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<br /> •
<br /> 9��' i0'�.'7'7
<br /> A tract o� land located in Seation Twanty-seven (27j,
<br /> Tow�ahip Slevnn (il) liorth, Range Nine (9) t1esE of the
<br /> 6th P.N., lYall Caunty, Nabra�lt�, conmencinq et A point
<br /> vhich ia 525 leat North and 93 �eeti Ee�t o! tha quarter
<br /> seation aornez bet�een Sections Twenty-seven (27) and
<br /> Twenty-eight (2eJ in Townahip Elevan (ii) Horth, Ranga
<br /> Nine (9) West of the 6th P.H., runniny CHeltce North 100
<br /> Peet alonq a l�ne psrallel to and �3 leet East u! the
<br /> Section lina between Seetions 11,renty-seven (27) an�d
<br /> Twenty-eight (2e) , thence Eas�erly at right ungle�s a
<br /> distance o! 361.5 leat, thence Southorly et right anqles
<br /> a distancg o! 247.5 feet, thence Wes�axly at right anglea
<br /> to the southeasterly corner of the traat aon�ceyed by the
<br /> grankor therein naned on the 6th dry ot May� 1930, to R�
<br /> I. Merrick, which desd ia reaorded at Page 627, in Book
<br /> 69, fro� Desd Recorda in the Offiae of Aegister �F Deeds,
<br /> Hall County, Nebraska, thenca Northerly along Eaat line
<br /> o! snid tract so convey�d to safd Herrick to the ,
<br /> Northeastarl�• corner theremt, thc�naa Westerly alonq the
<br /> Northerly line o! said �.�a�:� so conveyed by grantoz to ,
<br /> the said Merrick to the �+Il�Le of beginning, '' �
<br /> � �xH�BrY �
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