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<br /> Frncdonal Lots Eight(8),N'me(9)�aad Ten(10),ia Fracdonnl Block Two(2)in Wallich's �=
<br /> Add�3ot�to the Ctty of C3re:�d Island,Hall Ceunty;Nebreskn.excePtin�therefr°m th°t Put �':�_�_
<br /> ; tt�eroo�conveyed to Hacry Swltzer by QVareiaty Deed fre�rdvvs Commencin�sta po nt ihwted —
<br /> Dced Records of Hall Couaty,Nebr+aska.descrlbed a�
<br /> 92.5 feet noith of the aouthwest cona�r of said Frictional po�nt tituatcd 92.5 fat north of the —_
<br /> , � southvvest comer of ta�id Fraction�l lat S;tu�ing thenca wterly on a line paraliel with aauth =�;.s--
<br /> iioundnry line of Fracttaaal lot�8�9,aad 10.�n�id Fn�cdonel Block 2,�distanca of 72.5 feat; __:..�
<br /> '. running thettce northwesterly a distanee of 62.3 feetto thepoint 34.7 fee�fconn the point of �;=__�_-
<br /> beginning running thence Southerly►�long tha ensterly lino of Broadwell Avanue a distance of i__
<br /> �.;� thcrcof conve cd to �--
<br /> „ 34.7 foet to the point of beginniag,�nd alao�xceptin�there&om thnt pact Y
<br /> n
<br /> Fem M.Brehm by WenrantY Dad record�d�a Book 9S,"at ps�e 669 of the Deed Ru,ords of Hall
<br /> County.Nebraska�de�dbed as followa: Com:aenctaa at the southw�t�°mec of:ntd Fracttonal _
<br /> �t g;nu�s�ing ttr,ence ia ea e�sterly direcdon aloag iind itpon the nortbaly boundary l�ne of —
<br /> Ninth Street in the City of(irand Island,Nebrnske,for a distm►ce of 77 fee4;running thence in a
<br /> ■,
<br /> ' northerly dIrecdon parallel wlth tha F.esterly bounaary iiao oi raid e���Q Northerl�r Y
<br />_ . distanx of 86.55 fee� n�anin8 thenca in a�"rosterly dirxdon perall Y
<br /> bounduy line of said Nlnth Strett for a dtstance of 31:�fat to the EetsterlY boundai9'l�ne of
<br />= � Broadw�ell�P.venue�n the City of Crand Islaad;(as ofB�ll A�v�ue(es ow locatod)for a °
<br />`t,� . diroctton along�nnd voon the easterly bouadary.liae, 4 ,. _
<br />�'",, ... distance of 98.5 feet to the pl�ce of bc�inn�n�.i�id;;••• . ,
<br />-.,c'�. -. . •ty� � . • •�'� � ... : . _
<br /> �`•;..V...:,/.•.g ' y M'# � �
<br />:..�'. . ~ That psct of Fractionel Lot Tea(10),ia Frscdonal B1ock Thiiteeu p3)�in Fai�►Iew Park
<br />-i-_}=�.�;�����' Addidon to the City of Qrraad Islaad,HaU Cotmt�►.Nebraska.desctibed as follows: Begirming at
<br /> ~��.}*: '.t:.� t 10 theace northerly along
<br /> _�t;•�;'`�-. . •poiat rituated oa the southesst com,er,of se�d F �r�ction�l Ip .�
<br /> �� - �5`�`''"� the e�stal liae of seid lot,�Uel with thb Wa�erly liae of North Adann�Ssrat a distance of
<br />��`;�+:.,�;� y 6'a`dist�iaoa of 40.6 fa� s�Ag thcnca
<br /> -�.y`F.;,�:s�° . 2Z.8 fat,ruaaing thence westerly st a rl�►t an�l , . the sa�ae betng a said Fruetional
<br />---- . �uthessterly�dist�aca of 46.5 feet to the po�nt of.be�tnntn�,
<br /> .. ��` Lot 10,in said Fra�ional Block Thirtan(13). - - �
<br /> =;r,,�_,�:,° '. � . ,
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