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<br /> (Bp�o�Alww Ihi�Lk»Fa R�oorAMiO
<br /> o��u oF rnusT a Y �
<br /> K,�,,,,,r,,,,,�„ IN1'BRNATiONAL,INC. �i�,
<br /> CHtAN[�Q�it(s}' 69,r�,Il.Er98 P 0. &)x 536 �
<br /> wrww� aiR wrw� wr�wi iwr nrnw cNaw�l
<br /> Burritt Kevin D. B i J K. ,�°� •• �.,��.►. Da _ c«e ��o
<br /> r�uarN�oorea ertv sr� areooa
<br /> 6]. 1 Grar�a a.81 a I1 /'rnnr� TFtlanr7 iJF: .111G�iik3
<br /> THLS DfiBDOFTRUS'I'.MoBe�. 28�I► d�y ot Auaust 1997 �betweenK°°;^ D. aurri�t & Janet K
<br /> eer�in�tceralledTRUSTOR,wiw�e idd�uls 615 S�est Charlea, Grand Is�land, NE �urritt, hia wife
<br /> tt3i el pUed TRUSTHB,whose ad�ccss is 12127 Paeific, Omaha,NE_
<br /> rmd.AVCQ '� NAL.IIdC..a Nebtaalu corpontioe,berein�fter called BHNBFICIARY,�vhose addrets is
<br /> 1233 tv W :f�b �*�' '
<br /> wm�r�ss . nLS wxu w�.eu�s�ro xRUSa�,ua�rnvsr,vvmi pow�oF s�.e�r�ouo,�mc
<br /> deuxibed propatY.aituued ln Ba11 _ Count�:Nebnakr.
<br /> 3ee Exhibit "A" Attached
<br /> 1o�ether�rIU�all buildlais md improvemenunor or Eereaftec etected Werwn and al scraas.nn►tnp.sb�dei�ttam�ash�sd 6Unds.�nA batln;,
<br /> D�hd�t.W+nbU�.�u.elatric.venNlWng�rcfri�aada�and�io-condidonhag eqnipmene used in connectlon thero�vitb,all of�hicL.fa the puepose of
<br /> t6is Deed atTnut,�Y�ll be deemed fiadresrd mbJect w thelkn 6erool.aad tt�e hecediumenu�nd aDpn:cenaaces pescainin�co�be properry�bove
<br /> de:ciibed,ue�11 seract�.luies.�11eYi,Pas�es�Nays�waten.�aur conraes.rtshts.ubectlec aad peivite�es.wbauoeva tt�emuato beloesia�a ia
<br /> my�v��o apperninin=wA tde roventoa�ndrcmd�de+s�all of wbich ic nfernd to heretnaiter a tho"pnmises".
<br /> 70 HAVB AND i'O AOLD tbe above�iescil6ed yremises.writ6 ihe�ppurteaanees and flucture�.nnto the saie BeoaIIclary.its tnecesco�s�nd aesi�a.
<br /> ' fomra.fathe parpaet aod wd hereL�ttat]�,hee fmm a11 dfhts wd benctiu under and by vi:aie of anq Homestoad Exemptios La.w nf U►a State
<br /> of Nebt�siu w6fch may ba euacud.�+lkh sdd rit6ts�d benefits ihe said'IYuetor does 6eceby mepressly nleaso aad wdve�.
<br /> FOR TI�PITRPOSfi OF SECURRdG:(1�Pa[a�musa of eacE�eemcnt of'hustor ooatdneA herein;(2)Payment of the priacip�l tnm wlth inca�es�,
<br /> u provided in�ecordmce r'vith tEe urms ud pmvisfon�af a Pcomi�tory NotelLotn Agneement(�ereinatter n[ecred w u"pe�misw�y no4+")dated
<br /> �,+�++,Q} �B� 1997 .demwlth execnted Dy Tmstoc and ptyable to the orOer ot BeneIIcitry.in ttNee LMxipil wm of
<br /> s�na�n lZ _�nd hwins the dxte otlts fiaal psym�ent due on RMA/Oe� .a a eXtended.
<br /> defeRed aseschednled by reae�l orreRnvx:Ci)Payment otu►,Y�d8[doaal advanca��"'tU�imarat tbereon a mqr 6eseatDecbe toansd by,Aanoficlary
<br /> a'fnut«i¢a m�xtmam sun oi S 17332.56 within 15 yeu�irom tbe due ot thts Deed o!'tta:r.
<br /> howaver,tNs pu�g�ph daes na cowBtute i eommitmea't by SeneUciary to malce tutnre advtnces;(4)T6e payment of�nK monoy tA�c roay be
<br /> �dvmced br tLe Seaeflduy to Trostar for ay:euon a oo tbW patdes.with ieure:t thereoa.whem ibe amounu are advanced to Dmtat tf�e�p Y
<br /> In�c+d�ce with tbe wvenanu o[tbls Dicdof'host;(S)Any reae��l,reifs�nclnQ or exteosion of aid pcomissory aoee,or�Y other aq�'eem
<br /> wh;ch mq be wbYtltuted tLerefa.
<br /> /�s�ditioul teeoriry.'hastor Lueby pvesa aad co�tas�upon Beneflcluy ihe risht,power.and aut6orIty.dwlt�tLe Coutinuaace o1 these'fruzis.to ,
<br /> collat the rernu,ianes.anG proGu of af d pcol�atY.raervinf u�w'ilvstor t�o r1�hA pdor to�ny default by'Peu:ta in paymenc of aay iodeMednets •
<br /> �eewed�roby a in pa�acmaaoeot aoy a�ra�at h�iaim0er,W collect and ceafn�uch cenu.tuoa.aad proAts a tLeY become due u►d ptyaDla Upon
<br /> aay wch defwlt,BeaeGcivy m�y u a�y ti.�.aitAer ia petson.bv aaeftt,ot bv a recNver to he�ppc►inted hy e cnnrt,�nA withcmt�ra*►d to the e�necy
<br /> of any seurlty tor the inCebtedaas Eeceby ueurcd.eater apon and take possesaton at aud property or any puc theceof,ia hiss own mmo�ue for or
<br /> oWmriseooliect such rents,isauet. ud protlts,iaclndia those put doe ac0 unpaid,wd apply W�saa�e,lees costs and exp�nses of opentlon aad
<br /> collceticso,inclndin;neaaonable utaioeys'fus.costs,m�e�cpensa,if permitted by law,upon my indeDtedneas secured hcreby,and in sucL order as
<br /> don�ihet+eot as=dons�i .d thall not�curo or a��ilva my d�ef ult ootico of deftult hen�undet or in valldat aacy act done pei�rtusnt w s ch nodce�PPlica-
<br /> •n.,.....�..«�.�h��mr m�he obli�dos acund bY thi�Deed of'1`rust sdall Ee appUed in tho followina order.
<br /> .����.__'_' '•
<br /> FIIiST.To tLe paymeat of tues and assa�ents tlut may 6e IeWed anG asu:sceG aYatnst sua pnmi�s.insa:anca p�cmiun,s.riP.u.,:+�+:+.��
<br /> charsu md oxpeuses�{re�d w bopai�dEy iLeZlrustor. • �
<br /> SECaND:lbtheQaymwto[tn[,aat dKUnaidlo�n. ,"�w
<br /> THIItD:To the payu►eat of pclneipil. , ;
<br /> To pRp1ECTTHfi SECURITY HEREOF.IRUS'�OR(S)COVPPIANTS AND AORfiES:(1)1b kap sddpremises insured a�inst toss by flm aad otl�er ,, ;
<br /> - ha�cds.cuu�lry aad�ontin;eacies up to tEe fvll value ot all Improvemenu fa the pmucdon of Benetici�ry in auch manner,in iuch amounu,and tn •
<br />-- such compmia u BeneficiarY may from tlmo to time ippruve,rnd that loss procads pets expense of collectlon)tQill,at Beaefici�sy's optlou,be ,�
<br /> R� applkd a�aid inde�tcdnes:.whethetdue aaotor to tLe restoradon of aid improvemeau.In oveat of loss Tcnsror will give immeEiate nodce by mail � .
<br />� to tLe Bexticluy.w�o mayr mdoe proof otivsf tt not made prompdy by Tenator,tnd eich inswance company concemsA is hereby authorked u►d
<br /> = dirxted ta m�to psyment fa sucE los�di�secUy to the Beneficfuy Inttead of ro the Tcustor.(2)'!b pay all tua snd special usessments ot�ay kind that
<br /> ?� haveDeeoor m�y be tevied or asussed upooiaid premises.�nd to dellver to Beneflciuy,upon uett of the Beneticfuy,Ne otticid recefpt thowio�
<br /> n
<br />�� ptymeatof all tucR tues�ed asussments•(1) Io ihe nveat otdefanit by 1YuRtor under Puty�sphs or 2 above.Heeofictary.at its opUon.m�y(i)pl�ce
<br /> - and keep�ueL insur�ace�bove yroWded t'al�toree tEron�out tbe tife ot�hlt Deed of Tcua�nd psy the reuon�ble premtums u►d charge;therefor;(b)
<br />= pay�ll a�id ta:et�nd�sseumonu w►ItEoatd�tetmtnin�Ibe vtlldity thereof;�ed(c)piy such liens s�nA a!1 tuch disbursementa u ahatl be deemed a put
<br /> .;} of tde indebtadees�tecured by t�ia Deed othvst md��It bo lmmedfately due and piy�ble by'Ilvttor to Seneficiary.(4)Tb pay when due u�y lien on
<br /> the prppetty whlcD Lf tenior to tEe lien of Btoeiiclary t�ad,notwitLsundlnQ�ny Nyht or option�ranud�y any unla Iten or Ey any senia llenEolder co
<br /> permtt theprlecipal b�luce of such aeetorNen ro incnue.Trustor wUl not permit the pdncipal bal�nco otmy senior tiee to Increate a�ove the�alanee
<br /> 28-0474(REV,&94)NE•dENERAL USUAY LJ1W
<br />