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<br /> A strip of land lying adjacent to and Northeasterly of Burlington Northern Railroad �a"�:
<br /> Company's 1W.0 foot wide right of way, situated in the S1/2NFJ4 of Secrion 26,Towaship 12 "''°
<br />��A' Nas�th,Range 11 West of the 6th Principal Merid�an,Hall County,Nebraska, descri'bed as follows, _
<br />- to-wit: __-
<br /> r . °' Commencing at the pouit of intersectioa of the West lina of said S1/2NE1/4 with�aid
<br />-" ''�:'�` � Railroad Company's Main Track centerline�as originally located and cons�ucted,said point being
<br />",���,;,'.', at Ra�road Chaining St�ian 539+99.0;theace Narth along said West line to a point being 100.0 feet
<br />�='"°��� ��' Northeasterly,as measured at right sngles from said Main Track centerline and the True Point of
<br />�.;f;�
<br /> T_ ��� , ., Begintting;theace Southeasterly parallel with seid Maia Track centerline 800 fat,more or less, to
<br /> ��•� ::} a poiat be�ng 100.0 f�eet IJortheasterly,as measured at right aagies from said Mein Track ceataline
<br />��;.
<br />-�`"���'''� j at Re�road Chaining Station 53Z+40.0;thence NortheasterIy 56.57 feet to a point being 140.0 feet
<br />:�.�• • ..,
<br /> J7'�'y �l�rth�tsrly,:�m-a�r�:t rigkt aa��,fram ssid Maia Trar.��^atulu� �t R.s+±lto� (:hAininc _,
<br /> ='-'����:•�' Stadon 532+00.0; thence Southeasterly parallel with aad distant 140.0 feet North�asterly, aa
<br />=f:ri:�.��
<br />�rn,,���. axxsured at rlght aagles from said Mein Trnck centerline 300.0 feet;thence Southasterly 56.5?feet _
<br />�°•°_= to�point bang 100.0 fxt Northe�ta�ly,as measiued at riglrt angks from said Meia Track ceataline
<br /> �:��;� at Railroad Chaining Station 528+60.0;thence Southeasterly paralld with aad distant 100.0 feet
<br />___°~� Northeasterty.as me,a�ued at right angles from seid Main Track ceatedine 1,900 feet,more or less,
<br />_'�c:/'i'm�
<br />��-�a�■ to tue East bne of tbe Meivia Stvkenbag propecty,thence Sarth along aaid East line to a noint being .
<br /> �'��"� 50.0 feet Northa�sterty, as meawred at aght angles &om s�id Maia Track centaline; theace
<br />- .,n,..,�_�
<br /> -=�=:�=�� No�tharestaty along the Northeasterly line of said 100.0 foot wide right of way 2.12�feet.m.ore or
<br /> -- less�to the West line of said S1/2NE1/4;thence North along said West line to the True Pai� af
<br /> ��s • BaBinnin8• -
<br /> • A 50.0 f�oot wide stcip of Iand lying adjacem ta and Northeavter2y►of The Burlington Narthem
<br /> �__�-, , aad Sant�Fe Ra�way Company's 100.0 foot wide right of way,being 50.0 feet wide on each side of
<br />----= said Railwey Compatry's Main Track ce�erline,as now IoCated aad constructed upoq ova aad
<br /> - -�— � across the El/2 of Section 26,Township 12 North,Range 11 West af the 6th P.M.,Hall Cou�+,
<br /> i�„�,�,s � Nd�raska,said 50.0 foot wide strip oflaud lying between two lines drawn parallel with and di�tant,
<br /> -°� :�:• rapeaivdy,50.0 feet aad 100.0 fat Northeasterty�as measured at right angles&om said Main Track
<br /> �:� �' ceaterliae,bounded on the East by the West line of county road,being a line drawn paraltel with aad
<br />� ��� disdu►t 40.0 fat West,as meas�ued at right augles from the Frast liae of said Section 26,end baunded
<br />-��'"�n'` on the West by t�e West line of Grantor's property descn'bed as follows:
<br /> `.,
<br />�;' � Commenciag at the Northcast corner of the SE1/4 of said Section 26;thence due South —�
<br /> '•� � (assumed bear�ng)along the East line of said SE�l4 a distance of 158.19 feet to a point on the ���-
<br /> _- �._:_:
<br />�._,a . , . Northaly Inae of said 100.0 foot wide rig6t of way,thence North 74d�g 53min 15sec West along said
<br />_z_`�`�, � Northerty right of way line 636.96 feet to the Tnte Point of B
<br /> eginning;thence North OOdeg 40min . ��''°
<br /> ,.
<br /> �' .. " 25 sec East 1,083,17 feet to the Northwest cvrner of Grantor'a property and thae terminating.
<br /> �--
<br />„ .
<br />_-_-, _=_ _
<br /> .
<br /> .,
<br /> ,,
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<br /> : •_----._.._.---_--._.._�._...---rt..—,,,,y�,.-�..�P._.. --....._.. _.._ -
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