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<br /> 1'l.T�tisier ot the Property or a Beaeticlal Inter�t in Borrower.lf all or any part of the Propetty or any intcrest u�it ••- •"• �
<br /> issold or tr•uisfernd(or tf abeneficlal interest in Borrower is sold or ttansfened and Botrower is not anatural persoa)wtthout '.".�{;�;:::�,'-':;.;-
<br /> �,,...:.,:•F l.ender's prior written consent, Leuder may, at its optlon, nquire immediute payment ia full of all sums secured by this '''r.-,��f���;___
<br /> ��r; Securiry Instmment. However. this optioa ahall aot be exercised by I.ender if exercise is pr�ohibited by federal law as of the d�te ;:;�_`�.�,__
<br /> of ihis Securjty Instrument. �--'
<br /> !f Lender exercises this opdon,Lender shall gtve Bormwer notice of acceleratioa.The nocice shall pmvide a petlod of not • ..��,>�
<br /> less tban 30 days from thc date the aotice is deliveted or mailed within which Borrawer must pay all sums secured by t2tis , - ...,;�.
<br /> .. Security Insuument. If Bonower fails to pay[hese sums prior to the eaptration of thia period,L.eader may invoke any nmedies ...�_.-----
<br /> permitted by this Securiry Instrument witkout further notice or demand oa Horrower. �'_�
<br /> lg. gorrowcr's Right to Reiastata If Borrower cmeeu certaim conditions, Borrower shall bave the r�gltt to have
<br /> eaforcement of this Securiry Inscrument dlscontinued at any ame prior to the earlier of: (a)5 We S of sale contalnod in this --
<br /> applicable !aw may specify for reinstatement) before salc of the Property pursuant to any po _
<br /> �� Securiry Insm�ment; or(b)entry of a judgnunt enforcing this Secudry Insuument.'fGose coaditlons an that Borrower. (a)PaYs -_--
<br /> Lender all sums which theu wauld be due under[hcs Securiry Instrument aad the Note as if no acceleratioa had occurnd: (b)
<br /> curcs any default of any other covenanu or agrce�a�s: f�� �p�ys all expenses Incurred i� enforcing thls Securlry Instsumant. -_
<br /> � includiag,but not timitod to, reasonable attomeys' fe�,; a�Qd)takes such action as i.ee�rber may ceasunably require to assure •'��
<br /> ��t;;''��� �: t6at the liea of this Saurity Insnumeat, I.ender's dphts in t1e Property and Borrower's obljgatiaa��� Insuumentxandthe '_
<br /> t t h is S e c u ri ty I n s t n u n e n t s h a U c o n t i n u e u a c h a n g o d. U p o n r e i n s t a t e c�e n t b y B orrotir�.r, this :;�;__
<br /> ' obligatlons securod hereby shall r+emain fuAy effective as if no acceleration had occurred. However, this right to n i n state s h a ll _ -
<br /> ;��:�'��� not appIy in�he case of acceierarian under paragraph 17.
<br /> ` �� ' 19. Sale of Note; Change o f L o a n S e r v icer. T he No t e o r a p a rt i a l i n t e r e s c i�a l a e Nou(to gether wiW this Securlty
<br /> �'.�..
<br /> Inst�wnent)may be sold one or mon times wichout prior noace to Borrower.A sale ulay r�esult in a cbsnge in the entity(known
<br /> m
<br /> .� a�the'Losa Servicer')that coUects mouthly payments due under the Note and this Secudty Iusuument.There also may be one �:_
<br /> or u�ore changes of tt►e Loan Servicer uanlatod to a sale of the Note.If tD�ere is a change of the Loan Ssrvicer,Borrower will be � �
<br /> given written nodce of the chang�in accordance wlth paragraph 14 above and applicable law.The noince will state the neme and �,'�
<br /> address of the new Loan Serviar and the address to w�irta�ayments should be made.The aotice�vi1� also coatain a�►Y other �
<br /> laformatlon required bY appltcable law. �
<br /> _--- :- - -- ---�-- ---^rmit itse r^°�. ��. dis�+�+sa1; s�orage. or x�el�ase of any ,{,.:��
<br /> 20. Haza�dous�uostanoes. Bomowcr r:a�:i nu��o» �., Y.. F aff�tctin the —'`'-" :
<br /> Hazardous Substances oa or in the Property. !��txower s7�all not do. nor ellow anyon;. clse to do, unything S
<br /> propertY that i.s In violution of any Environmea�ial Law. The preceding two sentences shall uot t�1y���Presenceo use,�or
<br /> . storage on the Properry of saoall quantldes of Hazardoua Substances that are 8enerallY nca�
<br />- .`;. raidential uses and to uosiatenance of the Properry.
<br /> ` Borrower shall rompdy give Lender written notia of any investigatioa,claim,demand, lawsuit or other a�aaan by any _
<br /> .' "�� govemmental or n g u latory ageucy or prlvate p a rt y iavolving the Property and any Hazurciaus Substance or Enviro�^�nantal Law
<br /> of wbich Bomnwer bu a�ctual knowlalga If Borrower learas,or is notified by aay governmental or regutetory authoriry, that
<br />_ , any c�u,uvd or athct nmcdi�3oa of sssy Hszardons Snbctance affecttng the ProA�rtY is necessazY.Bornnwer shall prompdy take — ---
<br /> all nxessacy remodial actions in eccordance with Bnviroatnentat Law.
<br /> As used in thia par�raph 20, 'HazaMous Substances" are those substances defined as wxic or hazardoua substances by =
<br /> gnvironmental Law and the following substwces: gasoline, kerosene, other tlamineble or toxlc petmleum producta, toxic
<br /> - ' � pesdcldes and herbicides,volatile solvents.matedals contaiaing asbesros or formaldehyde.and radtoactive maurials.As used in
<br />"�. ..',..-=.;;.;; `� this paragraph 20, 'Enviroameetal Law' means federal laws and laws of the jurisdicdoa where the Property i�9acand that
<br /> -. � -,. relate to health,safery or environmeatal protection.
<br /> ,,;.�,..- �4. NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further covepant and agra as follows:
<br /> .'.�;• ,,, ;. ,. 21.Aoeelasdon;Rareedles.I.ender shall gtve aotke to Borrower p�rlor to acaletaUon ibl9oav�ng Bocrower's breach
<br /> '-��,:'.r � ot any covenant or agreeaawt in tbt+ Security Instrwnea! (but not prtor to accdernUon under �1� 17 unless
<br />`""`'"'' ippUcable IAw provtdes otherw�ge). �e ooace Snan Specary: ta)the detault; N)the aaton requi to cure t7�e detaulh,
<br /> :G.;`,�.
<br /> (c) �date,not less t6an 30 doys trom the date the aotice�s gives�to�rrower,by wbich the detoult must be cum1: And
<br /> j (� tLat tnilun to cure t6e deteult on ot bsiore the dAte apecifled �n 16e notice may result in Acaleration oi the sums
<br />+�� •' � aecure�by this Secur[ty Iagtnument and salls mt the Propaty. The nottce shAll further inforaa Sorrowa of the dght to
<br /> ::� =.' rcinctate aTter acederation And We dght tn�ring a covrt Action w assed t6e uon�xL4teace ot a� detAUlt or Any other
<br /> n
<br />-�=';'y�° �� dKease of Bormvrer to�oederation nnd sa�e.�t the dleiault Is not cured on or betorc the datc s�ecitled in the aoda,
<br /> .�y.. � � . Lender.at ib option. may ralutre Immaliaie�ymenZ 4n 6il1 of all sun►s secured by this Securlty Insh�ument wItbout
<br />� ".'"" turt6cr danand and may invoke the poxer mt sa3e and any other remedi�permittod by applicable law.I.ender shall be —
<br />-,- • '}� entlUed to wllect stll expeoses incurml in pursuing the remedies prnvEdal in thta p�ragcaph 21,including.but not lim[ted _ -
<br /> to, reasonable attorneys'[ees and costs of ti4ii evidence. �;--
<br /> It the power ot sale is invoked,Trustee shall rocord a notice of detault in euch rn i��e�������d w �. -
<br /> Property t�located and ahall meil cop[es ot such notice in t6e manner pr�scrtbesJ by app .�._
<br /> e
<br /> lica�67e law,`I�ustee shall gtve publlc notice
<br /> � the other pasoa4 presciibed hY nPPUcable law.Atter the t(me requiral by app ..��,�_,-.,
<br /> of sale w the pasoas and [n the manner pcescribal by�pplicable Isev.'IYustee, evu'ihout danand on Borrowu,ahall sdl :�_�_
<br /> '�.#� tde Property at pubIIc uuctfon to the higbrst b[dder at the time ao��7pse and under the terms designated in t6e aotice oi �, -..:
<br /> saZe in one or mon parcels and in any r�r�irr Z'rusta ddcrm[nes. R'r�ustee m�y postpone sale�all or any Qand of tne
<br /> Proputy by pubUc armouncanent At t�t tlffie and place of any previously schedWed sale.LEnder or its d�slgnee may ,,�:ti>:.•��-• .-.;:�=•
<br /> punhase the Property at any s�la '��^r``rf"'
<br /> `�t�. �=,.�.��...
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