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<br /> ' 16. 8orrower's Copy. Horrowcr shall bc givcn onc conformed copy of thc Notc and of this Security Inctruimen�
<br /> 17, Transfer of the Property or a Aeneticiol Interest in Borrower. If all or any part of thc Propcny ar any lnterest in it is
<br /> ' � sold or Iransfcrred(ar if a bcnoftclel Inlcrest in Barcowcr is sald or transfcrred and Barrowcr is not a nawralpeeson) without _
<br /> I.ender's pdor wrtttcn consent,Lender may,at Its apdon,requjre ImmedIate payment in fuU of all sums secured by thls Securlty
<br /> ' InswmenG However, this option shall not bo cxcrciscd hy Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal law as of tha data of this
<br /> •�+�'�" 5ocunty instrumcnG - `-
<br /> ,.,......
<br /> If L.cndcr cxercises this o tion,Lcndcr shall givc Borrbwer nodcc of accPieradon.'Ihe noticG shall provide a periad of not less :�
<br /> thun 30 days from the date a nodce is delivered or mailed wlthin whlch Borrower must pay all.sums secared by this Secudty '=--
<br /> InswmenG lf Borrower fails w pay thcse sums pdor to the expirudon of this period,Lender ms►y�nvoke any remedi�s peimitted '-=_
<br /> by this Sxurity Instrument w[thout furthcr nodcc or dcmand on Botrowcr. ��
<br /> � I8.Borrower's Rlght to Retiestate. If Borrower mcets certein condidons. Borrower shall have the right to have '��
<br /> enforcement of this Securiry Insurument discondnued at any dme pdor to the earlier of: (a) 5 days (or such other period as
<br /> upplicablc law may specify for reinstat�ment)before sale of the Property pursuant w aay power of sale wntained in this Secuclty
<br /> Insuument;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Sescrr�.�y InstrumenG'tliose co�diGons are that Borrower:(u}pays Lender all �::
<br /> um
<br /> sums whkh then would be due under this Securiry I�sfar�rnent and die Note as if no acceleradon had occumed; (b)enres eny ,,,;_
<br /> default of eny othu covenants or agreemenu;(c)pays afF expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Insuument,including,but ;_
<br /> not Amired tn,reasonablo attomoys'fcea;and(d)takes such acdon as i.ender may reasonably require to assure that the Ilen of this -�'-=
<br /> 5ecutlty lnsmiment, Lender's rights in ehe Property and BQrrnwer's obligation w �ay the sums securcd by this Securlty �;-
<br /> Instnuneat shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Horrowex,this Security Instrument and the obligadons secured ��_
<br /> hereby �hall remain fully effecdve as if no acceleradon had occurred.However,this right W reinstate shall not apply in the case of `._
<br /> accckradon underparegcaph 17. �;�'-
<br /> 19.Srle ot Note;Change o�Loan Servicer. The Note or a pnrbel interest in the Note (wgether,with this Security ___:_
<br /> Instiuument) may be sold one or more dmes without prior nodce to Borrower.A s.�1e may msult in a change�n she endty(known �
<br /> m
<br /> as the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly syments due under the Note and this Security Instrument Thero also may 1�e one or ��•�
<br /> more ctian es of the Loan Servicer unrela�to a sale of the Note.If there�S a change of the Loan Servlcer.Borrower wIU be �_
<br /> given wrlttgen nodce of the change in accardence with paragraph 14 above andapplicable law.The notice will state the neme and �'
<br /> ' address of the new Loan Servicer and thc address to whlch payments should be made. 'Ihe notice will also contatn any other �".
<br /> inforawrion required by applicable law. ��
<br /> • 20.Hazardous Substaaces. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of any
<br /> Ha7ardous Substanc,as on or in thG Property.Borrower shall not do,nor aUow anyone else to do,anyttung affecting the ProP�Y "_
<br /> ___—�— ��at is in violation of any fsnvironmental Law.Tlte prcx:utu�g iwo svntenc�:s�ha1t noi�pp2y to Sh8 pst,�tsr,e.us^..QT SiorA-g!'�±!!the •
<br />_� Property of small quandtles of Ha�ardous Substances that are generally recognizEd ta be approprinte to normal residential uses �-_ -
<br />- � and w maintenance of the Property. -
<br /> Borrower shall prompdy g�ve Lender written nodce of any investigation,clnim, demand, lawstut or othec acdon by any -
<br /> govemmental or regulatory agency or private party involving tho 1'roperty and any Hazardons Substanca or Environmental Law ;
<br /> ' . of which Sattower has actual knowledge.If Bonower learns.or is notified by any governmental or regulatory authoriry,that eny
<br /> ;.::��a' removal or other remedladon of any Hazardous Substance affecang the Pro�rty is nocessary,Borrower shall prompdy falca all r
<br />'-` `'.�:��. ncxessary remedial actlons in accordance with Environmental Law. ..
<br /> ;.�.wt.,..:... .. � »
<br />_ , ps �sed In this pa�aAraph 20, 'Hazardous Substances are those substancos dofined as toxic or haTardous substances by _
<br /> ,�` ' finvironmentel Law and the following substances: gasolir►e, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum pr�oducUs, co�cic
<br />'�"'' ' �, pesdcides and herbicides,volarile solvents,materlals contamu►g asbestos or formaldohyde,end radioacdve materlals.As used in
<br /> this paragraph 20,"Envlronmentel Law" mcans federai laws and laws of the jurisdiction wherc the Property is located that nlate
<br />�"' � '` ' to healih,safety or environmental protecpion.
<br /> r^�. , .
<br />���•M�"� NON•UNIFORM COVENAIV'fS.Borrower and Lsnder funher covenant and agma as follows:
<br />_.�;�=.-- .,.- ,
<br />_ti.,,.r s�.,,:... �
<br />-� f==.=•' ' 21.Accekration;Remedks.Lender shatl give notke to Borrower prior to acceleretion toUowing Borrower's breach ot
<br /> �-;;.
<br /> any covenant or agreement in t6is Security Instrument (but not prior ta acceleration under paragraph 1 u _
<br />=�;;i�,�;?!;;": � applM.abk law provtdes otherwise).The aotice sbAll spceify:(a)the default;(b)t6e action required to cure the default;(c)
<br /> - ""' �''" e d�te,eot less thAn 30 dayR from the date the noNce is given to Borrower,by which the defaWt muat be cured;aad(d)
<br /> ��,. ,..,,.r•_r• �-_.:
<br /> ' °'`'`}�� that faUure to cure t6e detault on or before the date specifkd jn tbe notice may cesult in accekrxtbn ot the sums aecurtd _
<br />-,'���:',�:?:;; , by Wis Securlty Instrument and sak of the Property.The notIce shAU further inform Borrower of the right to refnstate
<br />"� '�:k,."' atter s�ccekrallon and the rig6t to br[ng a couM action to assert tbe non•exi�tence of w detault or any other detense ot _
<br /> �"� �'� Borrower to acakratton an�sak.It the default Is not cured on or before the date specitied in the notia,Lenda,�t ita =
<br /> _ '�. �.
<br />�="""�� opdon,may require lmmediate payment in f1d1 of all sume secnred by this Secur[ty Instrument w[thout further demnnd
<br /> -.;�x� .•
<br />�_�<<°,� s�nd may invoke t6e power ot suk and any otber remedtes permitted by applicable lew.Lender shall be endtkd to co _�
<br />��`�'��."��� all expenses tncurred in pursuing the remedi�s provided in thb paraqraph 21,including, but not timtted to,reasonabk °-_.
<br />=+ ' � " attoraeys'fees and costs of title evidence. �`"
<br /> _ If the power ot sak is invoked,Trustee shall record a notke of default in each munty in whk6 any part ot the �`;
<br /> - • Property is locstted and shell mail oopies ot such notice in the manner prescribed by appl�cable Istw to Borrower and to ttie
<br />�' • ot6er persons prescrtbed by applicable law.Aner the time reyuired by applk�bk Iaw,lYustee shall give publk notke ot --
<br /> • sak to the persons and In the manaer prescrlbed by appiicuble law.Trustee,without demand on Borrower,shall sdl the
<br /> . , � Property at public auction to the highest bidder at the time and placc and under the terms designatetl la the notice of sale ••
<br /> �
<br /> Form 30�8�/00
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