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<br /> - APPL11 002-000365�5
<br /> � CCDIt 0100168179
<br /> �• -
<br /> 22'V South Locu�t St., P.O. Box 1009
<br /> Orand Island, Nsbra�ke 88802-1009 97�. 1n+�ig4
<br /> 308-382-4000
<br /> The undsrsigned"Trustor"ea Identffled in the fcllowinp Deed of Trust,whether one or mora,understend that the
<br /> document they ae about to exscuts t�a Deed ot 7rust and not a mortga�e,and that the power of nale provided for
<br /> In the Deed of Trust providea eubatantielly different rights end obligatiom to the Borrowere than e mortgege In the
<br /> evant ot a dstault or lxeech of obllgatlon under the Dsed of Trust,includiny,but not Iimited to,the Baneficiary's right
<br /> to hsve the ProprrtY idsntified in the following Oead of Trust so{d by tha Trustee without any Judlcial p�oaeedin9•
<br /> Trustor rep�eaentt and warr�nta thet thie Acknowledgment waa executed by them befare the execution of the Deod
<br /> of Trust hereafter set torth.
<br /> J K MAYER
<br /> ,� 1
<br /> S R MAYBR
<br /> � i
<br /> HOME EaU1TY LINE DEED O�F TRUST � 1997 between
<br /> THIS TRUST DEED mede this 2oTx dey of
<br /> JOFIIi K 1111YER 711iD LI87► R N)1YWl. FN8811ND 111iD IfIF➢
<br /> hereinafter cal) 'Trustor', whosa meiling addfeas Is 434Z B�RWOOA DRIVB, dR7�ND IsLANn. Ng 68e03
<br /> ;ea"Truatae";end Hame Federal Ssvings and laan Associatfon of arand Islend,whose
<br /> m�iling address le 221 South Locust,P.O.Box 1009. arsnd Island,Nebreska 88802, es"Benefic(ary".
<br /> For vNuable consideration, Truator trrevocably grants, trenafors,aonveya and assigns to 7ruatee,tn trust, with
<br /> ��wer of eele,tor the benefit end aecurity of Beneficiary, under�enLL subject to the terms end co��litions of thfs Deed
<br /> of Trust,the foltowing described property locatsd in '
<br /> Nebrssks,to wit:
<br /> x3I�AND. HALL COUNTY. N58RA8KA.
<br /> togsthsr with all bulldinpa,fixtures,improvemente and eppurtenances therounto balonginp.(t beinp apreed that all of
<br /> the forepoing ehall be hsreinaRer referred to as the"Proparty'.
<br /> FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING performance of vech agreement end covenant of Truator herein containsd and
<br /> the payment of the principal sum of � '�Oti�D D0� ° NO��$
<br /> po��b�:(� 20,000.00 ), ea evidenced by e Home Federal Home Equity Loen Agreement batwrsn
<br /> Tru�tor end Baneficlery(the"Loan Agreement"1,purauent to which Beneticiary will advance funds to Truator f�om time
<br /> to time at ths interest rates end upon the terms provided therein, together with any sum or aums of nsoney with
<br /> interest thereon which may hereafter be peid or edvanced undar the terms of this De�d of Truat,bc►th principal aum
<br /> a�d intereat thereon befng peyablo eccording to the terme set forth in the Loen Agreement, reference to which fs
<br /> hereby made,at the office of the Beneficiary in Grend Island,Nebraska, or et such other pface es Beneflciary mey
<br /> deaignate in writing.
<br /> 1, Wananty ot Tid�. T�uator ia lewfully aelzed of the Property; hes good right end lewful eutho�ity to sell and
<br /> convay the Property:the Property la free and cleer of eit Ifens and encumbrencea except ltens now of record; and
<br /> Trustor will werrent and defend the titla to the Property unto the Trustee and its successoro end essigna forever
<br /> egainst the claims of ell peraons.
<br /> 2, Pevmmt of Prindpd end int�nst. Trustor shdll punctuelly pay the principal ot,and interest on,ell advances
<br /> .. ..-•--- -
<br /> -�- --s-=---.•_... .,.�.�......�.c�..
<br /> under the Loen Agreement and will punctuat�y pertorm an egreemenis,cona�oons m�u Mivv�o�v..o��a.., .....-.----••.,
<br /> - instrument given in conneation with thie trans�ction.
<br /> 3, prq�nratlon and M�t�nanc� of PropKty. Yrustor will not commit any westa upon tha Property at wiil, et
<br /> all times, meintain the aeme in good order and condition and will meke. irom time to tim�, all �epeire, renewal�,
<br /> s' replacements,sdditions end Improvements which are reesonably required to prevent waste,impairment o�deterioration
<br /> - of seid property. No buildtng or improvament now or hereafter erected upon the Prope►ty shall be elterod removed
<br /> = or de�nolished without the prior written consent of Beneficfary.
<br />:•_� 4. losunnc�. Trustor,et its expenae,wili mrintein with Insurera epproved by Beneficiary, inaurance with reapect
<br />��:� to the Improvemente end personal property eonstituting tt�e Properry agefnst loss by tire,Ilghtnfng, tornedo end other
<br /> ±� nerila covered by atenderd extended coverege endorsement in an emount equel to ut least one hun ed ecc t of the
<br />�— full replecement velue thereof,and insurance ageinat such other hezerds end in such emount ea f��t���r�ed
<br />'� s�sa aoe-�
<br /> .i
<br />