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<br /> af Borrower's cove,�ants and agrcements undcr this Securlty Inatrumcnt and iho Noto. For thu purpou, Hortowu =
<br /> irrevocably grant�end convcys to the Trustee,in tntst,with power of sala,the following dcxri6c0 property locAted ln
<br /> x�►LL County,Mcbra4ke:
<br /> !
<br /> ` which hag the address of 904 WEST 4TH 3TREET, t+RAND iSLAND ►S�rea,Ci�yJ, _
<br /> �� NebtaSita 6e801 Iztp codel ("�P�Y Address")�
<br />'�� 'POC}fiTHHR WITEi all tha impmvemcnu now or hereafter crectad on the property� and ali eaxmeats,
<br /> appurtenances and fucturos now or hereafter a part of the proputy.A11 replacement�and addi�one shall also be covered
<br /> • by thia Socurlty lnstrumen�AlI ai the fongoing is nicc�ui tv��iY�.;Sa,u,-ity Ir�sirun�i«�8sa":to�w�-�ty.��
<br /> BORRUWER COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully seizod of the estet�a heteby conveyed and ha�the�ight W
<br /> • grant end convey the Property and that the Property is unencumberul.exceps for encumbrenca of rxad. Bomowa
<br /> wam+nts end will dcfa�d generally the dde to�ha Property a8einst sU claims and demands.subjoct to any encumbranccs
<br /> • of recoed
<br /> THIS SBCURITY JNS'TRUMBNT cornbines unifonn covenants for nadonal usa and non-wifonn covenant�wlth
<br /> lunital va�fations by jurlsdlcdon to consdtute e uniform securlty insuumeat coverin8�P�rtf'•
<br /> ' Bocrowa and Lender covenant and egra es follows:
<br /> �� 1.PAyment ot Priacip�l,Intereat And Ltate Chuge.Borrower shuU pay when due ihe principal of,and interest
<br /> °'� on,the debt evjdencod by the Nou end late ctorges due undu ttie Note.
<br /> ' 2.Moathly Payment ot Taxes,Inaurance aod Other Charges.Borrowu si�all includa in taeh monthly p�yment,
<br /> ' together wIth the principal and interest as set fotth in tha Note and uny late charges.a sum fa(a)taaes and spoc�l
<br /> • asaessmp�ts levted or to be levicd against the Property,(b)leasehold payments or ground rents on tha Propeity,and(c)
<br /> � pnmiums for insurance required under paiagreph 4. In any year in which the Lec►du must pay a mortg�ge inauru�ce
<br /> • prcmium w the Sa:retery of Housing nnd Urban Development("Secretary"),or in any year in whkh such premium
<br /> would have been re�nind�lf I.u�du still held the Security Inswment,each monthly payment shall also include aithcr:(i)
<br /> a siun for the annwl mortgage insurance premium w be paid by Lender to the Secretery.or(li) a monthly chargo lnstead
<br /> of a mortgage insarance pnmium if this Sauriry Inawment is held by the Secretary. in a reaconable amount w be
<br /> determined by tho Secretary. Bxcept for the monthly charge by the Secretary.theso items aro calkd"Escrow Ytems"and
<br /> the sums peid w I.etider are called"Escrow FLnds."
<br /> � Lender may.at eny time,collect and hold amaunts for Escrow Items in an aggregate amount not to oxcocd tho
<br /> max{mwn amount that may be required for Borrower's escrow account under the Re31 Hstete Seqkment Procedures Act
<br /> of 1974. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seq. and irnplementing regulations,24 CFR Part 3500, ag they may be anteaded
<br /> from rime to tirne("RBSPA"),axcept thet tbe cuahian or reserve permitted by RHSPA for unandcipated disbutsanents
<br /> or disbursemonts before the Borrower's paymer�ts are available in the account may not be baged on amounts dua for tha
<br />- mortgage�insurance premium.
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