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<br /> &.rrc�wer shall prumpUy givc l.ender writtcn nculrc af uny inve�tigatlon, cluim. (ICIflAl1ll, lu�vtiuit or��ther acNuu hy uny
<br /> �;nvcrmncntAl nr rcµulutury ngnncy��r privntc purty i�wniving�h�Pri�perty anci uny Hu�.urdnus Sub�tt+nrc or l.nvirumnentul L,uw
<br /> ut'wl�Id: li�uruwrr huti iictuul kitowlcrlge. It'lii�rrowcr Irurn., nr is iH�tilicct hy nny��wrrnnxnt�d ��r rcgidutary nuthe�rily, Ihat
<br /> uny t•enwvad ur„Ihrr re»xyliuUun ui'uny Huxurduu�Suhstiaxe ull'ccling !he Prapeny!�ikcesuixy.li�►n�uwcr shull prumptly �ukc
<br /> ull ikv:c�+ury ra�n�diid ucU��n.r in ucr�mlunrc with[?nvirunmcntul I.uw.
<br /> As usnl in�liis�urugruph 20, "Hurar�lixiz tiuh.�unres" ;irc �huK �ubst:uuv�r:definc�l u.�+toxlr ur li�unnluuv �uh�tuiNC� hy �D
<br /> �s�ivlr�roa►rnlul d.c�w und thc (��lli�wing tiubtilu�lc�s: gusuNnc, kcrascu�, n11�rr ilnnunublc ur tiixic ��rulcum praluctw, �i►xi� "y
<br /> �ztlridc.uixl I�crbicldc.r•,vnlutilc s��lvcnts, matcrlulti contuining ustx:stu�ar tirrnuddchydc,anx)rudl«+xtivc uuucriulx. A!►u+x-J fn �
<br /> this paru�ruph IU, "Lnvir�mmentul law" mcAny Pnlerul luws und luwti uf the Juriulictinn whrre �hc Property {s I�KUtcd �h�t
<br /> rclatc t�i hcalth.saCcty or cnvlrunmrrnal pmtecdim. Q __
<br /> NUN-UNIfURM CAV�NANTS, Borrowcr und l.endar farther covenunt urni i�g�ec u.r•ti�lluws:
<br /> 21.Accelerntiun= ttemedirs. I.ender shKll glve notice ta&�rrawcr prior t��Wc�.�eler+ttlon followinp tk�rmwer'�hre�ch
<br /> of wny cuverwnt ar agreement In thta SecuNty In.ctM�ment (but nat priar tu �ccelerAtton under pa�grnph 17 un
<br /> �ppliryble Iww provides otherwt�e).The natice�hall epccify: (w)the defaulh lb) the actian reyult�ed tn curc the default
<br /> (c)w dqte,not les.9 than 30 dAys fram the dAte the nutice is R�ven to Borrawer,by whlch the default must be cured; An
<br /> (d)thAt twilure to cure tho default on or be[are the diete specitled in the notice rnay r�uit In ucceleratton ot the sum�
<br /> secured by thls Security Instniuieut and sale of the Prnperty. The not(ce shall turther Inform Borrower af the right to
<br /> relnstate aner acceleratton and the riRht ta brinR n caurt uct6an to assert the nnn-exl�;tence aP u default ur uuy other
<br /> defense of Borrutver to ucceleratton and sale. I!the d�fault Is not cured on or before the dute spt�[tied In the notice,
<br /> Lender, at Its option. may requtre immedtate p�yment in [ull ot alt sums secured by thiti Security Instrument wlthout
<br /> fiurther dempnd and mAy invoke the power uf snle wnd Rny othcr renxdies permitted by applicAble lew.Lender sh�ll be
<br /> entitled to coltect all expe�ses incu�retl in pucsuing the remedies pravided in this pxr�grs�ph Zl.includtng,but not Ifmited
<br /> to.reasonxble attorneys'tees s�m!costs of title evidence.
<br /> If tl�e power of sxle Is invoked. Trustce sfwll recard a �otice ot default in each eounty in whlch pny pt�rt of the
<br /> II�v�riy fi�6arats�ar+�0 sl�11 mzil top�es ot seasle c�L�lre i�n tl�e manner p�sesc��ihed Ay u�PUcable law to Borrower and to
<br /> RUe other persons p�escribed by applicable Iaw.Aflter the time required by Applia►ble law,Trustee slu�ll give publtc notke
<br /> of s�le ta the persons and in t6e rnAnner prescribed by Applicxble law.Trustee, wlthaut demAnd on Borrower, Fhail sell
<br /> the Property At public auction to ttie highest bidder at the time and placP arad under the terms designated in the notice of
<br /> sale in oeae or mare parcels stnd ln�nny order Trustee deteram�U�aes,Trustee may post��uae sa!e of all or any pa�rel oi the
<br /> Pruper¢n 4�3� public unnouncemer�ft ut the t(me und place c�f nLny prevlously schedulee7�le. I.ender or [ta designee may
<br /> purctas�¢�e H�operty at s►»y si►le. _
<br /> _ llpan recelpt of �ayment ot the prtce btd, Trustee sfudl deiiver to the �wrchaser Trustee's deed convcying the _
<br /> PropertS.The reciWls in the Tnistee's deed shell be prima lacle evidemce r�f the truth of the s1�2eme.nts made tbet�e�n.
<br /> Trustce slwll appiy the proceeds mf�he�le tn the tottowing arder:ta)to u�'1 cwcis and expet�ot�xxrdsing the puwer of
<br /> sale, smal the sale,tncluding the pr�;�•meqt of the Trustee's iers nctu�lly incurred,�ot ta��x�ceed th e�o f$5 0.d Q0 a��%
<br /> ot the principttl amount ot the t�a�1r uk the time of the declaration of default,s�nd reasunuble attoroeys' fees as pennitted
<br /> �����;�;ta w:s�..��y;;��.�,..,.':wow gw..,�,.�:�.�.�v_�►t�ANtI{C� any,excecc to the Qerson or pexsar�s Ieftally e�rtitled to
<br /> it.
<br /> ?.�. Reoa���eysnce. Upan payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, L,ender shell requc,�st Trusc�ec to
<br /> r�econvFy the Property und shall surrender th[s Security Instrumont and all notes evidencing debt sccur�d by tl�is Secuuty
<br /> Instn►ment to Trustee. Trustce shall rcconvey the Proparty without wncranty and withaut charge to the person or persons legally
<br /> entitlod to it.Such penon or persoas shall pay any recordution costs.
<br /> 23. Substitute Trustce. Lendcr,at its optian, may from timci ta time �mavc Trustee and:►ppoint a succeswr trustec to
<br /> any Tcustee appointed hereunder by an instntment rccorded in tho county in which this Security Instrument is recarded. Without
<br /> conveyance of the Property, the successor trustee shall succeed tu all the title,power und Juties c�nferred upon T�ustee hercin
<br /> and by appliatble law.
<br /> ?q. �teque.st[or Notices. Barrower reque�ts that copics of the notices of default u�x1 r,ale be sent tu Borrower'�oddress
<br /> wiiich is the Property Address.
<br /> 25.Rlders to thi.9 Secur[ty Instrument.If ane or morc riders a�-e executai by �ormwer unci recordul together with this
<br /> Security Instnunent,the covenants and agramenGS of r.�ch such rider shall be incorporatai mto uixi shull anend and supplement
<br /> the covenants and agreements of this Secunty Instrument as if the rider(s)wen a purt of this Security Inc;t�ument.
<br /> [Check applicable box(es)J
<br /> • [�Adjustable Rate Ridcr 0 Condominlum Rider �1-4 Family Rldcr
<br /> (�Graduated Payment Rider 0 Pinnned Unit Development Rid�r �Biweekly Payment Rider
<br /> 0 Balloon Rider 0 Rate Improvement Rfdcr 0 Second Home Rider
<br /> �Y.A. Rlder 0 Other(s)[specify]
<br /> BY SIGNING BELOW. Borca�ver accepts and ngrees to the terms and covenunt�cuntained in this Securiry Instrument and
<br /> in any rider(s)executed by Borrowernnd recorded with it.
<br /> Witncsses: �
<br /> (Stul)
<br /> Larry . Schinke� •9ormwer
<br /> r_ x ���_--�.;�rE�`Z cse:►�)
<br /> Carol A. Schinkel •earroh�cr
<br /> r.Se�ll (�)
<br /> -Bortowcr •Borrow'er
<br /> SfATE OF NEBRASKA. County ss: Ha 11
<br /> Thc foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 4 Yh ��►Y°f Aug us t� 19 9 7• •
<br /> bY Vl�it°ncys�iy�iand andno�anaP7 sea�ad Carol A. S chinkel, husband andiid C ue the date afores;�id.�
<br /> G �
<br /> My Commission Expires: 12-23-2000 �
<br /> . hmcry Poblic
<br /> �EMI MOTA�1'JIMI II NIMi111
<br /> u . �������� n,��a oia Form 3029 9/90
<br />