssnnces on or ln the Property.Boirower shall not do,nor allow anyone else W do.anything affecting the PropatY
<br /> '`�y'`�_ '•. diat is ln vial�on of any Eavironmerital Law.'Ihe preceding two seauences shall not apply w the pnseace.use.or storage on tde
<br /> '�"'�*--=:'.`�• Property of arrall quantities of Hazardous Substences that are generally recognlzed to l�e approPrlate co no�mal resldentiaal us�s
<br /> .,,,: .,
<br />�'tir���'J"%•`� end co main�nare of the Pcopecty.
<br />��`'�x`�'�� Bomowa siuU pmmptly give L,ender writun not�ce of any invesdgadon,claim, demand, lawsuit or otha acdon by eny
<br />���'�°� vemmr�W or re en or dvate involving the Pro and an Iiazordous Substance or Envirnnmental Law
<br /> -=:-`:vi�r,�� So B���Y a8 �Y P P�Y P�Y Y
<br />-==i;,;- of which Barowa hav ecwal knowledge.If Bo�rower leazns.or is notified by any govemmental a regulawry authorlty.that any
<br /> �=x-� removal o=dha rematianon of any Hezardous Substance affecting the Propesty is necessery.Bomawer shall promptly take all
<br />-- '3�"„r� n�c�s,yary, mne�dW acdons in eccordance with Environmental Law.
<br />�-=���'� As us�d in this prragraph 20. "Hazardous Subs�ences" are Uaso aubstances defined as tosic or herardous substancag by
<br />—':;���� Bnvironmeanl Law and the foUowing substences: gasoW�e, kaosene. otl�er flammabk or Wxic peaolwm pr�oducts, toxlc
<br /> ;�:;'�-�=�`w `,� Pesdcides md l�abictdes.vola�le solventa�materjals containing atbestos or foimeldehyde�and rSdioacdve materlals.As usod in
<br /> -�.,•�� thi,vp�h ?A,••Bnvimnmental Isw"means fedaal laws and laws of the jurisdicbon where the Proputy is located thet rolste
<br />_�����, to health- ,s�t�ty a environmenW protecdon. -
<br /> ---_�''T� NON-UN[laORM COVBNANTS.Borrower end Lender fucther covenant end agne as follows:
<br /> - , 21.Aealeratbn;Remedfea.Lender ehaU give noNoe to Borrower prior to aaekmtbn foUowing Borrower's breach of
<br /> any oov�ut or a�reement in tbLs Security I�strnment (but �ot prbr to acaieration under parn�ph 17 ualcas
<br /> _-��'�'�� applk�ble hwr provides otfierwi�e).T�e notice sWl!specit3.f.a)the detault;(bD the astbn required to care tlx defiult;(c)
<br /> _�=-"`"� a date,not kss tltan 30 daya trom the d�te t6e mSia is given to Borrower,by w�k6 the default must be cured;and(d)
<br />-_ ,"�""V.,� that t�Ware t�cwre the detAUlt on or betore the d�te apecitkd(n the notice mvy result in ncakratbn of tbe sums aecured
<br /> -- br thM Saa�r�g Inatrument aRd aak of t6e Property.T6e nWix ehall fuvt6er intorm Borrower of t6e right to reinstate
<br /> attq��oo�kra�lon and t6e right to brfng� court action to assert the non�existenoe oP a default or Any ot6er defense ot
<br /> - �� Borrmrer ro acael�ration xnd sak.It We det�Wt is aot cured on or betore the dAte spec[fied in the notioe,Lender,at ita
<br /> --=;;� opdon,ma�r�eqoire immediAte payment ie tull of aU sums secured by this Security Instrument wlt6out further demaad
<br /> _ ` ` and m�y hr�lce We power of sak and any oth�r remedks permitted by applicebk Is�w.I.ender shall be entitkd to oolkct
<br /> ����'°`� r� �ll expensa incurred in purauLng the remedks provWed in thh p�rag�ph 21,iacluding,but not limited to,raisonabk
<br />�:�,rF_�:-nr
<br />--;=;;:;,,.,�;"; attorneys'he�ad coste of titk evWeeoe. —
<br /> - If the power dt sale Lv invoked, 1�rustee s6o11 recard a aotioe ot detault in each county in whkh any part of t6e
<br />�;,+�r-��;'• '•. Prop�ty 6 be�ted and s6all mail mpies of suc6 aofiioe in the mAnner prescribed by applkabk Ww to Borrower and to the =
<br /> �•=ti` � . otLer peraons prcscribed 6r appiirabk law. Aflta tl�e time requfred by applicabk taw,Trustee shail give public notia ot __
<br />- • sak to tt�:praraona and in We manner prescribed by applka6k Isa.Trustee,without demaad on Borrower,s6a11 seli the �
<br /> -_ 1'ropertjr �tpaibli¢auctlon to the highest bidder�t the time aad�lace And under the terms designated fa t6e notice of eak '�:_
<br /> •��'' Form 3048 OlDO
<br /> _..?�_.;.' �•ER(NE�I�s���.oi a.o•6ae ��uu�r. __
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