. IpW
<br /> � � , - --- --- —
<br /> Borrowcr shall promptly glva Len:ier writtcn notice of uny investigatian. slaim, dcmand, luwsnit or c�ther action by uny
<br /> govcrnn�ental ar regulutory:�gcncy or privAtc parry involving thc property and any Hnzardous Substuncc or F.nyironmcntal I...uw
<br /> of which Dorr�►wcr h1s acwal knowlcdgc. If Rorrowrr Icarns, or is notificd by ►my govcrnnuntul or regulutory a�ih��rhy, thut
<br /> any removal or ath�:r remaii.nion afany H:czard��us Subxtance affccting thc Pibperty iti ixxesw�ry. linrrower�huli pmmptly tuke
<br /> nll nccessury remediul uctionti in uccnrdance with Environmcntul Law.
<br /> As used in thls puragraph 20,'Hmnrdous Substunccs" ure those substs�nces defined us tuxia or h:v.�rduu, subwta�xes hy
<br /> Environmental Luw and the tollowing substances: gasoline, kerasene, other flammable or taxir,petroleum Qroducts, toxic(Q
<br /> pesticides:uid herbicides,volaule tiolvents, muteriuls containing asbestos or formaldehyde,and radtoactive matenuls.As usai iny
<br /> this parugrnph 2G, "Bnvironmental Law" means federal laws and luws af the jurisciictian where the Prnperty is located that �
<br /> rclatc to I�calth.nufcty or cnv irun�z�ental prutcc:t(on. -
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COV ENANTS. 9orrowcr und Lender further covenant and agre�as fallows: }1
<br /> 21.AcceleraHon;Remedles.Lender shwU give notice to Borrower prior to accelerAtion fulbwtng Bomower's breach
<br /> of wny cavenant or agramrnt in this Security [nstrument (but not prlor to accelerutton under paragraph 17 unks�
<br /> up�licable law provides otherwire).The not(ce shall spectfys (a)the defAUlt; (b) the ection required to cure the defa�it;
<br /> (c1 w dnte,not less tAAn 30 dnys from the date the notice ts given to Borrower,by which tl�e detault must be cured;ond
<br /> (d)ttwt tailure to cure the default on or be[ore the dAte specified In the notice may result in acceleration of the sums
<br /> secured by this Sccnr[ty Instrunsent artd sale ot thc Property. Thc nottce�hall fuKher inform Borrower u!the rip,ht to
<br /> refnstate o[ter xceleration and rhe r(ght to bring st court actton to Assert the non-existence of a default or any other
<br /> defense ot Borrower to accelerc�t(on and yale. U the default is not cured on or before the date spociCrd [n the notice,
<br /> Lender, at tts option, may req�ire immediate payment in futl of all sums secured by this Security Instrument wlthout
<br /> [urther demand and may invoke Ihe power of sale and any other remedifes perniltted by applicelblc law.l.ender stwll be
<br /> ent(tled to collect all expenses Incurretf in pursutng the remedlcv provtded in this paragraph 21,frtcluding,but not limdted
<br /> to.reasonable attorneya'fee.v and msts of title evidence. •
<br /> If the power ot sale�is invoked,Trustee shall record a notice of default in each county in which any part ot il�e
<br /> I�operty is lUCated and sl�za�l mail cupies ut sucb��utice[n tl�e mauner Ne�u�•lUed by appltcable taw ta Borrower ae:eD!,�
<br /> t�e other persons pres��u•lbrc'1 by applIsable taw.Afd�r 4he time requtred by app9dcAble law,Trustee shall g[ve}�ubf�c natice
<br /> uf sxle tc+¢�e �petsons and im the mRnner prescrlbed by appltcable law.Trustee, without clemand on Borrower;ahsll sdl.
<br /> the F'ra�per.t3�zit�ubitc auction ta the 6�9ghest b�r�der at the time pn�pluce und under the terms designated in the notice of
<br /> gnle in one o:��mare parcefs�nd in amy order Trustee determines.Trustee may pastpone sal�oi all ar any pa�el of tize
<br /> �'roperty by pubiic annomncement a3 tha time a�n� pface of any previously scheciuled ss�le. Lender ar 14v dest�nee may
<br /> ,purchs4se the Property at anyaate. --
<br /> _ Upon recetpt of pay�rnent ot the prtce bld� Trustee stutll deliver to the purchacer Trustee's deed couveying the _
<br /> Prope�ty. The recitals !n the Truuee's deed shall be prima[acle eviderice of the truth of the statemet�ts rnade 3herein.
<br /> Trustee shaU apply the procads ot the sale In the following order:(a)to all costv and expenses o�exerctsing the pox•er of
<br /> sale,and the sale,including the pAyment of the Trustee's fees nctuAlly tncurred,not to exceed the of 50 or 1/2 �,
<br />' ot the princtppl nmount of the note at the time of the declArotion ot de[ault�and reasonable pttorneys'tees As permitted
<br /> . i�y Irw;('v/iv��swtu eiati�sr�`vy iiu��iiiiriiy Iiwi'it�nrui;�ou'(c}Ki�j cACcie tv n2 jrci oisii:,i' ...:oG.o I�:i!!�r::tdl�`l...'�!^
<br /> It.
<br /> 22. Rceonveyance. Upon paymcnt of ull sums secured by this Security instn►nxnt, Lender ahall requcst Trustoe to
<br /> rcrnnvcy the Property und shell tiurrendcr thiti Serurhy [nstrument arxl all notes evidencing dcbt :;ecured by this Sauriry
<br /> ' Instrumcnt to Tn�stce.TtustCa�hull rcconvcy tl�c Property withuut warranty u�xi without chargc t� tlx: pcnun or persons Icgally
<br /> cntitlod to it.Such pcn;cm i�r �xrr��n�tihull puy uny rec��rdutiun a�sta.
<br /> ' 23. i�ubWitute 7'ru�tee.Lender, ut itx nptiun, muy Pmm time to time rcmove Trustee aM1 upp�int u succezu�r tnistee to
<br /> ,� any'Crusta appninted hereurxkr by m instrunxnt recordeJ in the cuunry in which thiti Security IntitN►nent ir rcrurJed. Without
<br /> �, runveya►xc af the Pro{x^hy, t�C�ucce��or trurtec shull succceci to all the title,puwer und duties c�nforral upon Trustee herein
<br /> uixi by wpplicublo luw.
<br /> 24. Reyue�►t tar Nal�e�,B�cmower rcyucsts thut rupies of the notices of dcfuult und salc be�sent to Bomower's address
<br /> :. which ia thc PropcRy Addrcs�,
<br /> ZS. Wders to thl�Seestdty Instrument.If one or more riders are execuq:d by Borrower and recordod together with thix
<br /> Security[nstrument.the wvemnts encl ogreenxnts of each such rider shall be incarporated into and shall wmnd and supplement
<br /> -' the covenants suid agrcements of ihis Security[nstrument as if the rider(s)were a part af this Security instrument.
<br /> '`-` [Check applicable box(es)�
<br /> '' ' �Adjustable Ratc Ridcr [�Condominium Rider ❑l-4�amily Rider
<br /> C]Greduatod Payment Rider �Planned Unit Development Rider �Biwcekly Payment Rider
<br /> C]Balloon Rider 0 Rate Improvemcnt Rider 0 Second Home Rider
<br /> ; C]V.A. Rider [�Other(s)[��ecify�
<br /> BY SIGNING BELOW,Borrower accepts and agrecc to the terms and covenants containai in this Sccurlty Instrument and
<br /> in uny rider(s)executed by Burcower and recnrded with it.
<br /> '• Witnesscs: /� �
<br /> i1.1 cs�p
<br /> -Borcower
<br /> Hnrold 0. Nieleen
<br /> y " a, � •���_._____
<br /> cs�:,t�
<br /> : Dianna J. D lBeri -Ik�rrowcr
<br /> . ,�r.�, �c..,,ii
<br /> ....,..•, -
<br /> -13ormwcr -Bnrrowcr .
<br /> STATE U�'N�BRASKA, �a11 County ss:
<br /> The foregoing inst�vntentwasacknowledged before me this lst duy of Auguat 1997, , '
<br /> by Harold O. Nielsen and Dianna J. Nielsen, hueband and wife .
<br /> Witness my hand and notarial se:il At Gr.and Island, NE Q� in s�id Co y,th ute a resnid.
<br /> ' My Commission Expires: � ��� ���� «� _
<br /> ' Nntn bli�
<br /> ', GENE�I Nou�r�si�ce o�N�o►�s��
<br /> wr Comn E�o�p►�0.1999 r��o a o�a Form 3028 9/90
<br />