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<br /> (s) Anv feilure on the pnrt of the Truetor to meat the repaymant terms In �espect to the Loan Aereement end �ny �`_"
<br /> ���_
<br /> nther advences under this Deed of Trust heroby aecurod; end, ,�
<br /> '`� . (C) Any ectian by the Truator prohibited by the terma of the Loen Agreement or this Deed of Trust or eny feilure of �;.�_�;
<br /> � . �� the Trustor to ect sg requtred by the Loan Agreement or this Deed of Truet, eech of w+hich Trustor hereby egrees F_��._
<br /> ,� havA en edverse effect on the Beneficiery'a seaurity far the Iine of cre d it este b l fahad end the rights of the
<br /> b
<br /> 8enefiaiery fn such security. �;-�
<br /> r —
<br /> '_:`'Yii�.
<br /> �� and upon the happening of eny auch event of default, Beneficiary rnay declere ell sums secured hereby lmmedietely
<br /> � due end payeble by deliver to Trustee of wNtten decleretion of default. The Trustee shali have the power of sale of
<br /> s".� the Property,and if Beneflcfary deslres the Property to be sold,it shali deposit with Trustee this Osed of 7rust and all
<br /> �� • $. promisaory notea e�d documenta ovidencing expenditures seaured hereby end shall dellver to Tru�?°�a w�itten notice -
<br /> , of dafeuit and election to oause tho Property to be aold, and the Trustee f n turn shell prepare a �sotice in the form
<br /> '' required•by lew,w�+�- e duty filed for rucord by Trueteo.
<br /> (A1•Affbr'thq 1��l�:of,such't e es may be required by law following the recordetion of seid notiee of defeult, and
<br /> yno�}C9`of de dullt and,qp�ce of sale having been given as requi�ed by law, Trustee, without d�mand on Trustor,
<br /> • shnil�aell the P�operty on�the dete and at the time and place design�wd in said notice of sale,at public auctlon to
<br /> . the highest b(dder, the purchese price peyebie in lewtul money of tha Un(ted Stotes et the time of sele. The
<br /> °- person conducting the sale mey,for eny cause he deems expedlent,poatpone the salu from time to time untll it
<br /> shail be completed and,In every such cese,notice of postponament sheli be�iven by public declaration thereof �
<br />� by such person at the time and place last appointed for the sale,provided,if the sale is postponed for lon�er than
<br /> onetll day beyond the day designeted in the notice of sale,notice thereof shell be gtven in the same manner es
<br /> ,..+�• the original notice of sale. Trustee shall execute and deliver to the purchaser its Deed conveying the Property so
<br /> : � :; sold,but without endy covenant or we�renty,express or implied. The reciinls in the deed of urchese at the eles
<br />-; ;- shall be conclusive proot of the truthQulness thereof. Any person,Including 8eneficiary, may p
<br />'�' .; '-r f B) W h en Trustee sells pursuant to the powers herein, the Trustee shall apply the proceeda of ti�e sale to payment
<br />�`�'`'� of the costa e�d expenses of exercfaing the power o f se le a n d o f t F s e s e l e,i n c l u d i n g t h e p e y m e n t o f t h e Trustee's
<br />;•�.���•_t:�� . tees aotuslly incu��ed, which Trustee's fees shall not in the aggregate exceed the following amaunt besed upon
<br /> '�•'�� f` � the emount eecured hereby end remeining unpeid; 5 percentum on the first 81,000 thereof, 1 percentum on the
<br />°��:;_,;�:'r balance thereof and then to the items in subparagraph(C)In the o�der there stated.
<br />=.::���;�:' � (C) After payi�g the items specified in euuaara$ra{s!�{81 If the sels!g►_+y T�ustee. or tho proper court and other costs
<br />'�'��•':�`�`�" of forecloaure and sele if the sele ie pursuant to Judiciel foreclosure,the proceeds of sele shell be applied in the order
<br />'%��;. steted to the payrnent of:
<br />"�t�'���:st., (1) Cost of eny evidence ot title procured in conneotion with such sale end of any revenue stamps;
<br />��;��'�n� (Iq All eunna the secured hereby;
<br />�,�at��:.��:d.�
<br />�-^�- (III) The remainder, tf any, to the person Isgelly ent(tled t ereto.
<br />���� ��, n��s�.�Ahllaations of Tru�tw�. �a1 The duties and obligationa oi truatee shait be determi�ed solely by
<br /> _��a�,�� the express provislons of this Deed of Trust,end Truetee shell not be liable except tor the pertormance of suci�uuiiae
<br />___.-�u_�a�j end obllgatio�a ea ere apecificelly set torth herei�, and no implied covenants or obligations shall be imposed upon
<br />�--ut��=��,i Truetee; (b) No provislons of this Deed of Trust sheU require Trustee to expend or risk(ts own funds, or otherwisa
<br /> -�=- � incur eny finenciel obligatfon in the perfo�rnence of any of its dutiea hereunder,or in the exercise of eny of its righis
<br /> � or power,tf it shall have grounds tor believing that the repayment of such funds or edequete indemnity egainst such
<br /> - risk or liabllity is not�easonably asaured to it;(c) Trustee may consult whh counsel of its own chooainp end the advice
<br /> of auoh counael shell be full snd complete euthorization and protectton in the reapect of eny ection teken or suNered
<br /> -- -- by it hereunder in good feith and rellance thueon; (d) Trustea shell not be iteble icr any eciion teken by it fn gaod taith
<br /> - - end reasonebly belleved by it to be authori:ed or within the discretion or rights and powers conferred upon ft by this
<br /> ---'-"`_�'�� Deect of Trust.
<br /> - - � 14. Additbn�Security {nstrumonu_ Trustor,at ita expense,wili execute end deliver to the Trustee, promptly
<br /> —�p;,,,� upon demend,auch security instruments as mey be requtred by Trustee,in forrn�nd substance setiafaotory to Trustee,
<br /> -- _- - covering eny of the Property conveyed by thfa Deed of Trust,which security instrumenta shall be edditional aecurity
<br />_-��,;�� for Trustor's faithful performence of eli of the terms, cnvenents and conditio�s of this Deed of Trust, the Loan
<br /> '�°=�� Agreement, eny promissory notes secured hereby and any other security ir�atruments executed in connection with this
<br /> -=-� i� trenaection. Such instrumenta shelt be recorded or filed,and re-rocorded end reffled, at Trustor's expe�ae.
<br /> ""�,��� 16. Miscdlanww.
<br />��' ' (A) In the event eny one or more of the provisions contalned in the Deed of Trust, or the Loen Agreement or any
<br />,�'.����,
<br />_ _ ;:�;,�.. " promlasory .tiate,or any other security Instrument given(n connectlon with thls trensaction, ahell for any reason
<br /> - '`';��'. to be held to be invalid, illegei or une�forceeble in any respect,such invalidity, iliegality or unenforceabillty shell,
<br /> ��'��. '�``°�` at the option of Beneficiary, not affect eny other provision of thfs Deed of Trust, that thts Deed of Trust sheli be
<br />.;;� .�-."; ,
<br /> -`° � • • construed as If such invalid,Qlegal or unenforceable provision h�d never beon contained herein or tharein.
<br />� �'� , (B) ThiA Deed of Truat shail be aonstrued eccording to the laws of the State of Nebraska. -
<br /> ° ,
<br /> , . .. . �' (C) tho Deed of Trust ohatl insure to en d b in d t he he irs,l e g a t e e s, d e v i s e es,administretors,executors,successors and
<br /> assigns of the partiea here�to.
<br /> � (D) Trustor shell pay eli texes levied upon this Deed of Trust or the debt secured hereby,toge4l;ar with any other taxes
<br /> {� ;�"s��� or assessments which may be levied against the Trustee or Beneficlery or the Iegal holder of tha Loen Agreement
<br />-"' -i�t- .��----.w.....�..
<br /> ''� '` ' ` OIl ACCOUIIT OTtr18I1lG9OLOOne•'se bvnso���o.�.v....��.
<br />— �..y�._�...��
<br /> . � (E) Whenever used heroin.the singular number shall inciude the plural,the plural,the singular, the use af any gender
<br /> , shell be applicable to ell genders,and the term "Beneficiery"shall include eny payee of the indebtedness hereby
<br /> ' secured or any transfer thereof, whether by operation of law or otherwise.
<br /> - 16. Succ�s�or Trustes. Beneficiflry may from time to time substitute a successor or successors to any Trustee
<br /> � named herefn or ecting hereunder to execute this Trust Deed. Upon such eppointment and without conveyance to
<br /> tho succeESOr Trustoe, the latter shell be vested with ell titie, powars and duties conferred upan any Trustee herein
<br /> � namod or acting hereunder. Each such apPointment or substitutfon shall be made by written instrument by Beneficiary,
<br /> containing referenco to thts �eed of Trust end its place of reco�d,which when recorded in the office of the Register
<br /> ot Deeds of the counry or counties in which seid property is situeted.ahall be conclusive proof of proper eQpointment
<br />_ �
<br /> of the successorT�ustee. The foregofng power of substitutfon and the procedure thorofore shali rpt b�exCNiiive of
<br /> , ;
<br /> 408•3
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