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<br /> � S. Hu�rd or Property InSUrs�ace. Borrower shall keep the improvenxats now cxia�ti g�or hereafter erectcd on the
<br /> pcoperty insured agninst toss by fire, hazards included withln the term "extended eoverage" and any a�er hazards. inr.ludiag -
<br /> " floods or flooding.for whicp Leader requires insurswce. "This i��surance shall bc maintalaed in thc amounts and for the periods
<br /> 'r� that Lender requires.The Insuraace carrier providing the lnsuraz►ce ah�ll be chosen by Bormwer subject to LeAder's�pproval __
<br /> . which shall aot be unreasonably withhcld. If Borrower fails co maintain coverage described above. Lender may, at Lender'e „-
<br /> f,.
<br /> ^'"�""�, optioa. obtain coverage to protect Lender's rights in the Property in acxordauce with paragraph 7. --
<br /> All iasutance policles md nnewals shall be acceptablo to Lender and shall include a staadurd mortgage clauae, Leader .,�V
<br /> shall have the dght ro hold the policics and renewals. If L.ender requires. Boaower sdall pmmptly givc to L.ender all nceipts of ��_
<br /> . paid premiums and nnewal notias. In che event af loss,Borrower shall glve prompt notfce to the lnsuranca car�eer and Lender. _�ja._
<br /> �' Lender may m�{co proaf of loss if aot raade promptly by Borrower. -
<br /> t Unlcss I.eadcr and Bartowcr otherwise agree in wrlti�g, insurnnce pmceeds sball be applied to�stamtfan or repair of the -
<br /> property damagal,if tho c�estoratiott or repair is economicaUy f�iblo and Leader's sxurin�ts nat lassened.If the restoratioa or _
<br /> repair is aot economically feasible or Lender's aetudty would be losseaod,the insurance proceeds suall be applied ta tha suma ��✓
<br /> securod by this Secudty Instrument. whether or not then due,with any exceu paid to Borrower. If Borrower abrmdmns the �°•�•
<br /> Pr�operty,�r does not answer wtthin 30 days a no dce fr om I.ender tt�at the iusuraace carreer has offerrd to settle a claim,then �:
<br /> Lender may oollert the insurtsnce procxeds. Leader may use ihe proceeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay sun�a �,`
<br /> secvred by this Security Insm►nnent,whether or not then due.The 30-0ay pedod will be8in whea the nodce ta given. _
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writin8. anY aPP�ication of procaeds to princlpal shall nat ezeend or �
<br /> - postpone the due date of the�onwly paymeau refernd to in paragnphs 1 and 2 or change the amouat of the payments. If
<br /> under parrgraph 21 the Pmperty is acquired by I.ender,Borrower's dght to any insur�anca pollcies and prncads nsulda8 from _
<br /> damage to the Property prior co the acquisidon shall pau to Lender to the e..-�ent of tde sums securod bY d►ls SecuritY Iasuument
<br /> imtnW.iuely pdor to the acquistdon.
<br /> 6. pccupancy,Preurv�tion,Maintawnce and Protatlon of t6e Prnpaty; Burrower'a I.oan Applicatton;I.easehold�• ___
<br /> " Borrower shall occupy.establish,and nse the Property as 8orrower's principal nsidence withia sixry days after the execudon of
<br /> this Security Insuument and sbaU continue to occupy the Properly as Borrower'a principal residence for at least oae year afur
<br /> the date of occupamc�►.ualas Leader oWecwise agrees in writia8+which c°nsent sl�ell not be unreasonably withheld,or unless
<br /> eatennadng circumstances exist w6ich are beyoad Borrower's coauol. Borrower ahail noc desuoy, dauu�,� oa Im�alr s�z
<br /> ��°�: � Property, allow the Property to deudorate. or commit wASte on the Property.Somower ahall be in default if any forfeiture
<br />�. Acaon or prooxding. whether civil ur criminal,is begun that in LendBr's good faith judgment could result in forfeiwre of the
<br />- Property or otherHise materially lmpair the lten created by this Securiry Insuu�axnt or I.ender's sxurlty inzerest.Borrower may
<br /> cure such a dofnult:md reinstate�as provIdal in praagraph 18.by causiag the sNon or pmoeedin8 to be dismissed wi�►a tWing
<br />' � that, in L.Gnder's good fai�h deterimination, ptiecludes forfeiture of the Barrowar's inurrst in the ProP�rtY pr o�����
<br />�:•I';.. .. imp�irmeat of the Uen creued by this Sxurity Inattunient or Lender's securiry iaurest. Bomnwer shall�lso be in defoult if
<br /> t•':; � Bortower,during the loan appl{cation process.gave materi�lly ialse or inxcunte iniormation or s[auments w Ti..ender(ox failcxl
<br />'°-•^� •�, to prov�de Leader with any uiatedal information)in connxtion with the lwn evidenctrl by the Note.includi�tg,bui aot limited
<br /> _ .. to.repnsentations canoeraing Borrower's ocCUpancy of the Property as a principal nsideace.If this Sa:urity Instrum�at is on a
<br />-. :��l lea�ehold, Bomuwer shall con►ply wlth all the pmvisions of the Iease. If Borrower ucquires fa cide to the}'rop�riy, the
<br /> s':�s�: '��^ leuehold and the fee title ahall not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in wridng.
<br />=;`:._:,.���,;'
<br />��'I;;..t 7.Protaxlon oi Leinder'a Rights in the Property. If Somnwet fails w pedorm the covenants and agnxments ooucalned in
<br /> s���'. this Secudty Instiument. or tbere is a legal proceeding th�t may significantly affect Lender's righu in the ProPartY(such as a
<br /> .�s:: :;: ,.
<br /> �,L�l>..,',; • proceeding in baakcuptcy,probate. for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regutations).then I.ender m1y do an
<br />����' ; pay for whatever is nxesury to protect the value of the Property and 1-eadec's ri8hts in the Pr°pert}'. Leader's acdons may
<br />'�9�i�;.:;.c�.y:�� < include paying nny sums axund by a lien which has priority over thia Sautlty Instniment. aPPeulnB iu court. PaY�B
<br /> �'"�' reawmble attorneys' fxs wci entering on the Propeny to malce repairs.Although Lender may take actIon under this par9graph
<br /> ��:Si'�Ty+��t-
<br /> '°"=�-`� 7,Lender does not have to do so.
<br /> �W `w�' An amouau disbuised b Lender under this h 7 shall ba�ome additional debt of 8orrower aecuml by this
<br /> _=,=�:,,. Y Y P�aP ba o
<br /> - Secudty Lnsaument. Qnleu Borrower and l.ender agrx to other terms of payment,tbese amounta ahalllxar intenst from the
<br />;�.•. �:..
<br />�',�:�--..:� date of dLgbutsement at tUe Note nte and shall be payable,with interest, upon notia from E.endcr to Borrower tt;qu g
<br /> ;�'`':h�J. P�8.Mo�tg�ge Iasurance.If Lender requirrd mortgage inauranoe as a condition of making the loaa securod by t6is Secudty
<br />- Instrument, Borrower shall pay the premiums requirod to m�intain�he mortgage insutana in effect. If, for any ceason. the
<br /> mortgage insaranoe covcrrge required by Lender lapses ot ceates to be in effat. Borrower shaU pay the�remiums requirod to
<br /> obtain coverage substaati�lly equivaltsnt to the mortgage insuraace previously in effect,at a cost substantiaUy equ[vilant to the _
<br />-. oost to Borrower of the mortgnga insurance previously ia effect, from an alacs�ate ruo�tgage insurer appmvod by Leader.If ��.�
<br /> _ subatandally equivalent moctgaga insurance covcrage is not available,Borrowcr sh�ll pay to L�ender each moath a s� equal to �'
<br /> one-twelRh of the yearly mortgage insurance pcuuuum being paid by Borrower when the insurance coverage lapsed a ceued to
<br />= be in effect.Lender wlll aa�pt,nse and n;tain thase payments as a loss reserve in lleu of mortgage iusutance• I.oss cnserve
<br />" Fomn 902t �90
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