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<br /> g,A�1 tt�ture adv�ace� from Be��ciary r other�idence lof debt�exccutod by Trustor in f�vor of&nefc uy exxuf�y =_
<br /> ;;; : p m m l��oty a o t o, c o n t r A C,B t Y
<br />= i� pera�on iai g n�s ch�s ISocudty Ins�qument peach Trwro r ig�Stbi�th ne�5ec��i r iry�i niirument wi 1 Isfecu�re a�l�f uture
<br /> 1, advences and thture obli ations that ue givea to or incurred by any one or more Tcuator,or tny oae or tnore Teustor
<br /> �t, �' and othe�re. not�ye be a�dv��c.eduAll f�utureladvaneesgaiid other fli�sur�eobli a lone�are�sxui�as�li tm�aVdee oa the da�ie
<br /> .�� °i p� Y Iuauu�nent. Notl�ing in tbta Secur��Y 1n�mi�nt ehall const�tute o conmitment to make additional or �
<br /> „ .' j • of thi�Securiry g
<br /> ..�,?�'� �I1tIlIE IO�Af 0!�Vi11CCS III AIIy IIIAOUAt.Aay which m�iiy lat r�arise 6o agra:dtent not problbite.d by l�w includin{
<br /> � C.All obligations Tn�ator owea to BeneficlAry s������ ag��ni ��wan �'ruscor anb
<br />, � but not Ilmited to, liabtlittes for overdra8a relating ro any depo
<br /> Beneftciary. pe y p in�
<br /> -�. D.the Property and i�ta v�tune e�nd a�ny othsr s�um�adv�enced�nd expen�sea ine�um�!b8y HenefIcisry und�the term�a of tthfi
<br /> ' �� Securiry iastrumeat. __.
<br /> ' :� �� -i'his Securiry lnsuument wfll not secure any other debt if Beneficiary faUa to give any requind notice of tlte right of
<br /> '" resclaslon.
<br /> r, :; ( 5. p�E�het�eCU�Debg and thia Sec�iuity Iustn�imeat�e���bt wiU be paid whea due aad in accordance with t�e
<br /> ,.,�..�.;.tiY y
<br /> . I 6' �url��t�v�nF a�nd a�s��right to irtevo�cably g a�nito nv�,and sell�tahe Prlopecty to Tcusta, �avstnwith poweiof _..
<br /> • sde. Trustor also warranu that d►e ProPertY ig u�►encumbered,�xe�pt for encumbranees of m,cor�.
<br /> :e`.�'�' . With regazd to as►y other mortgage,deed of trust, security agreeuknt or other lkn
<br /> ., ';:;:.�,f' � 7. pRIOR 3ECURIT1t �V'TFRES'�S• p� Tr�stor a rees:
<br /> ,`�_�.�;,};y��f,� �txument that created a prear aecuriry interest or encumbrance on che operry, �
<br />.�":;,'�,,•;_.}.•� A.To make aU payments�when due aad to perform or comply with all wv�nanZs.
<br /> r,�}�;?�;, B.To promptly deliver to Beneficiary any notias t�aq Trustor receives iroim the l�older.
<br /> �� }� �• C'a�e�cuted by tha li n do�cument�witbout;&nefic9apry''s prior written cai sent�� advances under�ny note or agteemtnb
<br />''' ,.y` , ' 8' u�lja�and o��haz��1 8 or�e�p�ap°1 t when d�Beneficiary maY re�ui�recTn�stor io prov�ide to�13eneficiary
<br /> Yt.: �.
<br /> . '.�1,�Y. rty
<br />��I`i1�'�'''4'��� ' copies of afl natices that such aznounts are due and the receipts evidencingTrusto�P�a�ntT�o�r agrees w aasi �to
<br /> .��,��.ct�,
<br /> ;:,_:r t:�� t6e pro rty agaiast aay ctatms that would lmpair the liea of this Securiry
<br />_'`'_''t,,t:.`.+ !'�aafic�y a�rr n�aeed bp Beneftciary,any dghts.clafms or defenses Truator may have agatnst parties who aupply nb�r
<br /> :-"'t':�`�'�;� � or materials w�taia or�mprove the Property•
<br />-�' � miasfer or
<br /> '�`�`�` 9• ���Y d�R��aya��C he cna�on of,orycontr et�or�t�h'e�rr,�tton of aa�y lian,�eneuf mbr�aoe, � to
<br />--='"'"'''!" sed b feder�l law(D2 C.F.R.591 , a�appltcable. 7hi�
<br /> = `_''`= e�l� of the Property.This right in eubject to the natrtcdons iwpo Y p � �nd this Socurlry
<br />�.�:-ii�� oovesuat ehAll run with the PropertY and aha�l nmain in eff'ect ua�i the Secured Debt ia s�id in 1
<br /> =-,_--� lastruafeat is telwed.
<br /> �..��� eep ia goad condldon
<br /> ---==� 10� PROPERTY CONDITION. ALTERATIONS AND II���P�CTsh�N noc�co�romit�oi allow� aeypw�� imP�irn�ent,or
<br /> -:-�� md m�lce all aica that are reuon�biy neceasuY• �ot noxioua wada and gnsus. Teustor�gcoa t1►at ihe
<br /> detertoruion of�e Property.Trustor will keep the Propecty
<br /> ---�==�� nuun of the occupancy snd use will not aubstanti�lly change wlthaut Beaeficiuy'e pdor wdttea cowent.Truator will a�t
<br /> .-� permlt any change in any license,ns t r ic dve�s c c l�aims,�and�act�nis agiinst Trustor,eapnd of�y loa�s o�r duns8e ta le
<br /> - aocity Beaeflciuy of all demands, proceed S •
<br /> ��S'•
<br /> - Beneficiuy or Aeneficiuy'sagents may,at Beneficiary's option,enur the FropertY a�enY nasonabk time for the aupose
<br /> — of inspecung the ProPertY. Beneficiary shall give�Onsaf�����sh�� entirely f�o Bene ciary'ssbene�it�aad
<br /> ' �aouable se for the �ion. My inspec
<br /> ____��� Trustor wil in no way rely on ficiary's inspection.
<br /> - - 11.AVPRORTI'Y'1'O PERFORM.If Tcuator failar�f'ar�m oo�cau�se tdhUem to b�e p�erfo�e'fcusw�att�p�oins Hene6c���
<br />--_ ]natrument. BeneHciary may� without noda, Pe for rformanoe. Bexficiuy a rlght toperform for
<br /> ' ucomey in fact to sign Trustor's name or pay any amount aecessary , P�
<br /> �--° Trustor shall not create an obligadon top rform,and Beneficiary's failure to pedorm will aot preclude Ben�ficiuy from
<br /> ex�rc;sing aay of Beneficiary's other righu under the law&neficiary nuY talce��18�Psf°��Y�p101���fl�
<br /> ' — is diecontinuod or not carried on in a reasonable manner,
<br /> -� sec�uity inurest in the Property,including compledon of the consuuction.
<br /> 'u�"��� 12.ASSIGIVMEIVT OF LEASES AND RENI'S• Trustor irrevocably granu, conveya and sells to Trusue, in trust gor tbe
<br />_=_-���� benefit of Beneficiary,as additional security all the dght,tide and interat in and to any and�I extsting or fu��ll�g
<br /> _°;_.;,��� subleasea, aad any other wrltten or verbal agrcements for the use and ocatpancy of any portioa of the Property.
<br /> :�_�_;;;,� ' aay extensions renewals. modiScations or substttutions of such agrxments(aIl referred to as'I.eases")and nnts. iuues
<br /> _ ;,,�,:���,t` and mfits (al� refernd to as 'Rents"). Trustor wiil promptly provide BeneSciary with true and corrxt copfes ot ail
<br /> .• �;�. caist�g and future Leases• Tnis�or maY collect,receive.enjoy and us�the Rents so long as Tnistor is not in default under
<br />`�-�.'>,�t:.�:.: the terms of this Securiry insuument.
<br />"���_�.'- . "� Trustor acknowlodges that this assignment is perfectod upon the recording of thia Deed of T�ust and that Beneficiuy ie
<br /> 7.- �_• •�:. ,� enutled to notify aay of Trustor's tenants to matce payment of Rents due or to becom� due to Beneficluy. Aawever
<br /> � genefcclary agtoes t hat o n ly o n d e f a u l t w i l l Benefici u y notify Trustor and Truator's teaanta and make demand thu al�
<br /> future Renta be paid directly to&neRciary.On recelving notice of default.Trustor wiU endorse an d de l iver to B ene fi c i�
<br /> .,ti>:.• � an payment of Reats in'Irrustor's possession end will receive any Re���id���;5�����B�ea�L r
<br />� -- t he Rents w i t h any o t h e r f u n d s. A n y a����I l���*�;C9��apndlocd/tenant taw.Tcustor a lso a g n e s w�t��
<br /> --'•-':.,�.k,,' � warrants tnac no aeraun ea�a�a�o�.u�c waa..o... ...y -cr- -- JICBbIE IBW.
<br /> - �:���.;. , '�� require any tenent to comply with the terms of the L�eases end apP�
<br /> ' . � . .; 13.L�visionH.so f a�n� lease i�is�u rys InPtrumeNntEDon ta�easehol�If�the�Mop Terty includes a nnit tn a coadolminium�or a
<br /> - planned unit development,Trustor w�ll perform all of Trustor'a dudes under the covenants, by-laws,or reguladons of the
<br /> condominium or planned nnit development.
<br /> �� ' (pege 10l<1
<br /> � �1994 Mnk�rt 6Wtsmf.Ine.,ue.Goud.MN 11.800•�9743t11 fam RE-OT.NE 81t 3186
<br /> _. 1 . , ' D07NE2.Gm 1/97
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