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<br /> 13.Notic�.Any aotice to Borrower pmvided for in this Security Instcumeac sbaU be Slvea by dellvnrlug it or
<br /> by mailing it by first clus mell unless applicAble law requires use of anotber method.'fhe notice shall be dirxted to
<br /> tho Property Address oT any othcr address Borrower desigaatcs by notice to Lender.My notice to Lender shaU be
<br /> givea by flrst clau mail to Lender's address stated herein or any address L.ender designates by nodce to Borrnwer• `
<br /> Any notice pmvided for in this Secur[ty lnsavment shall be deemal to have been g�vcn to Borro�ver or Lender when
<br /> given as provtdai im thi�paragraph.
<br /> 14.GoveraGng I.xw; 9everabtltty.Thls Securlry Iasv.uineat shall be govemed by Federal law and the law of
<br /> the jurisdiction in which the Property is locatal. Ia t�e event that any provision or aleuse of this Securiry Instrumcnt
<br /> or the Note coaflicta wIth applicable law,such conAics s�all aot affect other prov3sions of this Securiry Instnunant or
<br /> the Note whtch can be givea effect without the confDicting provlslon. To this end the provisions of this Securiry
<br /> Insuument and the Note an declered to bc severabla �
<br /> 15. Bon+ower's Copy. Bormwer shall be glven one conformxd copy of tha Nou and of this Securlty
<br /> TI13Ul1S1CGt.
<br /> 16.Ii�rdous Substances. Bormwer shaU not cause or perwit the pnsence, use.disposal.arorage,or release
<br /> of my H�zardous Substaaces on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do,aor allow aayoae else to do� enythIng
<br /> affecting the praperty tuat ia iu violation of any Eavironmental Law. The precediag cwo aeauncrs ahall not apply to
<br /> the presence, use, or atonge on the Property of smaU quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generally
<br /> rewgnized to be appropriate to nornaal resldential uses and to maintenance of the Property. -
<br /> Borrower shall pmmptly give Lender wrItten notice of any iavestigatioa,claim.deinand,lawsuit or other action
<br /> by my govemmentat or ngulatory agency or private party iavolving the Propetty Aad aaY Hazardons Substanca or
<br />- Environmenul Iaw of which Borrower hus aaual knowledge. If Btorrower lcarns,or ia nodficd by any govemmental
<br /> �*n��lunry uuthorlty.that anY nmoval or other remediation of any Hazardoue Subssances affectin$the ProP�riY�s
<br /> neassary, Borrower shall promptly talce all necessery remedial aetions in aeeoraance wich Environmcnial L+.�.
<br /> As used ia t6is paragraph 16. "Hazardous Substences" are those subsunces defined �s toxie or hAZardous
<br /> substanas by Environmental Law aad the foAowing eubstances: gesoline. keroseae. other flammable ar wxic
<br /> petroleum products,toxic pesticides aud herbicidea,voladle solvenu. materials oont�tning asbestos or fo:maldehyde.
<br /> and radioactive materids. As used in this pus�gr�ph 16, "Environmencal 1a►w+'means faleral lawa aad lawa of the
<br /> ' jurisdicdon whcre the Property is locaud that nlate to beatth.safery or environmental pmtection.
<br /> NON-UNIFORNf COVENAIV'fS.Borrower ond Lender further covenant and agroe a�followa:
<br /> � 17..�sstP.omeut ot Renb.Bor[ower uacondittonally assigas aad uansfera to I,eadcr all tho nnta and revenues
<br /> of the Pmpecty• Borrower authorizes L�ender or Lender's agenta to coUect the reats uid rovenuen�nd henby directa
<br /> each ten�at of the Property to pay the rents to Leader or L.ender's agenta. However,prior to I.eader'a aotice to
<br /> Bom�wa of Borrower's bnach of eny covenant or agreement in the Seaurlry Iasaument�Bomuw'er ah�ll colloct uid
<br /> receive�ll reata and revenues of the Property u uustee for the b�nefit of Leuder and Borrower.Thts auignmtnt of
<br /> rents c,aostitutes an absolute aseignnyent and not an assigament for addiflonal security on1y.
<br /> If i.ender gives aoticx of bn�ch to Borrower: (a)all nnte received by Borrower ahall be held by Borrower as
<br /> � uustee for benetit of Lender only.w be applled to the sums secured by the Securtty Insuument;�Lend y��
<br /> entitied to cellect and rxeive all of the renta of the Property;and(c)each tenmt ot the Property
<br /> due and unpaid to Leader or Lender's agent on L.ender's wrltten demand to the tenant.
<br /> Bomower haa aot eaceeuted any prlor assignment of ths rents uid h�not aad will not perform any act th�t would
<br /> ptevent l,ender from exerctsing ita righte under this paragtaph 17.
<br /> Lender ah�ll not be required to enter upon,take eonaol of or maintain the Property before or aRer giving aodce
<br /> ' of bre�ch w Borrower.However,Lendes or a judicially appoinud recxiver may do ao u any time t1►ere Ia a bnach.
<br /> � Any applic�tion of rtats shall not cure or waive any def�ult or invalidate any othGr right or remedy of L.ender.This
<br /> assignment of rents of the Properry ahall uimiaate when the debt secured by the Securtty Insmiment ia patd in full.
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