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<br />""��f-��,': . 17. Tr�naf�r of th� Prop�rty or � B�nsflalal Int�rsst In Borrowsr. If �N or�ny p�rt oi the Propeny or
<br />°�:��.� ..
<br /> �� „, any InlcYeat in it Is aold or tranefe►red(ar H e bene(IClnl interest In Sanower la aold or tnneterred end 8arrower la not� ntlur�l =
<br /> ; � person) withoul Lender's prior wrltten con9mt, Lenda may,at Its aptlon, requlre Immodiate payment In full 04 all eums aecu�ad by `
<br /> � thls Sxurity Inetrument. However,thls optlon aheil not be exerclsed by I.ender If exercise le prohiblted by tederd IRw�a ot ihe =
<br /> _ . . y date o}thla Sewrity Inat�ument. �
<br /> _ � V L�nder exereleea thla optlon, Lender ehrl gl•ro Borrower notice of acoelentlon. The notice ehdl provide a pedod of nut � _
<br /> ''�:,;;• ' .,�,�; lesn than 30 c1�ya hom ths date the nn:ics la delivaed or mailed withln whlch Borrower muat psy a!I suma aecured by thia y _
<br /> . Security Instrument. If Borrowa feVs to p�y theoe aums prior to the expkatbn o1 thla period, Lender msy Invoke any rerr�ediea '
<br /> permitted by thls 3ecurtty Inatrument without tuAher notice or demand on Bortower. '
<br /> . �`'� 18. Qotrow�r's Rlpht to Reinit�t�. If Bortower meets certaln conditfone, Bortower shaY hwve the rfght to h4ve'�1� r
<br /> :+.�ac'� enforcemenl of thla 3ecurity InaWment disconihued et any tlme pdor to the earller ot: (�) 5 days (or such othe►perlod aa =
<br /> „._,-.
<br /> appdcsble law may spec9y for relnstateme�t)be1oro sate of the Property pursu�nt to eny power of sale contahed In thl�Sacurity
<br /> Instrumen� or(b) enVy of a Judpnent entorcinQ this 3ecurfty InaUument.Those conditlans are that Borrower. (a�pays Londer a1
<br />_-- �-,r. sums whleh ihen would be due unda this 3ecurky Instrument and the Note aa if no accaleratlon had occurted: (b)cures any
<br /> .-- ;r deMuR o1 any other covennnt or agreements; (c) pays aN expmsea hcurted In entorcing thls Sewriry Inshument,Including,but (�'J.
<br /> not iimfted to,resaombie sttomeys' fees; and (� takes such actbn es Lender may reasonabty require to assuro that tha Ilen of --
<br /> ' thia Seeurky Instrument, Lender's Hghts In the P►ope�ty and 8orrower's obligatlo� to pey tho sums aecured by thia Security
<br /> .. instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon relnstatomont by Borrower, this 3ecurity Instrument and the obfigttions seared
<br />':�'..:::.�
<br /> hereby shall remai�tuYy effeotive as it no aceHeration had occurted. However,thfs right to relnstate sh�N not nppy In the case
<br />_;,;•• of acccieration under pa►agreph 17.
<br />_��''�:':,�TK��, 19. Sala of Nate; Chmg� of Lolt1 S�rvloor. The Note or a e parUal interost fn the Note (together wRh thls
<br />_�,�;�Y,., ; Secudly Instrument)mRy be nold one or more Umea wRhout prbr notke to 8ortowe►.A aale rrwy resuft In a chAnpe M the entity
<br /> �'.,�': :_'� ; � (knawn as the'Loan Sarvicor")that eollacta monthly paymer.ts duo uncla the Note and this 3ec�udry Instrument. There nlao mny
<br /> =."''"r`"_..!': . be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to u sale of the Note. if there is a change o1 the Loan 3ervker,
<br /> �••?��s. • BoROwer will be gtven wdttan notice of the ch�nge In accordance wRh paragraph 14 above and appNcable law. The notice wiN
<br /> atate the name and address of the new Loan Servicer and the eddress to whieh payments should be made. The notico will also
<br />��;�y�;,;��i conteln any olhar InlamaUon requlred by applic�ble I�w.
<br /> �. ;,�� � 20. Huardous Subst�neas. Bortower shall not cause or permft the p�esence, use, disposal, atorAge, or releaee ot
<br /> ;��� , any Hezardous Substancea on or In lhe Property. Borrower eheN not do, nor allow anyone else to do, enything atlecting tfie
<br /> n-:;,�; .,
<br /> :���,:���!�" Properly that is in vlolaUon of any Em(ronmenUl Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the preaence, use, or
<br /> "-.'i.<i;;:k' atorage on the Property oi smaA quantiUes ot Hezerdoua 3ubstances that ere generaly recognized to be appropdate to nortnal
<br /> �=^�:;���,� resldenUal uses and to nulnten�nce of the Property.
<br /> "y`''��-� •" ' BoROwer ehall prompUy give Lender written noUce of any InvesUgaUon, cletm, demand, lawsuk or other aetbn by eny
<br />- '����t govemmental or repulntory agency or private party Invo�ving the Property and eny Hezerdous Substance or EnvlronmenUl Law ot
<br /> _.�,.'�+�:'-�
<br /> �-"''x�•,`�t ;�htch S��a:v�r i:ss aciu«t �a��rlga. !f Barm:r�l�ms, or !« nat!!!�! by sn; go:�emmen*.a! ar reguletor; ailtheri�;,ihat eny
<br /> _�_'.'.�5 removat or other remedkUon of any Hezerdous Substance aHecting Property Is neoessery, 9oROwer shall promptly take all
<br /> -'_��"i.Fk� nec.�ssaty remadial�ctlone in accordence wflh Envlronmentel law.
<br /> -==�;a;�� As used in this paragraph 20, •Hezardous Subatencea" are those substancas deflned as toxlo or hezerdous aubauncos by
<br /> -""'�"� Envkonmentel Law and tha foNowing substances: gesol(ne, kerosene, other flemmnble or toxia petroleum products. toxia
<br /> ____-- pesUcldes and herbicides,volatile soNents,materlals containfng nsbestos or formaldehyde,and radioacUve rtutteriela. Aa used M
<br /> - -° paayraph 20, 'Envkanmental Law' meens federal laws end laws oi the Jurisdktlon where the Property Is localed th�t relate to
<br /> -�� heetth,safety or er►vironmental protecUon.
<br /> _=��.>'°���? NON-UNIFORM COVENANT3, BoROwer and Lender turther covensnt and agree as tollowa;
<br /> - - 21. Acc�l�rdlon; R�m�dies. l.ond�r shall gfv� notic� to Borrow�r prior to acc�lsration
<br /> - --- tallowing Borrower's bn�ch of �ny cov�n�nt or �gn�m�nt In this S�curiiy Instrument (but not
<br /> prtor to acc�l�r�tion und�r paragrsph 17 unl�ss applicabts law provld�s oth�rwia�). Th� notic�
<br /> shall sp�cHy: (�) th� dshuk; (b)th� �ctton requlr�d to cur�tho d�uR; (c) a d�t�� not las than
<br /> • 30 d�ys ttom th� d�b th� notics Is givsn to Borrowar� by whicl� tho d�iauk must b� cund; and
<br /> _— (d) that fallure to cur� tho d�fault on or bofore th� d�t� �p�offi�d in th� notias may nsuR In
<br /> • �cc�l�ratlon of tbs sumi�cur�d by this S�curtty Instrumsnt and s�l� of tho Property.TiH notic�
<br /> shall turth�r tnform Borrow�r ot th� right ta retnsht� ait�r�cc�l�r�tion and th� right to brinp a
<br /> _`_-.'� cou�t actlon to ass�rt the non-�xtd�na� of a defauk or Any oth�r dsf�n�� of Bor�ow�r to
<br /> accd�ration and s�le. If th� d�huR is naR our�d on or Mfor� th� dat� sp�cffl�d tn tl��notic�,
<br /> i.�nd�� at ks option may roqutn immsdt� paym�nt In futl of NI aums sscured by thte S�curity
<br /> Instrumsnt without furth�r dom�nd and may Invok� tho pavr�r of s�l� And any oth�r r�m�dl�s
<br /> p�rmitt�d by applic�bfs law. Londer sh�ll ba �r�4ltl�d to colbat �II �xpenses incurred in pursuing
<br /> tho romodta� providod In this paragraph 21, including, but not Ilmltod to, roasonabla attorn�ya'
<br /> h��r+nd costs of tftl� ovid�nce.
<br /> __— If ths pow�r of 4alo t� invokad, Truotoa ahall racord a notic� af dofauit In eACh �ounty in
<br /> ��-� which any part of tho Prop�rty fs located and shall mail coptos of such notice in the manner
<br /> _=��' proscriMd by appltcablo Iaw to Dorrowor �nd to thQ othar psrsons pr�sc�iMd tty�pplic�blo law.
<br />--�';�''rr• AR�� tha tfine requir�d by applioabl� law, Trustoe ahall giv� public na+Bi�s a! sa�� to tha parsone
<br /> -�'`"�� and in tha manne�proscrlbea! by�ppUcable law. Trustee. wkhout dsrraa�ar� on Borrow�r, shaUl aell
<br /> �_;�.,.::t;,:
<br /> � "•;"'`;�;" tha Prpporty at public auction to tt�a highost btdder at the timo aad p�a�o a�at7 vr��ar tho torma
<br /> "•1�`��a'`'• desfg�at�d �uc th� notice of sab On one or mor� parcds and in sny o�der Tru:srtaae dst�rmtnos.
<br />--_,'r:�r7aK..
<br /> _,;,...,..,,,.�f T�ustee mtry postpono ul� of all a any parcol of tha Proptrty by puhilc snr�w�emont at tha
<br /> �`�"'`"' time and lac� of en r�viouil :ch�dul�d sat�. Lsndor or ks dasi n�� ma urch�se th�
<br /> �9;'_:.:ti'�'�� p Y P Y 9 Y P
<br />-_;:,� Proparty at any wl�.
<br /> _• - - Unun r�calnt nf navmont nf th� nria� 61d_ T�us4ao �all dollv�r 4e tlu aurchaaor Truat��'t
<br /> --`' K`;�'�� de�d�convayl�g tfi� Property. Tho recitel� In the 7ruateo's deQd ahall bo pri�rea faale ovidena� of
<br />–_ ""-"•s°'"'"� the t►uth of th� st�tvmonts made the�aln. Trustoa shall apply the proceods of the salo In tha
<br /> `�"�` ' followin order. (�) to �II coris �nd ox �nses of exsrclaing tha ower of sale� and tha eal�,
<br /> -.��",_�,; .. 9 A P
<br /> - , Inaluding the p�yment of tha Trustea's fsea actualiy inourred, not to excoed throe
<br /> ������ � � % of the principal amount of the
<br /> � „ not� at tho tim�of tho d�cl�ration af dafnult, and rpasonablo attarnoy's feoe as pormitted by law;
<br /> (b) to atl sums seourad by this Seeurity Instrumont; and (c)any excoss to the person or pereans
<br /> leg�ily entitled to tt.
<br /> < `
<br /> . .
<br /> �' 't'"�� . F7376.LM�(7/971 Papc 4 0l 5 `-�Q�����
<br /> .•�,�,
<br /> - ..... ., I
<br /> • _ � 97t52
<br />